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Silvertip Mountain I feel so unstable when it's out on the table - Printable Version

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RE: I feel so unstable when it's out on the table - Steady - August 09, 2016

He chuckled as he realized she was joking. Well, your history speaks volumes, he said with a grin. He didn't think she would slip up again, knowing it was mostly a thing between her and Ezekiel. He had come to put it aside, figuring the two were working it out in their own way. 

He nodded. Yes, a big deal, but not big work. Just make sure that our scents are strong and nothing dangerous has come into the territory. If it has, howl for me. They hadn't had anything major come in since that cougar when Mason was young. It had tried to take him, but thankfully the pack had won that fight. Steady had gone out searching for that cougar, but had never found it, and it had never returned. Still, it was a reminder to him about how important these patrols were. 

He went on quietly for a little while, marking when he felt the need. When the patrol was over, he let Anita know he was going to go rest and made his way to the den.

Fade with yours?

RE: I feel so unstable when it's out on the table - Anita - August 11, 2016

She grinned back. "I suppose it does." It was almost embarrassing, remembering her pesky comments and unparalleled mockery. In a way, she almost missed it, though the chances of her admitting that were slim despite her talk with Steady. 

"I'm glad it's not too much work -- though not like I'm lazy or anything," Anita laughed, finishing up her job before turning back to her Alpha. He was beginning to walk back to his den, and she figured the job was done. Overall, Anita had had a good time with Steady, and it made her feel a hell of a lot better.