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Horizon Ridge On a rush of angel wings - Printable Version

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RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 17, 2014

In a semblance of truth Ragnar wasn’t exactly a stranger to “stealing” a pack so to speak even if the alpha position was fairly earned, but there was a palpable difference between Odinn’s Cove and Horizon Ridge. The Cove did not need any changes made to it when he had taken the helm and, theoretically if one day he challenged Pump and won he would be making massive upheavals that would likely send it’s already few members scattering to the wind, not to mention he desired to claim Ravensblood Forest for his own for reasons that were starkly obvious to himself. Theoretically, it seemed easier to part ways with Horizon Ridge if not as friends than at least on civil terms and start new with those that would follow him willingly instead of forcing changes upon those who would be stuck with him. It was something he had also considered during his meditations, his preparations in Ravensblood Forest. “I have considered leaving the Ridge also, on reviving the Cove here in Teekon Wilds. There is a lot to consider,” The Viking admitted, leaning into her touch against his face.

“Don’t you have to say that?” He teased her but indeed wondered if her loyalty to Pump would get in the way of her loyalty to him as her husband. He would not be put beneath anyone else in the terms of her loyalty which was remotely similar to how she felt about him finding passion with another woman. It was, he assumed, of a similar vein. In a way they both desired the same thing from one another: loyalty. Absolute and unbending.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 17, 2014

Thistle Cloud sat down and looked at her husband. Though she was not entirely sure how this whole thing worked, as she had only her parents to go on and they had been madly and deeply in love she knew that she should listen to him and his ideas as he would hopefully listen to hers she tilted her head thinking about what he said. "Would you like to tell me some of your plans? Sometimes it helps me to talk through things, though I know you prefer to keep many things close to your chest so you don't have to tell me if you don't wish, though if something big is going to happen and change I would like to be aware at least a day before it happens. the last part she gently teased, but she meant it too. She would allow him his silence on things and she would support him, but she would like to know too what he was up too at times so that she was not completely and totally blindsided. Though she imagined something would probably not sit well with her gentle nature next to his savage one.

Thistle chuffed at him and looked away in mock irritation though she really was not "Of course I don't have to say it but I did. She looked at him and wondered what he was thinking. She was loyal to Pump yes, but she also was loyal to her mate and it was more so than that of an alpha. Her mother had told her once that in the end you wanted those you loved around you so it was important to make sure that you loved and gave your love and your loyalty to your family before and above any and all others. So if Ragnar had asked she could have eased his fear that her loyalty to pump would be in the way. Though it would upset her to leave on bad footing if it came to that, she would do so if it was needed and warranted.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 18, 2014

This is totally ruthless and gruesome but I kind of somehow want to incorporate it as a practice into Odinn's Cove :o

Thistle seemed genuinely curious in his “plans” though and after a brief moment of consideration Ragnar decided that maybe he should confide them with her - because she was now his wife but also because it would be nice not to keep it such a tightly guarded secret. A moment of trepidation stole over him within the next few seconds as he fixed his oceanic gaze upon her knowing that if he confided that she would be put in more danger than if she knew nothing if Pump suspected and decided to interrogate. Ragnar did not pin their leader as being as openly cruel and ruthless as the Viking himself was but he did not know her well enough to ascertain it either way. “If something were to happen you would be the first to know providing it was planned not a sudden decision,” Sometimes, things happened that did not allow for more than a seconds notice of planning; but Ragnar attempted to assure her, nevertheless. Scarred ear twitched back lazily as some bug or another buzzed past it causing it to twitch for a few seconds - briefly annoying Ragnar - before it pushed forward in alertness. “I have thought about claiming Ravensblood Forest on more than one occasion, it is a perfect place to raise pack based off of the Cove,” Mostly because of his stubborn belief that the lands were holy to Odinn. “But that would put us next door to the Ridge and if our departure is not on good terms it will cause problems.” Not that Ragnar was particularly swayed or deterred by that idea. He had fought bigger and more numerous enemies before on the raids he had used to lead.

“I have been too long out of my ideals and beliefs, constantly stopping myself because I don’t want to put in jeopardy my consideration for the Beta rank,” It was leaving Ragnar feeling frustrated and itching for something. “My shoulder has kept me at bay but it is healed now,” He smirked down at her, leaning forward to nip affectionately at her cheek and spoke with a chuckle, “no thanks to your persistence. Things might become tense now and I suspect that Pump is aware of that, am beginning to think that besides that she does not know me it is why she has not granted me the rank despite the restless effort I’ve put forth to it. I respect her but it will not be enough to keep me from taking what I want.” And in truth, it was not the Ridge that he wanted. It was Ravensblood Forest, it was a pack raised on his culture’s ways where he could openly practice and encourage what he had always known. “She will be angry with me for it, and you by association and our children.” Because as far as the Viking was aware Thistle could have as easily been pregnant by him as she could have by Crete (of course she was pregnant by Crete but what Ragnar didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him - not that in the end it mattered he would love them all as his own just the same).

