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Moonspear damn it tears me up - Printable Version

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RE: damn it tears me up - Terance - May 02, 2017

with a quirked brow, terance merely gave a shrug and a half-smile in respond to her demand. "forceful," he mumbled playfully, loud enough for her to hear, before the conversation moved on.

terance was a bit shocked to hear how bluntly she said the word kill. when he said it it was like he was repeating it, but hydra told him right here and now that she'd straight up killed-- not one-- two wolves. that was sort of badass, and a little terrifying. terance made a mental note of that. the thing that bothered him most was that lyra was a part of this. she didn't seem like the type to murder in cold blood, there had to be more to the story than three precious little girls slitting throats left and right-- but hydra didn't really act like there was. "lyra killed?" he asked, ears cupped forward on his dark crown. "you all seem like quite the team," he added, almost as an afterthought. he and sarah were similar, he thought.

RE: damn it tears me up - Hydra - May 02, 2017

Hydra shrugged, teasing: you forced my hand. She was a good sport, tail-waving and all smiles. 

At his next question, Hydra wondered at why he seemed so... bewildered by that thought. Yeah. We had to, she frowned. Neither wolf even attempted to flee. One just... attacked me, in the rain. And the other... the other was too deep in the territory. Our mom is going to have puppies soon—it's important to keep each other safe, didn't he know that? You wouldn't kill for your family? Hydra would do it again and again if it meant her family remained safe. At his afterthought, Hydra grinned. We are, she assured him confidently. They would do anything for one another, and although they were different they shared the same face, the same heart, the same core drive.

RE: damn it tears me up - Terance - May 02, 2017

"no--no--" he backtracked, almost flustered. "of course i would," he defended with a bit of a huff, "i dunno, i guess i've just never had to face that situation before." he probably would if given opportunity, but, again, he'd yet to face it. he didn't mention anything about family though, she had all of hers right here. "ignorance is a stain on the gene pool," he added in response to the second intruder, trying to change the subject. that's what he'd always thought, at least. he wasn't the smartest wolf in the world, but he viewed the world with an open mind. those who did what they pleased and refused to listen to others-- maybe they did deserve to die.

RE: damn it tears me up - Hydra - May 03, 2017

Really, that was all she needed (or, wanted) to hear—that he would do the same. She had thought there might be a strange judgment—that she would kill but Lyra would not in that kind of circumstance—but the thought went as quickly as it had come. Lyra was gentle, but she was fierce when need-be. At his next comment, Hydra looked almost thoughtful before saying, rather lightly, I'd like to keep that stain out of Moonspear, and it was evident she would in whatever way possible. Idly she thought of Aries... yes, if need be, she'd get that damnable spot out of this place. Falling from mountains was too easy, particularly to one not well-practiced with the terrain. You up for a run? Hydra inquired with a flick of her ear and, when he seemed down, Hydra picked up their collective pace. The two continued to patrol all the while, watchful of the borders.