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Sun Mote Copse A runaway once more - Printable Version

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RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 23, 2017

     This was why he was so attracted to Feyre. It wasn't just that she was like a princess, nor that she also retained a certain ferocity, but also that - somehow - she retained empathy. He couldn't help but watch her, reaction and all, and revel in her patience. She will make a great mother someday, he realized, his tail swaying ever so slightly. She stepped toward him again, knocking him from his thoughts. It was such a relief to see hear her familiar tone. When she grew less soft, he took it without disgression. She was right in chiding him.

     Slowly, he took a step closer; gaze resting delicately upon her's. "I would do anything to keep you from harm, Feyre." He was steady as he spoke. The truth was, he didn't know how to feel anymore. The previous anger had proven to be a residual nuisance nested within the depths of his mind, far from his present state. Like the aftermath of a storm, there was an unnerving disposition of peace. Ashamed though he was of himself, he knew what governed relationships. Often, the best sprung from the beginnings, where the ability to shift from obstacle to success is vastly imperative. They were learning, bit by bit, how to respond to eachother. "I didn't realize how important it was to you. I should not have used the phrase so lightly..."

     He glanced up at the moon, which now peeked timidly from within the surrounding copse of inky black silheouttes. Here he was, back out in the wild, with survival an asset in which he forever ran alongside. When would the race be over? He was surprised to find that, somewhere within him, he had placed a small fraction of hope in finally settling down once more. When he saw Feyre, he knew what would be best - knew that someday he might not be able to outrun survival any longer. The thought sent an alarming tremor throughout his body. He sighed, shaking his head despondently. "If I've recieved anything from this event, I'd say it was a deeper understanding of you. And, albeit, probably a bit too much of an understanding of myself." 

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 24, 2017

She could have sighed with relief as she witnessed him transform before her. His tail waved ever so slightly; reflecting the beginings of the moon's light. She worried that her words were spoken with too much fervor, worried that they would push him away. Yet here he was, listening intently to her.

He was himself once more, putting others's well-being before his own. She was glad for it, but remained further away from him than usual. It was a transgression. Her chest remained tight, a constant reminder for her to tread lightly. She was edgy when he began to speak, full of inquiry to how he would react. Her brows raised, her head tipping to one side. She could not help her suprise. Even more so when he spoke a second time. Her next words were spoken quietly, "T-thank you..." her utter relief written on her face.

Her pearled form physically relaxed, falling prey to the day's fatigue. She followed his wandering gaze to the gleaming disc hanging ever so lonely above the horizon. She once looked to the moon for company each night, a sort of steady companionship. She now looked over to Embry, a timid smile growing upon her maw as she viewed his flaxen stature. He held himself with almost a sort of regality, causing her to wonder about his past. Perhaps for another day Feyre. Her auds flicked lightly when he began to speak, giving him her full attention. "I could say the same... I never knew that I felt so strongly about this matter. Or that you did too." She grimaced apologetically at the end. She now knew how much those words meant to him, but she had to stay true to her own beliefs.

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - April 26, 2017

sorry about the wait!

     He suddenly felt himself grow sheepish; awkward. The situation had become less and less of the dream he had at first dwelled within. Now, it was as though a small tip of reality had sunk its teeth into the frame of their own picture. He cursed himself for letting the moment slide. In an attempt at repairing the damage, he lifted his head, ears perked, to peer at the surrounding foilage. It felt better averting eye contact until that guilt and shame that now marred his tawny features could be abated. 

     A tense yawn gaped at his mouth, quivering as he stood and briskly shook his fur. "We should look for shelter." He tried to remain intimate, but he couldn't help but notice the tension in her figure when he neared. He thought of yesterday - her body beneath his, her form rigid, her breath swirling across his fur - and closed his eyes tight. "Feyre..." He couldn't help himself. It was too within his nature to suspect that broken links could never be fixed. He had known too many errs, too much erosion in a stable structure, to let himself allow it again. Not with this girl... This wonderful girl.

     He fixed his gaze timidly near hers', shifting on his paws; muscular frame glistening in the moon's steady blue gleam. In the naval hue, his sea-green orbs were particularly raw and defined. Every little vein of icy blue and darkened timber that ran across the semi-heterochromic iris was seemingly intensified. "I don't know what you might see, but... But I see a future with you." He shrugged. "And I feel like I'm just... Well" - he sighed (this was difficult for him to express apparently) - "I'm just scared I'm gonna mess things up. And I'm just so nervous now, because I know how I acted and I know it frightened you. And you're the last thing in the world I'd ever want to frighten, but I did. Hell, we've only known eachother for a day and I feel like I've known you for a lifetime; grown up with you. I think that if I'd ever stop knowing you, it'd be when I die."

RE: A runaway once more - Feyre - April 28, 2017

Me too! Finals week was taking all of my time XD

Feyre paused, reality soaking in. They needed somewhere to stay, two wolves could not just rest out in the open like a pack may. She grimaced lightly, he was right. Her features curved back upwards. He still wished to stay with her.

Her shoulders rolled, her amber eyes glinting with soft light. He mummered her name, it sounded somber. She could see - no, feel - images of their time together flashing through his bright eyes. His eyes seemed to wander before fastening themselves on her own.

His words whispered through her, echoing with emotion. She listened intently as he spoke, his words carving their mark into her soul. When time came for her to speak, as went most social interactions, she paused. This time it was not with contemplation, worry, nor anxiety, but instead with immense joy. "I can assure you, you won't mess things up - not with me..." She cast a wry smile his way. "..And I knew when I met you that something was different. I saw a - a reflection of myself in you." She was smiling now, her eyes no longer abashed. "I do see a future with you. And yes, as cliché as it sounds, I knew as soon as you fired that dastardly comment at me that I was a goner. So," She added a faux sigh to enunciated the world, adding a sultry wink to finalize the matter, "...I guess you're stuck with me."

RE: A runaway once more - Embry - May 10, 2017

(ah I am so sorry! I didn't realize that I had some EOCs this month and some catching up has left hell to pay. I promise once summertime swings around I'll be up to reply!)