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Redhawk Caldera friends become family - Printable Version

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RE: friends become family - Shrike Redleaf - November 03, 2016

Part of Shrike wished that Elwood would ask him to stay- he wanted someone to be on his side, though even Elwood couldn't likely overthrow Fox's command. He hoped Elwood understood the fact that Shrike wouldn't have taken to being ranked above him very well, and Elwood expressed no complaints on the matter, nor did he mention being appreciative that Shrike felt it was wrong to be ranked above someone who had been contributing to the pack far above and beyond what he thought he had. Still, Elwood thanked him, and it meant a lot- though he still prayed that Elwood would ask him to stay, and try to sort things out with Fox when she was seeing things more clearly. 

But the next best thing was offered. Even when Elwood likely should have chased Shrike out and backed up Fox's orders, he asked Shrike to meet with him again, in a couple of weeks. He hesitated, gritting his teeth together, but when he mentioned meeting in neutral territory, not close to the pack, Shrike felt compelled to agree. "I will. I'm...I'm going to Neverwinter Forest." He said. "Please tell Sassafras...And not Fox. I don't want to cause any conflict if she goes there looking for me." He said, hoping he could trust Elwood to tell only those who would go to visit him with the intention of having a nice meeting. "I wish things could be different..." He murmured, ears turning back. Elwood wished him luck, and Shrike nodded, looking past the Beta as though to see if Fox would come and expedite his exile. He had to go soon, before she did so. "Thanks Elwood. You too...And everyone else. I'll...I'll miss all of you." 

It was the last thing he said before he turned, forlornly, and left the place he'd called home for the first time in far too long.