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Hushed Willows It worked...! I mean-- of course, it worked! - Printable Version

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RE: It worked...! I mean-- of course, it worked! - Stark - May 24, 2016

The if was huge. He didn't exactly plan on trotting back to his family, finding them perhaps doing just fine without him. That would be just as bad. He was admittedly afraid of that possibility. He sighed softly, choosing another tree to christen before he followed after Trick, taking in what he said. "I've got some I'm close to." He admitted. He paused as Trick finished with his tree before they made their way along the borders more. 

"I've been alone for about six months." He explained. "Soul status, that's debatable. It's all growth, right now." He said evenly. "So...how did you come to the Keep?" He asked, happy to change the focus from his family onto something far more neutral.

RE: It worked...! I mean-- of course, it worked! - Trick - May 25, 2016

Trick nodded approvingly, not paying much attention at this point anymore. Thinking about his family- his real one- only brought pain. Returning was no option, he was certain everything was still destroyed there. Perhaps Odin had led them all away from the place Wylie had betrayed. Perhaps it had been a little selfish. He was just jealous while they had taken him in, cared for him, fed him, taught him. But that was before the bullying, the name-calling, the schemes. Perhaps he was better off alone after all. This year alone hadn't been all that bad. Caring for the sick on his ways, learning more about nature than ever.

Not such an interesting story, really. Trick shrugged, marking a few spots as they kept walking. I... left my pack at the age of, well, I'd say one and a half. I traveled through wide fields, over mountains, through deep forests and dark woods. Along rivers, under the light of a thousand stars, heard a thousand bird songs in the foggy mornings. Near the coast, over wet sand, smelled the salty smell of the sea and saw a lot of beautiful sunrises as well as sunsets. He told his story, getting carried away quite a bit. He cleared his throat as he noticed this. On my journey, I learned a lot about plants, herbs, poisons, and I used this to help weary travelers as well as pack wolves on my way. I finally settled here, and well, here I am now.

RE: It worked...! I mean-- of course, it worked! - Stark - May 29, 2016

It was impressive what Trick knew, what he had learned in his time alone. Stark was curious of course and he pressed on, wanting more information from the male but there was time. No need to bombard him right then. "I spent most of my energies while I was alone learning how to track and hunt alone. Fishing, trapping - stuff like that. The plants though, it's definitely interesting to me, just didn't find many people who knew more than what to avoid." He had been alone long enough that he'd made due, his size given the state of the Wilds proved that enough. 

"I left about the same age. I'm not gonna say it's for everyone, but, I've learned more than I ever would had I stayed." Stark said evenly, pausing only to anoint another rock. He kept up with Trick, offering a small grin to the male. "Thanks for inviting me along, by the way." He wasn't sure if he'd actually shown his appreciation or not. 

RE: It worked...! I mean-- of course, it worked! - Trick - May 30, 2016

Hunting was not one of Trick's best skills, but his years alone had proven that his agile body was capable of feeding it's own. Fishing he had done before also, but firstly he wasn't keen on the taste, despite him liking the pirate way, and secondly he wasn't very good at it. He remembered how he had failed so miserably with, what was her name again? Gypsy? Whatever. The only thing that mattered was that he fell in the water. Kunkun has also some knowledge on poisons. I know she's teaching Nova, perhaps you can join her? With Kunkun he meant Kunik, but he was so used to his made-up nickname he had almost forgotten her real name. If not, I can teach you and Grace. He added, not wanting to seem like a lazy ass who didn't want to share his knowledge with the pack. We have found a cave, one where we store herbs, have fresh water and nicely spun cobwebs. Perhaps we can have classes there.

Leaving sure opens a lot of doors, but you also close many behind you. Trick spoke, and noticed they had almost made a full patrol today. Time flew fast when chatting, apparently. The more the merrier. He said with a small, marking a rock that was in his way and bugged for some reason. 

