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Shadow Mountain tell me what color the sun really is - Printable Version

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RE: tell me what color the sun really is - Asterr - July 31, 2016

With every thrust of his hips, she'd been made to fight against stumbling forward. Despite his tight grip around her waist, she was still smaller than he, and far easier to be pushed around. There was no restraint in the way he moved, she could feel it, and the reasoning for his approval had started to dawn on her. He possessed strength, physically, which she was lacking in. Though there also thrived his ability to maintain control, as had been demonstrated prior to her breaking his chains. There was a reason they had been drawn together, as well as why she'd reached out to him. Her discovery, however, had been torn away and replaced by an absence of everything as they'd connected.

Asterr had reached her breaking point, body quaking with pleasure and legs weakening, only to realize that he was not yet done with her. Unlike with those that she'd encountered prior, he had not stopped nor even slowed. He'd kept going, rather, and the tugging sensation nearly had her yelping out of uncertainty and discomfort. Yet, not a single sound had managed to slip past her lips, for she'd kept her jaws clamped shut to prevent her voice from escaping. If Draco had encouraged her to near him, then surely the dragon was aware of what the male could do, and so that meant she'd simply have to bite the bullet until he felt satisfied.

RE: tell me what color the sun really is - Ukko - July 31, 2016

It is soon his movements become erratic and short, his body rushing to a sudden stop. One last thrust, bringing them as close as he can possibly achieve, and holding her there until his body remembers how to move again. He slumps, heaves a breath, and tries to keep his weight even but struggles in the position he's in. His nose rests against the back of her neck, pulse is loud in his ear and for a few seconds it's all he can focus on. Whatever restraint he'd had moments ago had long since flown out the window and he's not entirely sure he'll be able to get it back. 

His nose presses against her, nuzzling with a gentleness he's not been able to show her before. A quiet whine slips the cover, eyes heavy lidded and closing, and he slowly lets himself drape to one side. Still quite unsteady, he depends on her balance for a moment as he brings his nose alongside her neck this time and nibbles against her fur. His breathing becomes slow and rigid at times, leaning into her again in as much of an apology he can muster. His claim is not forgotten, the longer they remain together solidifies them as one, but the more his high drops, the more he realizes the extent of his damage.

RE: tell me what color the sun really is - Asterr - July 31, 2016

She'd not needed to wait it out for much longer before his movements had stopped, and she'd been able to open her mouth so that a breath could escape. Beneath his motionless weight she'd shifted, though the discomfort felt had yet to fade away. Still, nothing was said in regards to his actions. She'd turned her head against his touch, looking towards the back of the cave whilst attempting to ignore him. Her decision to do so had quickly been forgotten when a silent apology was extended, however, coaxed into forgiving him with ease. She had not been permanently injured, which was all that mattered—as was what she'd told herself.

"Become my second," her words were sudden, spoken with a single exhale and in a hushed tone. He was there for a reason, and so she'd not let him slip away. By weighing him down with some sort of responsibility, she'd hoped to make him stay until death, for such was something she'd not been able to do with Noctura.

RE: tell me what color the sun really is - Ukko - July 31, 2016

When she turns away from him, there’s an inkling of worry that he’d lost his chance. His purpose, gone in a flash when he’d been unable to hold himself back. He’s soothed, for a brief moment, when she finally turns back and accepts the silent apology. His tail swishes once behind him, causing a sway in his hips that sinks his stomach about his balance but he withstands the urge to drop to the ground and instead holds her just a little tighter.

The request is met with silence, but not unheard, and he’s trying to sort his thoughts. He’s reeling from thinking he’d lost his chance to be handed something in response to a daring action. This time, however, had been a success. His claim to her body had given him enough leverage to at least get his foot in the door. Eyes rest heavy against her features as his tongue slicks along the corner of her mouth. 

“Be my mate,” he tells her in reply, a simple yes for a yes. He does not love her, he barely knows her, but their consummate can’t go unignored. He’d be walking into her territory as the male that had claimed her and he’s set to become the only one from there on out. Even when they separate, she’d be no less his, and he’s going to make sure everyone knows it.

