Wolf RPG
Sleeping Dragon Simply to move through the sunlight - Printable Version

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RE: Simply to move through the sunlight - Freyja - October 30, 2016

Freyja’s brows rose to Rosalyn’s remark and she frowned. Despite the honest statement that the other offered, Freyja did not understand the Kru’s way of thinking. Perhaps it was because they were so different that they would never truly see eye-to-eye. She did not comment to that and instead found herself with a statement that confused her further.

She frowned. “Race them?” she repeated quietly, not quite sure where the subordinate was going with this. “But then you would win the race and kill them, right?” she asked, hopeful that this was the case and that the other wasn’t suggesting a wasted hunt.

RE: Simply to move through the sunlight - Rosalyn - November 02, 2016

"Uhh, no.  Fun.  That's all it was."  She remembered back to it fondly.  She'd had few good friends in her birth pack, but all had enjoyed the game. "Sometimes it's a nice game to just chase without catching."  

Rosalyn eyed Freyja.  "You must do something around here for fun.  Yeah?"  Or was this pack as all business as Roz was starting to wonder?

RE: Simply to move through the sunlight - Freyja - November 05, 2016

Though Freyja attempted to keep an open mind about the other wolf, she was finding it harder and harder to relate with the Kru. When Rosalyn expressed that it was all in fun, Freyja’s frown deepened. That did not sound fun to her.

No, providing and ensuring that the pace was well fed and taken care of was Freyja’s fun. “Hunting is fun to me,” she admitted after a pause, looking to the other with a sense of seriousness about her.

RE: Simply to move through the sunlight - Rosalyn - November 06, 2016

It was a bit of a lost cause, it seemed.  Rosalyn wondered briefly if it was simply Freyja's nature or this place that made such focused a focused adolescent (a question that would soon enough be answered, in her mind).

A younger Rosalyn would have been flabbergasted and perhaps laughed aloud at their complete differences in perspective, but older Roz had a tiny bit of control.  So instead she shook her head and shrugged.  "Good for you, then."  She said, and she meant it.  Just because she was a bit of a loose cannon didn't mean she wished that on others.  Life was probably easier for the focused.  "I bet Wildfire appreciates that."  Hell, what teacher wouldn't? A kid like Freyja was a dream to mentor.

RE: Simply to move through the sunlight - Freyja - November 12, 2016

Feel free to play as the rabbit!

When it was concluded that they would agree to disagree, Freyja offered a smile and a gentle wag of her tail. She felt somewhat lost in her ability to be able to communicate with a wolf that had such different views, but, despite this, Rosalyn was still a member of the pack and a wolf to be respected. Shifting as the darker wolf spoke, Freyja kept her attention to the Kru. "I hope so," she responded quickly, feeling her heartrate increase slightly at the thought of not pleasing Wildfire. She wanted to do everything in her power to make sure that she was making both her mentor and the pack proud. 

A sudden shuffle alerted the Feisripa from their conversation and to the warren as a rabbit poked it's head from the protection of it's home. She froze then, her eyes training upon it with her heart racing. What would it do now? Would it go back in? Or continue back out? Freyja was unsure, but, despite this, she felt the need to watch on.

RE: Simply to move through the sunlight - Rosalyn - November 15, 2016

When the rabbit poked its nose out, Rosalyn fell silent, not wanting to disturb Freyja's original intent in being there.  

Sensing no danger, the small creature slowly made its way further out, sniffing about the grass as it did.  Oh, this was hard.  Months and months of being alone made letting prey wander freely like this difficult... she itched to chase it.  Maybe she wouldn't do so well in their old game after all.

But she controlled the urge, and instead just held still, not sure what could be gained from watching the dumb little critter but patient enough.

RE: Simply to move through the sunlight - Freyja - November 16, 2016

Nothing else mattered in the moment but the rabbit. She wanted to know everything she could about it-- the way that it walked, the way that it surveyed for dangers, how easily it could spook. All of these unanswered attributes could help her and Wildfire greatly when taking on future rabbits. Drawing herself lower to the ground, she intensified her gaze as she watched the creatures every move.

She hoped that it would move away from the opening so that she could see it in action. “Now,” she said quietly, turning to Rosalyn. “As soon as it gets far enough from the hole I want you to chase it. I won’t be chasing it, but, I want to see it run in action.” Her gaze lingered on the Kru, curious to see how the adult would react to this.

RE: Simply to move through the sunlight - Rosalyn - November 21, 2016

Still they watched, and Roz felt an itch set in.  She hated sitting still so long!  To amuse herself, she tried to imagine what it would be like if rabbits were as reluctant to leave as she was to go underground once more.  Perhaps they did get lost above, and drew lots to see what unlucky sod would have to bring back the green.  Hmm.

Her thoughts were broken by Freyja's suggestion, and Roz looked sideways at her, not sure how she felt being ordered to chase by a wolf so young.  Was it worth it?  Nah.  Sympathetic as she might be with its plight, she wanted that damn rabbit.  Alright then.  Her ears tilted and she nodded silently, agreeable enough.

From the wording, she assumed 'when it got close enough' meant closer than it was now, so she waited a bit longer.  The rabbit moved with frustrating slowness for a critter so quick, but she kept eyes on it until it had inched a little ways further from the hole.  Little more... little more....

There!  Apparently it had spotted something worth eating, and hopping a few paces to the side, was now what she'd judge far enough.  Without giving Freyja a signal (she was watching, right?) Rosalyn sprang at the rabbit, tearing in with her paws in an attempt to run it down.  Freyja hadn't told her to catch it, but she wasn't about to let the opportunity go by if she had it.  Lunch sounded quite good right now.

roll to see if she gets it? see if it's even - 6

RE: Simply to move through the sunlight - Freyja - November 22, 2016

Rosalyn seemed to get the message and to this Freyja nodded and turned her attention back to the lingering rabbit, her eyes keenly placed on the hare. It inched along, at a pace that even made Freyja’s skin crawl. In her mind, she urged the creature along hastily and yet she found that this still had no effect on the creature.

After a much waiting, Roz sprang into action from Freyja’s side and began the chase. Freyja’s heartbeat quickened at this. Though she wished to see how the Kru hunting skills fared, she found herself more so focusing on the rabbit-- on it’s movements, how it acted in the wake of fear. She noted this as she observed, finding that she was learning much more than she had anticipated. The rabbit was quick to dash about, changing directions on a whim and Freyja notated this, knowing that it would be valuable information for later.

Soon enough Rosalyn zoned in on the creature and completed the kill despite Freyja not giving the command. Picking herself up, Freyja carried herself from the spot from which they observed and to a position where she stood before the dark-furred wolf. “You have helped me learn a lot,” she commented fondly with a wave of her tail. “Enjoy,” and with that, she took a step back allowed the wolf some room for her to eat.

RE: Simply to move through the sunlight - Rosalyn - December 08, 2016

Ohoho, this bunny was hers.  She tore after it, sticking hot on it's heels as it weaved to throw her, and finally managing to snap her jaws around a leg.  It let out a sharp squeal that she immediately cut short by drawing it closer and shifting her jaws to the creature's neck.

A swift shake and it was done, and she held it up to look back at Freyja, pleased.  She didn't know if the objective was supposed to be a catch, but that went fairly well, yeah?

Unable to speak, she nodded, smiling around her mouthful.  She would have shared, but Freyja didn't seem interested.  Adding it to the list of things Roz felt inexplicable about her, she shrugged as the younger girl retreated.  More for her.  Taking it with, she moved off to find someplace quiet to enjoy the lunch.  If she ran into anyone, perhaps they would enjoy it too.