Wolf RPG
Moonspear All around the mulberry bush - Printable Version

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RE: All around the mulberry bush - Heldi - June 11, 2016

"There were these big tooth shaped rocks, big and spiny looking, I wasn't paying attention and I slipped on some rubble. I hit one of the tooth rock thingies and BAM!" Heldi gestured to her shoulder, feeling like an idiot for having such a mishap. 

Truth be told, hunger had been making her dizzy which in turn led to her slipping and ripping her shoulder open on the mountainside. If you wanted to get technical the famine was to blame and not Heldi. But still, she felt like a novice for slipping.

RE: All around the mulberry bush - Dash - June 14, 2016

His expression turned into a frown as he imagined Heldi getting gashed by the rocks. He had some accidents in his days, but the wounds he suffered from altercations with other wolves were the worst. Still, he couldn't remember having anything like what she did. I suppose it looks like it's healing well, though I'm no caregiver, he commented.

 He didn't think there was any blame to place when it came to accidents. Things just happened, and they happened to everyone. The fact he hadn't even noticed her limp hopefully meant it didn't affect her very much. He wasn't sure what the Alpha's would think about her being injured if she couldn't provide for at least herself, especially since the Omega was here now. Thankfully, it didn't seem to be an issue for Heldi. You wanna patrol with me for a while? he asked. He needed to get back to them, but wasn't quite ready to leave her. 

Fade soon? We'll need a new thread! ^_^

RE: All around the mulberry bush - Heldi - June 15, 2016

sure, reply again or archive of you want

Heldi nodded, knowing that she wouldn't be limping about much longer. The wound was already well on its way. The scab was thick and would take much prying for even the smallest bit to come off, Heldi was careful not to mess with it whatsoever. Soon it would scar and that would be the end of it, a reminder of her past.

"Sure!" With an excited wag of her tail, Heldi followed after Dash to patrol. She liked spending time with him and wouldn't mind doing so while keeping an eye out for intruders and the like.