Wolf RPG
Ghost Lion Crag The Hunt is ON! - Printable Version

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RE: The Hunt is ON! - Darsal - July 07, 2016

Although Shalon dismissed her offer, Darsal would still pick a few leaves on the way home to stave off infection from the wound. Yes, the cut could turn out to be nothing, but it could also poison her blood, however rife the chances of that were.
Darsal crept toward the herd of sheep, moving slowly but with certainty. Her gaze scanned the animals individually, looking for any signs of injury or illness. After a few seconds, she saw it: there was a pair of Bighorn lambs sparring on the outer vicinity of the herd. A path, though rocky, led upward to the ridge on which they played. Darsal's ears pricked with interest.
She crept along the ledge, heading up to the lambs. The pair hadn't seemed to notice a dangerous presence just yet. As she peered over the highest stones, she saw her chance. One sheep had its back turned to her, blocking the other lamb's view of her. Without hesitation, Darsal sprang from her position, needing only a bound before sinking her teeth into the lamb's hind leg. 
The lambs had obviously seen her when Darsal had attacked, but they had been frozen in place for too long. The sheep screeched in its struggle, unable to run with its leg caught in Darsal's jaws. The other lamb, unhurt, fled down the path, just above the ridge where Shalon was last seen. 
Darsal twisted her head sharply, breaking the lamb's leg so that it couldn't run. Mercifully, though, she killed it seconds after.

RE: The Hunt is ON! - Shalon - July 07, 2016

Shalon's ears perked forward and her head shot up when she heard the screetch of a young lamb. She had seen Darsal head off a different direction, and assumed that she had simply been more fruitful. She gave a small shruge and was going to continue her search when a another juvenial lamb came over a hill and ran toward her. It hadn't seen her, and was to young to realise that wolves hunt in packs. Crouching low Shalon waited, if it continued running toward this direction it would run straight past her. The rest of the herd had scattered to the cliffs leaving the young sheep to fend for itself.

It didn't see Shalon, and as such she lunged when it was at the right position. Her jaws connected around the lambs neck. Cutting through its windpipe and cutting off the air supply. Shalon pulled it down to the ground, once their she broke it's neck with a quick flick of her head. They had done it, this in conjunction with the bear they had brought down would last them for a week or so. Shalon looked toward the sky, gauging what time it was. They could eat when they got back.

Shalon dragged the carion toward Darsal, and yelled toward her, "Darsal, lets get going. We have done what we set out to do. Let's head home, eh?"