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Silvertip Mountain No one looks stupid when they're having fun - Printable Version

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RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - RIP Valette - September 12, 2016

Valette did not expect for the other to jump her really. It was that she had a small warning otherwise Valette might have thrown her off. She smiled a bit when the playful youngster half tackled her. Valette moved her head to the side and playfully nipped her shoulder. "If you do that the deer can push his head back and you will have sharp antlers poking you," she commented with a chuckle. She side stepped so the pup would probably slide of her.

Valette moved quickly and tried to nip close to her neck. "You bite right there," she explained. "Hard," she added. "If you are not the one to make the killing blow you attack here, and here," she hummed. The first 'here' she nudged Adeline's closest front leg and by the next 'here' Valette playfully and very lightly nipped just under her rump in her back leg. It was not more than tickle really how 'hard' she nipped and then smiled at the youngster. Her tail wagging.

RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - Addie - September 20, 2016

It seemed Adeline had most of the advantage of the surprise, though Valette quickly told her what was wrong with her plan. When the youngster had pounced Valette, she seen the wolf, not the meal. So, she hadn't imagine the antlers on its head that could pierce her when she attacked. Adeline slid off of her mentor, and paused.

She felt the pokes, used as a reference for where to bite, both for making the kill, and for bringing the prey down. She jerked at the last one, felt on her back leg, and could not resist play. She growled and turned to face Valette, getting into a play bow, her rump up high in the air and her tail wagging. Suddenly, she was barreling towards Valette, hoping she would run. 

RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - RIP Valette - September 21, 2016

Valette chuckled as she seemed to have triggered a play session with the youngster. She grinned and mimicked the girl as she made a playful bow. The girl charged at her but Valette jumped just in time to the side so the girl would barrel past her.

Valette let out a hum and then turned to the younger female, making another playful bow. She was challenging the younger pup and wagged her tail. "Come get me!," she let out to coax her on even more. She had not played in a long time, what fun this was!

RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - Addie - September 24, 2016

She was elated when Valette decided to join in on the play. The young silvertip couldn't help but dance in place, but she quickly regained her composure and bolted towards the older female, a playful growl coming from her throat. Adeline would attempt to pounce on Valette's head, though not with her full weight. Or, if Valette chose to run, Adeline would gleefully chase after her. Her inexperience mind could only come up with those two options.

Not having grown up for very long with pups her own age, Adeline never got to engage in play that involved anyone who could really commit one hundred percent to it. Adults were always worried that they would be too rough with her, so while they humored her, they never really played like she wanted to. 

RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - RIP Valette - September 25, 2016

In Valette's eyes Adeline was bigger now and not as breakable as a pup. The dark female had not done a lot of fighting herself but she did do a lot of playing before her parents split up. Adeline tried to pounce on her head, which could also be very dangerous because Valette's teeth were there too. She lowered herself through her front legs as soon as Adeline made contact to lessen the impact by moving down with her. She started nipping her chest and under belly to show her that Valette could reach it. Even though she would never fatally bite the girl there it was also partly a lesson.

Valette let out a playful grow too and pushed herself to her full height again to unbalance the younger girl. This way if she would be unbalanced Valette could make her next move and perhaps made the little girl submit after a tickle session or something like that. Valette's tail was wagging. How fun this was!

RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - Addie - September 28, 2016

Adeline, inexperienced as she was, didn't realize the position she put herself in when she attempted to pounce on Valette's head. She felt excited when she hit her mark, but it was only for a moment. In the next, she felt a nip at her underbelly, alerting her to her mistake. It didn't hurt, though. In fact, Adeline began to giggle from the sensation. 

Valette lifted herself then, and Adeline's upper body went up with her, until she was standing on her back legs. Woah, she said, wobbling as she tried to get her balance. Her eyes widened, never having been in this situation. It was a weird feeling, but she didn't hate it. She was as tall as Valette now, and she grinned at the realization. Her front legs waved in the air towards the other female, trying to get a playful whack at her.

RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - RIP Valette - September 29, 2016

Valette chuckled when the other seemed to have so much fun while doing this. There was nothing serious about it, but it could always be helpful for Adeline later in life, whether is was catching a live animal or just fighting another wolf. She hoped she wouldn't do so much of the latter. Valette jumped from under her and started running, which would probably introduce a chase.

This way she could probably run to Adeline's home. Valette did't want to get rid of her but she figured the female was going to be tired after this. She had been explaining her a lot mentally and physically so the female felt like she was overstimulating the female.

RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - Addie - September 29, 2016

Suddenly, Valette turned and ran. Adeline dropped down to all fours and pushed off with her back legs, chasing after the older female. She didn't think about where she might be headed, only that she wanted to catch her. She put her muscle into it, trying to catch up to Valette. Her energy was flowing so well, she had no idea that if she stopped, so would it.

I'm sorry this is so short! >_<

RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - RIP Valette - September 30, 2016

Not to worry!

Valette tried to mimic a deer while she was running, so she went from left to right and dodging trees as she ran. She was careful with running on the slopes of the mountain, it wasn't like she hadn't fell down before. The dark female hummed thickly and eventually stopped, panting, by the den of Adeline's home. Valette laid down, catching her breath. "You're quick!," she grinned. Valette looked at her. "That was fun huh? Next time we might do some actual hunting, would you like that?"

RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - Addie - September 30, 2016

Valette changed directions often, going left first, then right, then back. Adeline realized quickly she needed more than her speed if she was going to catch up. She started watching the other female a little more closely, trying to judge which way she might go, and making sure her own reaction was a split second behind her "preys". But, because she was so focused on Valette, she lost sight of her surrounding. The mountain could be a dangerous place-- a lesson that Adeline hadn't learned yet.

A spot of loose rock and dirt was ahead, and Adeline failed to see it. Her back end came out from under her, but she caught herself with her front legs, digging them into the ground. Her heart lurched and beat frantically, but she righted herself and continued her chase of Valette. She didn't realize, or maybe she didn't care, that they ended up back at the den site. Her sides heaved with every large breath she took. You're faster, she said with a grin. Her eyes lit up when Valette mentioned that they could actually hunt next time. That would be awesome! she exclaimed, plopping down on her side next to Valette.

It took several minutes for her to catch her breath and for her adrenaline to calm in her system. When it finally did, Adeline was passed out cold.

RE: No one looks stupid when they're having fun - RIP Valette - October 02, 2016

Valette smiled at the pup and how she was panting. The girl missed the little slide the girl made but seeing how she was panting Valette did her job. She panted lightly and nodded. "I am because I have a lot of stamina. I know how to shift in speeds," she explained. She let the girl catch her breath. She liked that Adeline wanted to learn how to hunt. She seemed far nicer and less bossy now she was tired. Valette hummed and quirked up her lips when the pup passed out.

She grabbed her by her scruff and dragged her closer to the den. Valette decided that she couldn't leave her here so she snuggled up next to her. So she had someone warm to snuggle back against. She liked sleeping that way, knowing you are not alone. Eventually Valette went for a nap too.

- end -

Yay! Nice thread! :D