Wolf RPG
Horizon Ridge Watch me Dancing - Printable Version

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RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 22, 2014

"Shush," Pump growled at Thistle, trying to focus and determine, whether they were in danger or not. From her experience bears were quite dangerous, if they were hungry, and early spring was just the time, when they were the most aggressive. They only appeared clumsy, but could run quite fast.

She beckoned the girl to follow, as she herself sniffed the fresh tracks and moved as quietly as possible. There was a tree in their way, where the large creature had left deep claw marks, scattering bark and pieces of wood around. "He is big," she said, drawing her packmate's attention to the height, where the bear had left the marks.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 22, 2014

Thistle immediately hushed and followed behind pump, not entirely certain they should continue on towards the bear but rather away from it, but who was she to make any decisions or question PUmp's. She titled her head and measured the marks as Pump did and she said quietly, "I'll say he is. Then she fell silent again waiting for the other to decide what to do and how to do it.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 22, 2014

Pump didn't have time to say anything else to the healer, because she heard a noise of breaking branches and the rustling of the dried grass, as someone big and heavy was coming in their direction. There - several feet away her gaze was met by the king of the forest himself. The bear was indeed big, he had stopped in his tracks and his dark gaze was fixed on the two wolves standing in the distance. Pump froze too, the fur along her spine bristled, teeth bared and growling.

For what seemed like an eternity, but probably lasted a lot less, the silence was broken by the roar of the beast and he came charging directly at them. "I say - we run now," she told Thistle in a haste and ran for her life.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 22, 2014

Thistle's eyes went wide when she saw the bear and she mirrored her leader with growl and baring her teeth, but as the bear came towards them she took her leader's advice soundly.

Turning swiftly she tore up the ground her breath was ragged as she fought to push herself to the limit, bears could be fast if warranted and if they were hungry. She wasn't sure how hungry this one was, he may have just woken up from hibernating and she was worried very very worried. She really wished Bjorn (pretty sure he still is by that on this timeline) or Gavrill were there now.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 23, 2014

With the corner of her eye Pump registered that Thistle had taken her advice and was running not too far behind her. She was younger than the wolf-dog, therefore no doubt that she could keep up the speed for some time, because from what she could hear, the bear was not going to give up easily.

She quickened her step, as they neared their borders and felt a sense of relief, once they were within the range of their home. This didn't mean that the chase was over, but this gave them an advantage of knowing the lands better than their pursuer.

"Thistle - go there," she beckoned in the direction of the denning area. "I will lead the beast away," Pump sounded more confident than she felt. There was no plan either - she relied on pure luck and hope that odds were in her favor.

ooc: I think we can fade this thread out here and have another one, which takes place after the meeting. Thistle and Pump need to sort things out.

RE: Watch me Dancing - Thistle Cloud - April 23, 2014

Thistle was torn but she knew to listen she nodded and spoke through baited breath "Okay be careful Pump I do not wish to heal you all over again this soon. She ran towards the dening area at a fast pace her mind only on one thing her alpha's safety.

OOC: okay :) would you like to start or Thistle?

RE: Watch me Dancing - Pump - April 23, 2014

ooc: you can start, if you wish - I won't be able to do it today.

Pump, however, stopped briefly to get the bear's attention to her and divert him from any intention of going after the lithe healer. Her plan worked, because it seemed that the big guy had been determined to deal with her from the very beginning. Despite the grave situation she was in, the wolf-dog felt an odd sense of excitement. She was not up to foolish tasks and yet this seemed like the ultimate challenge. If she could outrun him unharmed and lead him away at the same time, she would have accomplished something noteworthy.

She let out a low growl and then began to run again, leading the enraged animal further and further away from their lands.