Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain Go on, give it all you got - Printable Version

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RE: Go on, give it all you got - Ezekiel - June 19, 2016

Finally it seemed Steady calmed down a bit. The black wolf relaxed his muscles and spoke without a snarl plastered on his face. And better yet, he believed Zeke, saying he knew that the Manchester would never intentionally hurt a pack mate. The relief of the fact set in and Ezekiel allowed himself to rise just a bit. Of course not too much, he definitely didn't want to instigate another show down. Now Steady's attention was on Niita, the girl he liked, but there was a challenging tension between the two. Surely they wouldn't fight?

Steady didn't show any signs of aggression, in fact he smirked a bit. Ezekiel stepped back, giving them some space and watched carefully. Niita got in a very submissive state, and to Zeke's surprise, barred him her neck. This was only getting crazier.

RE: Go on, give it all you got - Steady - June 19, 2016

In the corner of his eye, he seen Ezekiel shift after assuring him he was not in trouble. Steady knew Ezekiel was a friend, but he also knew spars could get out of hand. Whatever had happened here, whatever had made Niita freak was, by her own admission, not the other male's fault. Steady accepted that. 

While he admired her stubbornness and dedication to not let another be punished for her reaction, Steady wasn't sure about how he felt about her literally stepping before him. She was submissive, yes, but she was still in his way, blocking him. She exposed her neck, silently accepting whatever punishment he seemed fit to give her. He lowered his closed muzzle to her neck, his breath shifting her fur there. But, he did not move to grab her. I admire your will to protect those who do not deserve a punishment, he said, his voice low, calm. And while you're always free to say whatever you want, you should not physically place yourself before me if I have deemed them fit to be punished. He retreated a few steps, and was ready to leave the two to their own devices, but he waited to see if either had anything else to say, especially since Niita didn't seem shy about voicing her opinion.

RE: Go on, give it all you got - Niita - June 19, 2016

last from me

Niita waited, restraining a flinch when his muzzle touched her neck. Her muscles tensed in preparation of the bite that was sure to come, but it did not. Instead a warning was murmured against her fur, one she nodded in response to.

Steady backed away, Niita holding in a breath of relief. She found she couldn't look at either of them without being embarrassed. Waiting until it seemed okay for her to leave, Niita padded away without a word.

RE: Go on, give it all you got - Ezekiel - June 19, 2016

Last from me! Steady you can either post again or just archive <3

Ezekiel watched with worry in his eyes as Steady bent his head down over Niita's neck. He didn't think the black wolf would do anything, he knew of his and Niita's relationship. But what if he did. The tension was bitter in the air until Steady spoke, only a movement away from the female's exposed neck. He wasn't angry, and she was given no punishment. Zeke was glad, he would've felt horrible if she'd gotten in trouble. After Steady backed away, the three wolves stared for a moment. Niita was first to go, and Zeke followed, yet going in his own direction. What a day.

RE: Go on, give it all you got - Steady - June 19, 2016

He felt better at having given the warning instead of anything more harsh. Ezekiel had really done nothing wrong, after all, except maybe get a little rough, Steady assumed, anyways. He knew how the other male sparred, and maybe that wasn't Niita's style. 

She had nothing more to say to him, and neither did Ezekiel. Steady silently watched them go in separate directions before turning and going his own, following neither of them.