Wolf RPG
Phoenix Maplewood Peace for a While Longer - Printable Version

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RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 16, 2016

Esaro pulled her closer, calming her frantic sobs. She sniffled still, but his words had caught her attention. He didnt think her ugly? Surely, he was lying. She looked up at his face with a confused and questioning look in her golden eyes, as if she simply didn't understand. She never forgot the feeling of wolves eyes burning into her, judging her, whispering about her. They treated her as if she was a threat, a freak.... All over looks. 
              "T-Tough? No way. Y-you're just trying to make me feel better."
She shook her head, burying it back into his soft chest fur with a soft sigh.
                       "I don't understand it either, not outside of your own survival.... Bitterness and anger, would be my best guess."
Now that she'd stopped shaking, albeit a few sniffles, it was easier to understand her. Also easier for her to think, giving her a sense of control over herself and her emotions again.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 16, 2016

Grace was calming down therefore allowing him to be at ease. Esaro wasn't joking when he said scars made her look tough. He got one and he'll never for get it. He decided to try to convince that he meant it. "The scar on my right shoulder was a wound that really hurt when I got it. I imagine you had to go through that several times. If you weren't tough then I wouldn't know how you managed to stay sane." That was the truth. Pain wasn't something he enjoyed and he definitely knew how it felt. Grace was covered in scars. Just with that meant she was much tougher than he was. But she did need a break from all that.

Now that he could relax he was starting to feel tired and ready to nap. "I'm sure it's much more complex than that though. I guess we will figure it out one day." He stretched his hind legs out in attempt to get comfortable. "I think a little nap wouldn't hurt. What do you think?" Before trying to sleep he was wondering if Grace had other plans. There was still light out there which meant there was still time to do something useful. Getting comfortable made him to lazy to go back out there.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Grace - April 16, 2016

Grace smiled and reached up, licking his cheek. Her tail wagged behind her as she shifted, laying fully on her side against Esaro in a hope to make them both comfortable. She was a little teary, but it was for pure happiness that also sparked from her pelt. 
       "Thank you, Esaro. That means a lot to me." 
And it did. Coming from a male, who was not just her best but first friend.... It made her worries disappear, if only for a little while. Between that and being emotionally drained, a wide yawn captured her features. Her golden eyes were droopy and, above all, relaxed and happy. She put her head on his paws, rumbling contentedly deep in her chest.
                  "A nap sounds...  Wonderful..  "
By now she was struggling to stay awake, but wanted to make sure Esaro had nothing left to say.

Feel free to end or just archive ☺ They are so incredibly cute.

RE: Peace for a While Longer - Esaro - April 16, 2016

Grace got comfortable instead of what he imagined. That was fine, with her here this was likely going to be the best nap he ever had. She would keep him warm, she made it more comfortable. It would be great if it was something that would last forever. He didn't have anything else to add. He was just glad that Grace believed his words. Trust was very important between friends. He knew the pain of being deceived and he never wanted to be lied to again. His way of dealing with that is to form bonds with everyone. If they could trust him then he could trust them.

In any case the bond he has with Grace felt real enough for him already. Now he needed to keep it. After the nap he'll think of something he could do to keep peace with all packs. Once the pair was settled he closed his eyes and began the nap. This was actually the first time he shared a den with someone that isn't family and to add to that, he was bundled with Grace. He can't say he was used to it but experiencing it did urge him to want to keep it this way. He did prefer this than to be sleeping alone.