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Silver Creek O Captain! My Captain! - Printable Version

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RE: O Captain! My Captain! - Spring - September 30, 2016

She watched the butterfly for a while longer.  It was beautiful watching it dip and flutter awkwardly yet gracefully through the air.  Life could really be quite beautiful if you took the time to look.  She smiled softly as she imagined her daughter at her side watching with her tail wagging at her side.  The thought was peaceful and even though she felt the loss of Hazel hard, the thought of her watching the butterfly too made her heart warm.  Even if it could never be true.

Then she felt a pair of eyes.

For a few moments longer she didn't meet his gaze, as she watched the butterfly.  Then she did.  Her head swiveled slowly to meet Heston's gaze and as she looked into his eyes she felt a deep feeling that she hadn't even felt with Zander when she had still trusted him.  She felt peaceful as she met his gaze and even more than that she felt a connection.  Perhaps Heston did not feel it.  Perhaps it was only her, but she didn't think of that at the moment.  She just wanted to enjoy the peace of the moment.

RE: O Captain! My Captain! - Heston - October 02, 2016

The silence that sat over them was warm and comfortable. He wasn't aware that he was staring too long, lost in looking at the serene expression on her face. But after a moment her head turned slowly to meet his gaze. He too felt the connect, the way the air seemed to buzz and hop around them. Attraction, emotional connection, understanding. So for a moment they stared at each other, and though he had the mind to kiss her then and there he held himself back.

He didn't want to misread the situation, to take her gaze and the connection he felt as something more. If Spring was simply gazing kindly at him like a friend, he'd insult her to assume and kiss her. It seemed wrong too, to kiss her after she spoke of her daughter. As if he was taking advantage of her emotions somehow. So he wouldn't. Not yet. He would get to know her better, he would ease in to this tight and twirling feeling in his chest. He'd had so much taken from him before, and Silver Creek...and Spring....it felt like so much more. So he would go slow, because he'd been hurt. He would be cautious.

If the kiss he wanted to give today was meant to be, was meant to turn into mateship or more he would mean it just as much when he eventually gave it. And when he did it would not be spurred by a single moment but many. He would know Spring first, would be her friend. He would not rush her into anything, nor push her. Finally, his eyes dropped and he smiled a little, a shy grin. "You have beautiful eyes, Spring." He said softly, glancing at her once. "We should spend more time together, like this." His voice was hopeful, an upward inflection given to the end of his statement. "We can share a moment in the present together, rather than the past. Count the butterflies somewhere." He smiled again, but glanced away once more. Was it a submissive gesture, or one of bashfulness? "I want to get to know you more."

RE: O Captain! My Captain! - Spring - October 07, 2016

Those piercing orange eyes captivated her.  They were like lights in a storm or a glowing fire in a darkened wood.  She couldn't look away now.  No... if she looked away now the moment would be broken she would have to take the leap back to reality back to life.  Those handsome orange eyes made her feel safe secure like no one could ever hurt them.  No one.

Eventually it came to an end as Heston looked away.  A lump of disapointment logded in her throat, but she did not show it.  The moment had not been as long as she had wanted of course but at least it had still been there.  Still she wanted to see those eyes again.  Those eyes of a burning fire.  Those eyes that gave her butterflies.  She didn't know why she felt this way though of course.  After all not everything could be explained.  Sometimes things just happened, things just were.  That was just life for you.

As Heston spoke she listened attentively.  He told her Taft her eyes were beautiful and a deep feeling, one that she could not explain in words erupted in her chest.  She was scared of all these new feelings but she wanted to tough them out.  She could handle them because in truth it made her heart twitch with excitement, anxiety and something else.

She then listened as he continues to speak, told her that he wanted to get to know her better.  She gave a small nod.  "I want to get to know you better too Heston."  She replied softly, a spark of shyness entering her eyes along with a few other emotions.

RE: O Captain! My Captain! - Heston - October 08, 2016

Her soft words reassured him, and made his heart thud faster. He felt his chest swelling, pleased that she too at least seemed somewhat interested in him in the same way that he was in her. "I'm happy to hear that. You are, as alpha or as friend, welcome to call on me whenever you like." He grinned at her again, a lopsided smile. Of course as alpha of Silver Creek she had every right to call on him whenever the mood struck her, but he wanted her to know that she could come to him for simple chit-chat as well.

He wasn't looking when she replied, so he missed the emotions that dance through her eyes. They had a good start here, though, he reasoned. He felt that Spring could understand his loss, his past. She had her own loss, her own betrayal and in his mind her loss and betrayal were both stronger and more painful than his own. But he could understand her pain too, and in that they were linked in ways other wolves could not be.

He was out of things to say now, unwilling to take the situation and turn it to lesser flirting and jokes when something precious, in his mind, had been shared. So he sighed a contented sigh and turned his gaze back towards where the butterfly had been.

RE: O Captain! My Captain! - Spring - October 09, 2016

Thanks for the thread!  Fade here?

His words were kind as he spoke to her, telling her that she may call him whenever she may like.  She gave a simple nod.  "You are welcome to call on me too whenever needed."  She replied and as Heston had already said whether it be as a chat from Alpha to subordinate or friend to friend.

Then she too turned her gaze back to where the butterfly had been.  She didn't think about everything going on as much as she normally would, because right now she felt at peace as she stood next to Heston.  She felt like no true harm could ever come again.  Peace.

RE: O Captain! My Captain! - Heston - October 10, 2016

I'll fade here!

He smiled at her reply, and though a joke rose on his lips...he thought the situation not fitting. There was something too....simply too in the air. Something that was intense and heavy, in the best of ways. So instead he smiled softly. "I'll hold you to that." He said simply, the ghost of jest hidden in his words.

She turned her head, and he watched her for a moment longer, content, before following her gaze. The butterfly flew high and low, surging and falling, the wings beating as fast as Heston's heart, though he wasn't sure exactly the reason for the racing pulse. Only that it had to do with Spring, and if that was the case, he liked it.