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Sunbeam Lair Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Printable Version

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RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - April 29, 2016

@Killdeer A bit of powerplay as you said Jolon could end him, tell me if it's not okay though and I'll gladly change it!

Thunderous paws, the struggling and panting sounds of battle. Everything was so real right now, yet so blurry. A white ghost came running to them, and somewhere Jolon recognized it as Eve. Noctura left and was replaced with the white ghost. Jolon growled, not knowing what was happening yet the adrenaline kept pumping through his veins. It was the same feeling he had had when he had killed some of the invading wolves in his former home. Dangerous, like a true beast, yet so good.

Noctura's words only drove his blood lust further. He thought of Ezimette, not knowing she and Asterr were making their leave, of how the male had tried to fucking rape her or something. This creature didn't deserve to live. With a slight push, he tried to push Eve away. This was on him, he knew. He had to be the one to kill this creature. And with that, his jaws made his way to the struggling man's neck, desperately to penetrate it's air pipe. 

Die, die, die! His screams were muffled yet understandable and with every word, his grip became tighter.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? [Triggers I guess] - Eve - April 29, 2016

She knew the loner was losing. By this point both she and Jolon were just methodically opening and deepening wounds - their opponent looked battered. But Eve wouldn`t stop, her movements robotic. Claw. Bite. Pounce. Snarl. Claw. Bite. Pounce. Snarl.

But when Jolon pushed her aside, Eve understood. Ezimette was his in heart and mind - and so was this stranger, but in a very different way. 

She prowled around to the front of the suffocating prisoner. Her eyes were chips of yellow flint, narrowed in pure hatred as she looked down at the surely-defeated wolf.

Her truth-telling instincts switched on again after the heat of battle, and Eve coldly obliged, spitting out the words she knew were true.

"I cannot lie. You...will never hurt Ezimette again. You will never hurt Jolon or Asterr or any of this wonderful Pack ever again." She continued, emotionless but for the silent tears that ran down her fur. "You are going to die. Jolon is going to kill you. You are going to die a horrible death, and nowolf will help you, because you are primitive enough to think a crime natural - but civilised enough to know your evil." she stated matter-of-factly. "So if hatred is a sin," like they told me, "then I`ll meet you in hell, you fucking twisted bastard."

And with that, she spat a ball of blood and saliva at the would-be rapist, nodded to Jolon and the huge warrior in turn and padded away, weeping silently for what she had done.

Such emotion! Exit Eve :) Nice meeting you, Sunnydeer.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Killdeer Doragon - May 01, 2016

  He heard the male's screams and the female's shaming and felt sick. Why? Why would Eztra do such a terrible thing as to join a pack, after leaving him in the dust! He watched as she took leave and his eyes glazed over with pain and sadness combined. "I...will..always love..you Eztra...you are always mine..." And with those final words, his skull exploded with dark and his audits flopped, along with his limbs. Good night brother Kurai and Sister Tsuki...Goodnight my lost love...I am the one who truly claimed you, no matter what...

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - May 01, 2016

Just me and Jolon left in this thread, I believe~ :)

Had Noctura not already been very well-acquainted with violence in all its sundry forms, he would have found this sight a terror. He had seen and committed violence before, but never — ever — this hateful. As Jolon and Eve tore apart the wolf that had threatened their friend, it seemed almost as if they were murdering him with an emotion that was neither wild nor civilised. For Noctura knew what it was like to be driven by instinct, and this wasn't it. This was hate and revenge, and, in truth, it was disastrous: Jolon screamed "die die die", and the arctic female, Eve, spat on the corpse when she was done. Noctura looked at her impassively, and then looked at Jolon, who stood over his deceased enemy.

Come, Jolon, he said in his deep voice. Wash, and be rested. I'll take the carcass beyond the borders and let the scavengers deal with what's left.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - May 01, 2016

The man spoke, faint words that only angered Jolon more. Her name wasn't Eztra! She was Ezimette! Or... was she hiding something? No, no she would never. She would've told him. Right? He trusted her, more than this male. She wasn't this man's, yet she wasn't Jolon's either... She was of his home, she was of Asterr, that was good enough.

Blood filled his mouth. The iron taste of the red liquid from one of his own was a disgusting thought, but he couldn't help but gulp it down as the life ebbed out of the man's body. The rapist that had tried to take his girl. He let go, his mouth sore from the biting down and struggling. His tongue almost felt numb, and he let the blood covered muscle hang out of his mouth. He licked his lips, listening to the words Eve was speaking. She was right, she was a hundred percent right. He panted, not believing what he had done. It wasn't the first life he had taken, but this one wasn't in defense. Not fully. Last time it was to protect his home, this time it was because of anger, frustration. No, to protect the white ghost...

He looked up when Noctura spoke, surprised the brute was still around since all of the other's had left them. Ezimette? He looked around, shocked, searching for his girl. Where's Ezimette? He panicked, ignoring his brother's instructions. He jumped to his feet, sniffing the ground in a desperate attempt to find her.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - May 01, 2016

Noctura knew what it was like to be consumed by aggression, but not by emotion. This was the second time he'd seen Jolon in such a state, and while the first time he had been curious by such expression now he was simply concerned for him. She is safe with Asterr, he reassured him. He got the impression that Ezi would want Jolon near her, but with feelings so high Noctura knew such a reunion would be... dramatic to say the least. But he was in no position to give advice. Without the stars to guide him, that was not his way. But there was one tip he had for the man: If you're going straight to Ezimette, I do think you should stop by the river first. She wouldn't want to see you all covered in blood, would she.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - May 02, 2016

Where had she gone? Why would she just leave him there to kill? Why had no one stopped him from doing it?! Jolon paced around nervously, sniffing the ground only to pick up the scent of Ezimette and the sweet scent of heat. Asterr knew huh? Clever little alpha. And the dead man must have known it too. Jolon turned around to face noctura, covered in blood and still panting.

