Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Well you only need the light when it's burning low - Printable Version

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RE: Well you only need the light when it's burning low - Osprey - May 07, 2014

The moment Peregrine entered the scene, Osprey's heart leapt in joy and her tail began to wag. She got to her feet a bit more hastily than she should have to lean her head against her brother's neck, as if they hadn't seen each other for days and not a mere hour. She still felt pretty sick, but with her personal sunshine there, it was easy to forget that for a moment.

"Maybe later," she told him, barely eyeing the hare. She was not hungry and couldn't force herself to eat either, even though the kill did smell nice. "You will come for a visit?" she asked both him and Blue willow, who - as a healer - was in charge of the situation now.

RE: Well you only need the light when it's burning low - Blue Willow - May 07, 2014

Blue Willow had followed behind quietly smiling at the love between brother and sister. It was very nice to see. "Yes he can come as often as he wants. I strongly believe you are not contagious, just your body fighting itself. However the question of why and what was it was a completely different question and answer.

Blue Willow bent down and retrieved the hare "I'll bury this outside let the two of you talk a bit. She did not want to intrude and she was fairly certain that Osprey/Yerpso needed to talk to her brother right now. Whether she was worried or scared Peregrine seemed to be her sole comfort and blue Was fine with becoming scarce for a bit.

RE: Well you only need the light when it's burning low - Peregrine Redhawk - May 10, 2014

"You need to eat," Peregrine replied to Osprey's dismissal, intending to force her if needed, but Blue Willow sabotaged his efforts by taking the kill and preparing to bury it. He sighed. "Yes, I'll visit you here. But I'm not leaving until I see you eat," he answered her, planting his hindquarters and making himself comfortable in the Healer's den.

Right about then, the sky opened its gates and rain began to fall. The Alpha male scooted to make room for the den's rightful owner, then curled his body against Osprey's. "I—we'll—take care of you," he murmured in her ear, letting his head rest on her bony shoulder. Holding her, keeping her warm and listening to the rain, Peregrine's eyes closed and he unwittingly began to snore.

RE: Well you only need the light when it's burning low - Osprey - May 16, 2014

"Then you are going to be here for a very long time," Osprey pointed out and smiled weakly. "I don't think that your mate and kids will take it lightly, if you stay here this long," this was added in a more serious tone. At that moment it began raining outside, rendering her brother from going anywhere. She wouldn't tell anyone, but she was glad about that, because this meant that she would have Peregrine to herself longer.

She leaned against her brother, rested her head on one of his paws and after a sigh, fell asleep.

ooc: my last post here. Danni - you can go ahead and finish the thread. Thank you both for it! :)

RE: Well you only need the light when it's burning low - Blue Willow - May 16, 2014

Blue had not planned on coming back into the den so soon hoping to give the two some time alone however as it were the heavens began to weep so she was forced inside. Upon entering she heard gentle snores and saw the tangle of limbs and fur that only happen in sleep and she smiled. Moving quietly she settled down curling her own tail around her nose and went to sleep herself.