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Horizon Ridge Heavens Not Enough - Printable Version

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RE: Heavens Not Enough - Thistle Cloud - April 22, 2014

Thistle cloud was taken back, why would anyone want to know what that felt like. She didn't know for sure no what it felt like, but she had been very sad before and she missed her parents on a daily basis so she imagined that was a slight heartache. "I don't know exactly what it feels like Gavriil I have never been as upset as Kennedy. I imagine it is a crushing feeling of aloneness and sadness.

She hoped she never felt that way, though she was sure there was someone out there who could make her feel that way if she let them get close enough.

RE: Heavens Not Enough - Gavriil - April 22, 2014

Gavriil sensed the female's discontent with the question he posed so he backed off the idea. The male asked simply because he wanted to offer the ebony male a little empathy. He was hoping the she wolf would provide him with some insight but she failed to do that. Maybe in time Gavriil would find out.

He chuffed and moved away from the conversation about Kennedy. "Are you getting along with everyone?"

RE: Heavens Not Enough - Thistle Cloud - April 22, 2014

Thistle could sense his disappointment, "I am sorry i can't provide you with a better answer, but I have never felt that way so it's hard to guess and assume. She tilted her head she wished she could offer him some insight so he could offer empathy, but she was not even sure if she could offer empathy at this point for Kennedy. He was in a very dark place and she did not know what to do about it.

Thistle nodded her head and smiled "yes I am I care for everyone in our little pack. Rather than push most of us away, the landslide brought us together. It's a nice feeling to have a family in away again.

RE: Heavens Not Enough - Gavriil - April 23, 2014

Gavriil remember that she never congratulated the female on her marriage to Ragnar, the macho pale wolf he had met once before. "Congradulations on your new mate, he's a strong fellow, your pups will be proud of their father." While Gavriil knew the pups weren't Ragnar's he would still pose as the dad.

Gavriil was overly excited about the new addition to the pack that would be coming soon. He had an extremely soft spot when it came to pups. Gavriil could only hope that one day he would be able to have a mate and his own children. He tried not to daydream too much about it, that event could be years away of it ever happened. Happiness shone through Gavriil eyes when he thought about having a mate and pups, it was something he desired every much,

RE: Heavens Not Enough - Thistle Cloud - April 23, 2014

Thistle smiled at Gavriil, "Thank you it was unexpected. I had not realized the depth of feelings we had for each other and yes I hope they will be proud of him. She thought about Ragnar and she knew he would make a good father, though he could be a bit savage and wrathful, hopefully he would keep that under control when they were little, not that he would hurt them, but she certainly hoped he would not scare them if someone else were at the receiving end, though if they were going to be like him it would probably not bother them and she was sure they would be raised viking, so she shook her head deciding not to worry about it, he was a good wolf.

"I hope you do not have any hard feelings against the pups based on how they came to be Gavriil, I will not handle it nicely if someone was to treat them badly? She was not being rude merely questioning his intent she would not have any naysayers or rude treatment of her pups.

RE: Heavens Not Enough - Gavriil - April 23, 2014

Gavriil smiled at the female when she spoke of the feelings that they had for each other. The male was genuinely glad for the pair. He was joyful that they did love each
other. While Gavriil had never personally expirenced romantic love he still had empathy for the female and shared in her joy.

Gavriil's demeanor turned when she mentioned that wolves may have harsh feelings against Thistle when it came to the pups. Gavriil never understood this notion that formed in wolves minds. The pups had nothing to do with Thistle's actions. Gavriil strongly believed that the sins of the parent shouldn't be forced on the child. "If anyone has ill feelings towards your pups it's their fault. The pups have done nothing wrong. I'll be sure to watch out for them if you and Ragnar cannot, I will promise you that. I am in no way mad at you for what you did, those are on you I have no right to judge you nor the pups." Gavriil sighed after his rant. He hasn't meant to say so much but he didn't want the female to think he was angry at her in any way.

RE: Heavens Not Enough - Thistle Cloud - April 23, 2014

Thistle warmed at his words, it was nice to have friends that cared about you and were willing to help where they were needed. He was a good friend to have and he would do well in this pack and she would trust him with her pups. As she thought about it, she would trust any with her pups except maybe Kennedy. not because she was afraid he might hurt them, but simply because she was afraid he would not pay attention and they would accidentally get hurt.

"Thank you Gavriil that means very much to me to have no judgements I have had enough in the last few days to last a lifetime.

RE: Heavens Not Enough - Gavriil - April 23, 2014

Im going to fade here, I'd love to make another thread with these two! :D

The make nodded as the female thanked him. Even though it seemed as a common courtesy to not judge he still accepted her thanks. "I must be going, I need to finish up some things before I go to sleep." Spoke the male softly. Walking up to her and licking her muzzle in submission and a friendly goodbye the male wandered off back into the forest the surrounded the beach.