Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle Roll out the drums of war - Printable Version

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RE: Roll out the drums of war - Naya - July 13, 2014

The situation was getting more intense with every second that passed, but Ypres insisted in managing everything with words, Naya thought she was brave for doing that, the other Alpha didn't seem friendly at all.

The young female growled once again, this time at Cara, who was looking at her like a piece of meat; if it would come to war, she'd be pleasured to rip that bitch's head off for threatening her pack with her insolent presence.

Everything changed when Ypres decided to turn in Erika, Naya felt devastated, she didn't expect this from her Alpha. "Ypres, no.." She said softly to her golden friend, with sadness in her eyes.

RE: Roll out the drums of war - Malcom - July 13, 2014

The situation started heating up, a young Isle wolf spoke up almost insulting the mountain wolves, Malcom bit his tongue knowing it wouldn't be wise for him to speak, not to them. He started to get nervous, not being able to speak, to chill things down, he was a talker not a fighter, but would rip anyone's head of if they dared coming for his sister.

Naya growled at Cara, and he noticed she was looking at her as if desiring to get his sister's blood. He too shot a warning growl at the pretty faced bitch, -not my sister, bitch- was what it meant, and he was being serious.

He was holding the stare with Cara when everything happened: Ypres offered Erika to Jinx, and Shanti stepped forward offering himself in Erika's place, whatever, none of them is important to me anyway- he thought feeling almost relieved that he wouldn't have to fight anyone. Naya almost opposed to their desicion, "Shut up Naya.." he said silently, he wouldn't let his sister risk herself.

RE: Roll out the drums of war - Opeth - July 13, 2014

He was fashionably late as always. Opeth had finally made his way to the war grounds where his Alpha met with another ailing pack. Everyone seemed to be focused on one black wolf; Erika. He assumed she did something real nasty to the angered pack that launched their raid. The young wolf spotted the pretty Cara from across the way. He held his head up and chest puffed out as he closed in behind Ypres. Ypres decided to sacrifice the black bitch, and he stood behind her decision. A wise choice made by a new Alpha where she could save the rest of the pack. He wasn't wither willing to fight, but will if it came down to it. Naya stepped in and tried to coax Ypres in not doing it.

" But if she hurt that pack, who is to say she wouldn't this one."

He narrowed his eyes with his words, then looked to Erika and back to Ypres.

"I stand behind your decision if it saves us all.."'

RE: Roll out the drums of war - Eddie - July 13, 2014

She had never expected Ypres to sacrifice a pregnant female for a stupid, bloodthirsty pack's whim, but there it was. And Eddie even considered breaking her peaceful convictions for Erika. Yet it seemed too cruel, the way the other pack was obviously going to kill a seemingly innocent wolf.

"It's not my place to interrupt on matters I don't comprehend," Eddie started in a loud, but polite voice intended to be heard, "But why is there need for blood to be shed at all? Any betrayal or slight upon your pack Erika committed is done." The ugly female respectfully stared at the ground to not provoke anyone. "No sacrifice will bring back time. Isn't it the strong who show mercy upon the weak? Why should a whole pack bother over the petty matters of a single misguided she-wolf?

It wasn't like Eddie didn't expect that reaction from her own Alpha. Nobody in Wheeling Gull Isle trusted the she-wolf who stole Majesty's heart. Even if her whole pack had abandoned Erika it was not like Eddie to give up without at least trying.

RE: Roll out the drums of war - Erika - July 18, 2014

Sorry for the wait!

Her ears flattened onto her head when Ypres turned to her. "I did nothing!" she said in defense, a weak one at that. Ypres growled at her, but her eyes softened when she let the Silvertip wolves take her. I am sorry.... She said, but Erika was already heartbroken. "Non! I will not let you take me!" The black wolf backed up, ready to run. Though Shanti came to her defense, she saw the way Kaname was eyeing him. The boy would not stand a chance. None of them would!

If she let them take her, then they would be fine right? But she did not, did not ever want to go back to that mountain. They would have to take her dead body there. But her pups....they would take them for their own. Maybe kill them if they must. She must save her pack, and her pups. There was only one way.

So she fled, as fast as a pregnant wolf could run. The Silvertip wolves only wanted her, and there was a chance they would lose her trail if her packmates, at least some of them, fought for her. Jinx would not risk any of her pack, she wouldn't have a fight to the death. They would be fine. Wouldn't they?