RE: tell me what color the sun really is - Asterr - July 31, 2016

A simple yes had been expected, as well as desired. A reason for him to stay even if the home was not what he expected it to be, and a way for her to always keep him nearby. But there had been only silence, neither confirmation nor denial. For a moment, she'd believed herself to have made a mistake. That by offering him the title, she'd pushed him away rather than drawing him closer. Luckily, any regret that she might have felt had evaporated from her system when his tongue had slid over the side of her muzzle. Surely that was not something that he would have done had the plan been to leave all along, for from the gesture she'd felt some form of reassurance. What followed, though, had resulted in it becoming her turn to fall silent.

"I–," she'd stumbled over her words, mouth shutting hardly a second after it'd opened. There was no romantic bond between them, there simply couldn't be on account of how little they truly knew of one another. And so she felt lost, for was that not what it meant to be bonded to another? Perhaps not. Their union could be purely business-driven, such as ones she'd heard of in her youth. It was not a concept that she felt especially attached to on normal occasions, but with him she could see no other way to get what she wanted. "If you will be my second, then I will be your mate," was her decision. "But if ever either of us are drawn to another, we will end this." For the time being, she was fine with the arrangement, but knew that she would someday wish to settle down with someone that she actually harboured affections for; it was only an assumption, but she also believed that he would eventually want the same thing for himself.

RE: tell me what color the sun really is - Ukko - July 31, 2016

Perhaps he'd still accepted if she'd said no and in a way he is. They weren't real mates. A makeshift family they'd put together, for the time being, and he'd present as the male shed chosen to sure her children. A thought that hadn't much been in his mind even if he knew the likely outcome. The whole point of her body being receptive and luring him. She'd accepted to being a family then, if only for a while, and he feels his whole frame soften.

Her grip on him weakness and the swelling goes down just enough, so that a tug that's not as gentle as it should be, breaks them free. He whines another apology and licks the spot behind her ear, gently preening the fur there. "You should rest," he murmurs then, shifting his weight awkwardly around tender and over sensitive flesh.

RE: tell me what color the sun really is - Asterr - July 31, 2016

A deal had been made, one that she would surely remember no matter how much time was to pass them in life. Until further notice, they both had another entity to claim as their own. It was something new to her, as well as strange, and she knew not how or even if she'd ever fully accept it. Time would tell, she knew, and so she'd decided to leave it alone. Both her decision and the deal had been locked away within the recesses of her mind, stored for safekeeping.

When he'd tugged himself away, she'd flinched, wondering for a fleeting second if her acceptance of his offer would be regretted. And though an apology was given, as well as noted, once again, she'd been unable to disregard his roughness for a second time. Discomfort had turned into a dull soreness, and so she'd needed no further prompting before settling herself down and curling her body against itself. "Rest with me," Asterr had requested, glancing towards him. The journey would be a long one, still, once they were able to leave, and so she needed him to be in top condition.

RE: tell me what color the sun really is - Ukko - July 31, 2016

There is nothing else said between them. They've accepted each other's deals, regardless of terms, and Asterr moves away from him. Ukko stands there and watches her circle near the wall and lower to the ground and if he knew how his legs worked, he would have moved sooner. It still feels too sensitive to move but the woman's beckoning kicks him into gear and against his better judgment, he moves and follows suit. 

It takes a few turns and shifts before he's able to lay down, finally dropping to the ground with a strained expression. A few shifts in his posture finally gives him some comfort and her scent, still thick in the air, acts as a calming blanket. Relaxed and free of tension, he lowers his head and scoots close to his new companion.

RE: tell me what color the sun really is - Asterr - July 31, 2016

As she'd waited for him to settle, the call of sleep had started to pull at her eyelids. She'd remained awake, however, watching him move until he'd managed to lay with her. Even after the space between them was reverted into nothing, she'd kept an eye on him, curious of the workings of his mind. But she'd little time to wonder before her chin had found its way to the tops of her paws, lids becoming weighed down. She'd managed to shift so that her head was nearer to his own prior to falling asleep, but right after that she'd nodded off. Throughout the night she would, perhaps, wake several times to better adjust herself against him, but would otherwise sleep well until morning arrived.