RE: It worked...! I mean-- of course, it worked! - Stark - May 30, 2016

they're gonna have to have a new thread now that Cap is on the scene >:D

The prospects of knowledge always made him happy, learning was something that Stark never wanted to stop. He'd soak up everything he could. "I'll have to sit in on the lessons, then." He said fondly. He'd find something to pay Trick back, as it was Stark didn't like the idea of being indebted to anyone and if he gave something in return for getting something it felt a bit more even. He could handle that, no matter how undeniably awkward it could be in the process. Some folks were too gracious, denying the work of others, some to eager to profit of it. 

Stark nodded as Trick spoke, it was an uneasy thing to consider. He'd made his choice though and for the most part he was pleased with it, given how his life had turned out. He had no regrets, and that was the most important thing. "I wouldn't change anything." Well - anything except maybe making Banner go with him. He couldn't do that, though, she was her own woman and he was proud of her for it. "Is there a time you usually run them? Might join you again, if that's alright."

RE: It worked...! I mean-- of course, it worked! - Trick - May 31, 2016

Learning was something that was necessary for one as small as Trick, for if he didn't have knowledge, he would just be a rabbit with fangs. Fast, for sure, but dumb enough to get caught by even dumber wolves and foxes. He almost shivered at the thought. Definitely. Trick agreed. Though we might want to wait until after the green grows back. He said with a sad smile, marking some other spots he found were nice or just annoying. 

Choices were made to please oneself, and therefore could never ben classified as right or wrong, except for when one was told to pick something they'd rather not. And sometimes it was just fate working her magic. And what a magic it fucking was. Taking his parent before even properly meeting them, placing him in the hands of Odin and Frigga, beside Thor. He snorted softly, almost growing unaware of the stalking presence that was Stark. Then I guess you should not dwell on the past too much. He spoke. 

He noticed they were almost done, and could almost see the point where they had started. Good, he did not want to talk about his past anymore. It was time to look to the future and slam it right in the face. Almost every morning. He answered truthfully. And of course, the more the merrier they say.  

RE: It worked...! I mean-- of course, it worked! - Stark - May 31, 2016

"Probably will make it much easier." Stark teased pleasantly, offering the male an easy smile. He found himself comfortable around Trick, the man was of good spirits and while he'd gotten Stark to open up about his family without feeling like they'd gone too far. "I'll trade my best efforts not to roll over and squish you in my sleep." he offered with a bright smile. 

Mornings were good for him. He gave a nod, confirming that he would join Trick from time to time. "Hm, I'll see about bringing some breakfast for you, then." Stark offered to the dark male. When they'd finished their lap Stark stretched a bit, offering a toothy grin to him. "I'll catch you in a couple days, then." Stark wouldn't promise to join every morning, but, the next time he did show up as promised with a fish for breakfast from what he'd caught with Kunik and Grace. 

figured it was a good stopping point before Stark comes whining at Trick!

RE: It worked...! I mean-- of course, it worked! - Trick - June 01, 2016

Trick was not at all good of spirits, not really. His blabbering and positive words were a mask he hid himself under to appear friendly enough to talk and tell secrets to. Had it not been for this mask he was wearing, everyone would declare him evil. And though he thought he was, deep within his small frame he knew better. What did one expect from a small wolf that had lost their real parents to the ones who told him they were his family after the assault? Surely not much. He chuckled at Stark's comment, though he really didn't like being called small which Stark was probably hinting at. I'd appreciate that.

They were back at the place they had started, and Trick stopped and turned to the shadow that had been following for quite a while now. He shook his head with a gentle smile. You better keep your food to you. I'll manage. Trick said. Despite his tiny frame, he'd rather do stuff on his own. Plus, this way he would not have to return the favor.

He gave a formal bow to the man as a goodbye, the well-behaved man he was, and shook his silky obsidian fur for a dramatic effect. I'll be looking forward to protect this land with you again. He spoke softly in a soft honey hum. Until tonight. For, of course, all marauders slept in the same cave.