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Moonspear This Is Just a Dream - Printable Version

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RE: This Is Just a Dream - Charon - July 21, 2016

i watched a movie the other day where brothers continually asked each other horrible kinds of questions along these lines, haha

Her taken aback face was brilliant — Charon stiffled a chuckle because he didn't want to totally laugh in her face about it. She might not reply, then. Charon had actually never played this game before, but he was thinking maybe he ought to play it with all of the newcomers, just to test what sort he had going on.

After she eventually spluttered out an aswer — better yet, a well-founded answer with argumentation and all that — and he stiffled another chuckle, she returned the question to him. Of course, that wasn't really how the game worked, so he wasn't going to answer it (though he felt that she had chosen well).

"That's not how it works," he said, "You can't just re-use someone else's questions, you've got to use your own creativity. Though I can say I think you chose well." He grinned and waited to see if she would pick a new question or stray away from this mind game now.

RE: This Is Just a Dream - Pyx - July 21, 2016

haha, oh the peer pressure she's feeling! She's going to be sorely disapointed the first time she tries to play with anyone else after this. "You mean it's not a game?"

She could see the amusement lighting up his face at her reaction, and she couldn't help but crack a slight smile in response. It was entirely ridiculous the words that came from her mouth, horrible and ridiculous. If this was a pack game, though, she wasn't going to insult the traditions. She was confused when he told her she wasn't playing right, he couldn't answer the same question. Did that mean she had to think of her own? Shit.

She shook her head, still shocked, but a small smile played on her lips. At least he approved of her answer. It had made sense to her, in her mind. His voice fell silent and he regarded her expectantly and she sputtered again, trying to think of something to ask. "Uh, er...well....would you rather....erm....only be able to drink, ah, fresh urine from the...well, source for the rest of your life or...." The or was troubling her, she'd simply tried to think of the grossest thing she could. Her mind swirled. "Or....have a snake nest in your ass for the rest of your life, coming and going as it pleases?" She didn't often like to curse, it had been something her parents had scolded her for. She'd found no word that had seemed to really fit there though. She blinked up at Charon with a pained expression, honestly more surprised she'd thought of this question than the one he had asked before.

She hoped it was suitable, gross enough and undesirable enough. The logistics of both were troubling to her. She smiled, half bemused and half still almost pained looking.

RE: This Is Just a Dream - Charon - July 22, 2016

lmao, i'm looking forward to reading that! this should become msp's offical game, it's so good XD. let's finish this? but i'd love a new thread sometime (you can scoop up the AW thread i've got up if you want :) ).

Charon looked at her face with anticipation while she tried to come up with something. She looked terribly uncomfortable, which was the whole point of the thing. He enjoyed the fact that she was the uncomfortable one being asked and having to come up with the questions.

Eventually she came up with the questions, though she flowered up the first one. He wasn't sure where the urine was supposed to come from but as soon as she had mentioned the snakes he said: "Urine! Definitely the urine." He chuckled, finding this new game fun — he ought to play this with Flóki and Dash some time, too.

"Well, I'll leave you be for now. It's been fun, we should play this again sometime." He grinned and waited a moment before departing, just in case she had any questions.

RE: This Is Just a Dream - Pyx - July 22, 2016

Yes that would be great! Same here! I'll try to get a post up to it today!

His answer was quick and full of laughter. He didn't even really have to explain it, either, she'd have chosen the urine too. She let out her own laugh and wagged her tail. "You don't want to have a friend with you all the time?" She said, meaning the snake. While the game was gross and out of her comfort zone she had to admit that it had definitely loosened her up.

He said that he'd leave her alone and she nodded. "Thank you for the company, and the strange questions. We should play again, I'll try to work on some questions for you." She had no questions for him so simply dipped her head. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Charon. I look forward to more chats." The funny thing was, she was looking forward to speaking again, even to playing this game again. She'd not had friends for a long time, and she hoped this was the start of one.