Wolf RPG
Two Rivers Isle One's loss, another's gain - Printable Version

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RE: One's loss, another's gain - Shink - July 26, 2016

His canines were still latched deep into minimal yet tender fleshed that covered the bears paw when the beast fell, presumably taken out by either Malice or Aeronwyn. From his position at the creatures side, his copper pools peered over the bedraggled limb to stare at the silver vixen as she turned the throat of the fallen scavenger into a mangled carnage, his body quivering with a sense of pride and realisation as he watched her stand before her work. A cry of victory broke him from his trance and he twisted his head to land his gaze upon Burke's greyscale form, a muffled snarling howl of his own erupting from his lungs as he watched the brute draw near. With the bloodlust and adrenaline beginning to fade from his body, he unhooked his fangs from the bears paw, drawing in shaky breaths as he relaxed down onto the blood-stained ground, his muzzle settling between his forepaws as he drew his tail in close to observe the rest of the group. His eyes fell upon the dark dame and her brood yet he stayed put, not yet craving the desire and need to physically make sure they were alive and well but instead silently relieved that they were ok. He let his vision travel from the trio to where Burke was feasting. Since the urge to kill had calmed down after the beasts death, his appetite had too; a nauseous feeling filling his stomach instead of the urge to eat. A rough sigh escaped his maw as he raised his head and waited for his leaders to take their fill as well as Aeronwyn. Perhaps his hunger would get the better of him.

RE: One's loss, another's gain - Aeronwyn - July 28, 2016

Aeronwyn did not eat immideitly, worrying over the pups. But when Burke sounded off a howl, she relaxed, for surely he would not be howling so should Vassago by horribly wounded or dead. But she managed only a few mouthfuls before guilt set in. She motioned to Shink to take her place at the carcass, feeling full anyways, before grabbing a final chunk of flesh and making to sit near the pups, wary, eye's flickering to Vassago's prone form and his injuries. 

Then, she vowed to never be surprised by the boys again, never be caught unawares. And when Vassago was old enough, she would teach him; of fighting and defense and when you should just fucking run. Obviously, the pup needed the lesson.

Today, the pack would feast, and though one of their own had become injured, and Aeronwyn dearly wished it had been her instead of a child, this could not be helped. Their little band would be well fed for many days, they would grow stronger with this encounter, uniting themselves and growing as a group.