Where did they go? Why did they go? He questioned, but knew Noc couldn't have all the answers. He paced around again, licking up as much blood from his muzzle as possible. What had he done? He looked up at the advice of Noctura and then down at his fur that was now sticking together because of the blood.

Right, right. He spoke, looking around to figure where again the river was.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - May 02, 2016

Although bright of mind and full of good intentions, Noctura was not entirely sure what to do here. His deep voice was soothing, but he wasn't equipped for emotional support. The physical danger was gone now, though he sensed the turmoil that seethed in his brother's soul and sympathised greatly. Do you want me to stay with you? he asked, one large forepaw hovering in mid-air as he waited for Jolon's word.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - May 02, 2016

While not in battle shock anymore, Jolon felt awfully dreadful. He had taken a life today, he had wiped away a soul of the mountains. But it was a bad one. He did not know if the Gods would be punishing him for it, nor did he know if they even existed. He looked at his brother, confused, lost.

To his question, he nodded, not speaking a word anymore. He didn't know where the river was, so maybe it was good to have Noctura join him on this. Otherwise, he would get lost -if he wasn't already-.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - May 02, 2016

He was somewhat reluctant to leave behind the corpse — what if young Leo stumbled across the gruesome sight? — but he would get back to it shortly. His packmate needed him. So Noctura led the way towards the river. He was unsure what to say, cautious that any musing he might give might cause harm to Jolon's delicate psyche, so, as they walked and he noticed how dark the sky was getting, the constant skygazer simply remarked upon it. The stars are out. Life, despite everything, was still beautiful.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - May 05, 2016

Jolon's twitching body followed the dark pelt of his brother, eyes darting around, still recovering from the shock of murder. It was getting dark, not only the sky, but Jolon's thoughts as well. Would Asterr appreciate his deeds, the deeds he had done to protect his home- to protect his love? Or would she be mad at him for merely killing? He didn't know, but feared the worst.

The stars are never out. Jolon whispered, feet sloppily slapping against the earth. He wondered how far the river was, for the drying blood began to itch.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - May 06, 2016

Noctura had never been close enough to anyone to comfort them in their sorrow, and so despite his emotional intelligence he did not know how to behave here. So he was simply himself, leading Jolon onwards so they could wash, and asking in quiet surprise — what do you mean?

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - May 06, 2016

Jolon nipped at his sides and licked his lips to calm some of the itching. With it, the itching stopped for a few moments in which he could say something. They will always be there to guide us, even when we cannot see them. He spoke softly, whispering his words to not anger anyone here- not even the stars above.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - May 06, 2016

Jolon's words were unexpected, and Noctura stopped to turn and regard the black wolf. A curious observation, he replied quietly, frowning faintly in interest. I didn't know you had so much respect for the heavens. He was impressed.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - May 06, 2016

The brute chuckled softly. I have respect for all I can see from atop the mountain. He responded. It was true, he did respect anything on and off the mountain which he called home. Every soul, even the one from the man who had tried to rape his love, had his respect until they did something unforgivable.

Are we almost there? He asked, wanting to go to Ezimette as soon as possible.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - May 06, 2016

The chuckle was another surprise, given the situation, and Noctura made no reply. It was a good way to live, however: respect for all things living, and in that group Noctura included the stars.

We're here, he replied when they got moving again and passed a clump of bowed trees. He sat by, tall and stoic, as Jolon washed, and after a moment said to him: Which reminds you of Ezimette? He was referring to the stars above. He believed Jolon loved the young female, and that meant a star shone for them both.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - May 06, 2016

They went further, passing some trees that would be barren soon, and finally the sound of streaming water filled the thick air. He grinned like a madman, speeding up to clean as fast as he could. He splashed in the cold water, shivering as he did, and he watched the red wash out of his coat. Oh holy mother of...! He gasped. Coooold! He yelled, getting out of the river as soon as he was clean.

Shivering, he stood there, now realizing it had been a dumb move to jump in like that. Oh well, it was just water. The bright one, in the north. He answered, his eyes drifting to the spot in the sky where it always was. It reminds me of the twinkle in her eyes... He added with a sigh. He shook his fur dry, water droplets maybe even finding their way to Noc if he wasn't all too far away. He took a few steps in the direction they had come from, ready to leave to meet Ezimette.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Noctura - May 06, 2016

Up to you if you want to continue this thread and tag Ezimette/Asterr, or start a new one, but that's Noctura out! :)

Despite everything, he couldn't help but smile at Jolon's antics. He was such a curious wolf, his brother. He'd shown manic hate barely an hour ago, but now here he was being just a bit silly in the cold water.

Noctura gazed skywards and nodded his approval at Jolon's choice. The North star. That was its name, and of course he would pick the brightest star for the brightest person in his life.

When Jolon emerged and was clean, Noctura stood too — but to go in a different direction. I have to deal with the mess, Jolon. You go ahead.

With that, he turned to leave. He would drag the attacker's corpse far over the borders for the scavengers, then return to Ryūjin and... yes... consult the stars. For one of the many events that had happened today was that Noctura had resisted his violent instinct. This was an achievement worth thinking about.

RE: Where can I find the green eyed ghost? - Jolon - May 06, 2016

I'll archive! :D

He nodded at his brother, the one who's place in the pack he desired but wouldn't steal. He would get there, one day, as long as he kept working. 

He turned his head to see Noctura leaving and he whispered; Thank you. Maybe it was loud enough for the other brute to hear, but he doubted it. jolon's drenched body made it's way to where he had last scented his little ghost and was now on a mission.