Wolf RPG
Ankyra Sound Orphaned Prince - Printable Version

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RE: Orphaned Prince - Caiaphas - January 07, 2018

the youth had a sudden change of heart. somehow, caiaphas doubted it was from her encouraging (read: terrifying) smile. she pulled up from the sand and shook herself, a small cloud of dust and sand smattering into the air like a smoke-cloud.

"but of course." she answered with a dip of her muzzle, casting one last sidelong glance up the cliffs before turning. if the thought of drageda looming above the sound worried her any, she certainly did not show it. "come -- i will show you the grotto."

she struck off in a slinky walk, turning to look back at him. "oh! my name is caiaphas."

RE: Orphaned Prince - Arrille - January 07, 2018

Arrille hesitantly watched as she began to walk away, and he started to have second thoughts. He glanced back to the Drageda, and felt the need to go back. To step in that direction...but his heart yearned to know more of his family, so he followed, not daring to look to Drageda, fearing he may find someone looking back.

RE: Orphaned Prince - Caiaphas - January 07, 2018

she kept walking, though she could hear behind her a momentary pause in her companion's march. she did not turn around and accost him -- past experience told her that by the time they started walking with her, they were as good as claimed.

never once did caiaphas think it wrong to steal someone else's child; particularly since as of yet, she had been unable to whelp her own. as far as she figured, any wolf stupid or indolent enough to let their child wander unsupervised deserved whatever fate befell them, cruel or not.

"you didn't say your name, did you?" she called behind her, her tail swishing with each prowling step.

RE: Orphaned Prince - Arrille - January 07, 2018

A question was thrown his way, and he made a quick answer, to take his mind off of Drageda. "Uh, Arrille..." he answered, keeping his gaze downward at his paws. He kept close to the other wolf, Caiaphas, on the side away from Drageda as if to hide behind her, in case someone spied upon him. But, he doubted he would be missed.