“As I said, there is much to consider.” Ragnar spoke with a deep breath, allotting for her to say what she thought about the more detailed considerations he had been having, if she had any insight to offer.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 18, 2014

Oh my goodness that is very gruesome! But it adds a flare to the gameplay that most do not have...though i imagine Thistle will have to hide when he is doing this she won't be able to watch....lol How would a wolf do that? would he just bite through the fur and skin and then use his paws to break the ribs and such?

Thistle gave him a smile "Thank you. I understand that sometimes things happen in a moments notice of course. She did too she knew sometimes depending entirely on what was going on split decisions were sometimes something that was needed and she would do her best to adjust to it. She listened calmly and she had to admit Ravensblood forest was a place she also revered, but for different reasons than her husbands. "There's many herbs and healing things in the forest that would not bother me in the least. She frowned as she thought, he was right if their departure was not looked upon lightly if that is what it came down too it could be bad.

She tilted her head and decided to play devils advocate, simply because she always saw both sides to stories. "have you spoken to PUmp about your beliefs Ragnar? Are you so sure that she would not allow you to implement some of them into the pack if you become the Beta or even if you don't though I imagine we would be leaving then as well, as you are born to be a leader that much is obvious. She licked her muzzle before she continued, lost in thought. I am nothing if not persistent. She licked his cheek as he moved back from nipping her. "It is alright if she is mad at me Ragnar, I was taught that my loyalty belongs to my mate even above all else regardless of the pack, though i was taught to try and balance the two my mother told me that in the end you want your family near you so you need to be loyal and loving to them She smiled largely at his use of our children.

"There is much to consider dear heart, but I know you are no fool. So I imagine you will weigh it all before making a move of some sort. Though I do think it would not hurt to at least talk to Pump and maybe it is time to approach her about the beta rank again?

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 18, 2014

I just imagine that Ragnar would use his claws/teeth to tear the flesh and then break the ribs with his teeth, et cetera. Ick, that would be an extremely painful way to die. :(

It had been easier, admittedly, when it had just been him, when his plans had revolved strictly around himself and now that they had reached out to pull her and their unborn children (because he didn’t care as far as he was concerned the pups were his and not Crete’s even if that wasn’t true) into it’s cusp it was more…complicated. It was important that he prioritized them above all else. But it could go the opposite way, it could make his decision all the more easier depending upon what was to happen. He would always do what he thought was best for his family. “No,” Ragnar admitted after Thistle finished speaking, suggesting that he talk to Pump about implementing his ideas, giving him the sort of advice that only a woman could. “She has no reason to accept them,” Ragnar was doubtful, and unsure, and beyond that selfish. The ways of his culture were not a secret and had been around for well, as long as the Vikings had been but he expected them carried out a certain way and that was one of the large reasons why he had yet to inquire to Pump about it.

“Soon,” Ragnar promised in regards to speaking to Pump again about the Beta rank, and about implementing some of the Cove’s culture into Horizon Ridge. “I think you have something to discuss with her first. I will wait to see what happens and go from there.” While Ragnar was ambitious he wasn’t careless and did not do things if the odds were not in his favor.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 18, 2014

It would be but vikings were not exactly known for their genteel ways lol

Thistle Cloud hoped that she did not cause him any problems by him taking her to be his. Thistle heard him say no and she had accepted that he would say as much. One thing about her husband was that he was stubborn and very much a viking and to be a viking it seemed things had to be done a certain way.

Thistle sighed yes she did indeed have something to discuss with Pump, though knowing pump Thistle would need some very good signs to prove to her that she was. What would happen if Pump decided to kill her, what on earth would Ragnar do. She looked at him for a moment and then with a quick step forward buried her face in his neck fur again and said quietly "I know I do, but I believe Pump will want absolute proof so I will have to wait until the signs begin for sure.Exhaustion is not enough.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Ragnar - April 19, 2014

I know that's what makes them so badass, I think! ;D Wrap this up so we can have another? Though if no one takes your open thread with Thistle I might snag it. :)

In Ragnar’s defense, if one could be truly made for the Viking at all, Odinn had commanded him to carry out his will, not hand them off to another in the hopes that things went well. No. Their culture was specific, and there was a right way to do things and then there was wrong ways to do them - just like anything. Their game of chase forgotten by both of them he heard her sigh. It was not quite an exasperated sigh he guessed but it wasn’t exactly contended either. “I am fairly sure one of our seeds took, Thistle.” Whether it was the faceless Plateau male’s or Ragnar’s own, unless Thistle proved to be infertile. Ragnar felt her bury her face against his neck but the Viking had no words of comfort to offer his wife. He was not the type of man to offer comfort at any rate. “This is not the only place for us.” Was all Ragnar offered her. Whether it provided comfort or not depended upon her, really.

RE: On a rush of angel wings - Thistle Cloud - April 19, 2014

Yes vikings are indeed badass I read about them often, but don't watch them too much though that is going to change as soon as I can find season 1 ah

Thistle knew very well that he was not one to offer comfort, and she didn't expect it of him to be frank. He was different than her and that was okay. SHe took her comfort from his downy fur and stoic position that was enough for her. It would not be enough for most, but she was not most woman she was her own kind. She tilted her head back and glanced up at him and licking his cheek she replied "Oh I know Ragnar. Now let's get the rest of the way to the River. She smiled and turned her fawn colored body around and started towards the water's edge knowing he would follow.