Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Fun fun it's time for fun - Printable Version

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RE: Fun fun it's time for fun - Pura - June 30, 2014

Balls, I didn't realize it was my turn. >_< Sorry again. I'll exit Pura here.

A few sharp words from above settled any disagreement. Pura rolled onto fall fours and rushed forward to sniff what Blue Willow was holding, tail wagging so hard his arse threatened to come loose and disappear off to Vegas, where it would have a successful career as an enthusiastic backing dancer for Cher impersonators.

Luckily, that didn't happen. Instead, Pura's over-the-top excitement shot him clear over the area intended for the game and on towards the far edge of the clearing. Here, he put his nose to the ground and sniffed enthusiastically, losing hard at Blue's game but enjoying himself nonetheless.

RE: Fun fun it's time for fun - Junior - June 30, 2014

I know it's not my turn but this thread is over three months old (!!!), so I'm going to do us all a favor and narrate a conclusion. If anyone has a problem with this, just let me know and I can delete this and reinstate the thread. :)

Because her father was now glaring at her sternly, Osprey Jr. paid attention to Blue Willow as best as she could. She was still so young, though, and she simply couldn't grasp the game's rules. That wasn't to say she didn't put in a good effort. The pup enthusiastically mimicked the Healer, sniffing the morsel she provided and attempting to munch on it before Peregrine's broad paw swept her away.

"C'mon! Sniff, like this," he said, showing her what he meant by ducking down and rubbing his nose on the ground. He glanced almost sheepishly at the other adults, though he was shameless in his effort to show his little girl how the game worked. "C'mon, little huntress..." he coaxed, perhaps cheating a little bit as he guided Osprey Jr. to victory. He would shrug off accusations of favoritism by insisting the she-in for Alpha pup would have won anyway.