RE: Roll out the drums of war - Jinx - July 21, 2014

This can now continue. It's getting outdated so let's try to wrap it up fairly quickly. OS will attempt to pursue Erika and, after being blocked, will leave to hunt her down.

Ypres was a blabbermouth. Every word she said frayed a little more at Jinx's patience, but she managed to hold out long enough for the blonde island wolf to concede to her demands. Although it was likely anticlimactic to the wolves she'd brought with her, Jinx was glad it wouldn't come to a war. She had no doubt that Silvertip would win—her wolves were strong and able, while the islanders seemed uncertain whether to hail Ypres or condemn her, as some spoke out against her decision. It would be an easy victory in her mind.

Ypres stood aside despite the protests of her members. One wolf dared to ask Jinx for an explanation, which the Silvertip Alpha returned with a clipped, “I do not answer to you, peon.” Another offered himself in Erika's place, and the Silvertip Alpha ignored him. These island wolves did not have the right to question her wrath and vengeance, nor to do anything about it. Their leader had left them in the dark, and that was too bad for them.

“Take her,” she ordered, sweeping forward on her feet to keep the protesting islanders at bay while her subordinates collected Erika. But the scarred bitch had other plans, and suddenly turned and fled into the island's heart. Jinx was blindsided for a moment, and then snarled. How dare that wench flee from them, after disrespecting them so heavily!

“Catch her and kill her,” she growled to Silvertip Mountain, her eyes lighting upon each Wheeling Gull Island wolf collected as she made to pass by them and pursue the fleeing Erika.

RE: Roll out the drums of war - Vectra - July 21, 2014

Vectra growled as the black she wolf with the facial scar ran from them. When her alpha gave the word Vectra dived after the fleeing woman as fast as she could. Her packmates probably right at her side. It seemed this was no longer a battle, but a hunt, a hunt for a traitor. Once she was found, she was dead. Vectra followed the scent of the pregnant female and the signs of disturbed terrain. It shouldn't be hard to catch the pregnant wolf. She should be hindered by her pups. With a entire pack at the black she wolfs heels, the girl didn't stand a chance, it would have been better for her if she hadn't run to begin with. It would have been quicker for the girl.


RE: Roll out the drums of war - Kaname - July 21, 2014

Kaname let out a bark of laughter when Jinx gave the order to find and kill Erika. This is what he was waiting for! He barreled past the Island wolves, catching up with the white-masked Vectra, running after Erika. She wouldn't get far at all, especially with all of the bastards in her womb. He smiled in malicious glee when he thought of how he would relieve her of that weight by tearing the bastards out of her. He could not wait for it.

RE: Roll out the drums of war - Cara - July 21, 2014

The male's act of chivalry --or stupidity-- earned nothing but a snort from the yearling, she did not understand why would Shanti give himself up, was he really that stupid? Or perhaps was Ypres that incompetent all her wolves preferred to throw themselves at Silvertip's feet than stay?

Again the slightly older girl spoke, trying to kick some sense into Ypres' empty head, but she was quickly silenced by the male that had caused Majesty to turn against his pack in the first place. Cara's lips twisted into a vicious snarl as more wolves began to voice their opinions; some in favour and some against. Didn't they understand that they actually didn't care if they turned Erika willingly or not?

And speaking of the devil, it was Majesty's mistress who spoke next, her eyes filled with fear and her voice faltering. She was trying to defend her case--a stupid choice--but suddenly she wailed again claiming her innocence and attempted to make a run for it.

Jinx command was clear and highly satisfying for the pale girl. Cara being lithe and slim was made for speed, making her the perfect candidate to bring the marred bitch down. After letting a stomach churning yowl from her lips she took off after her, engaging in the same high speed chase Kaname and Vectra were in.

RE: Roll out the drums of war - Mordecai - July 22, 2014

Mordecai couldn't believe what a disaster the pack on the Isle really was. He watched and listened as the two groups had their in-fighting, the bickering falling deaf to him as he the present leader tried to make a plea for Erika's sake. He wondered briefly if Jinx would show mercy, but her terse response answered the question scarcely before it had a chance to bloom into a thought.

He sensed that things were about to go sideways, and they certain did. Ears perked, he took her orders just as they were, and held back briefly as the tide of bodies rushed inwards to those that had gathered in defense. Mordecai decidedly brought up the rear, knowing that the pursuit would be better left to those who had speed on their side and could perhaps snake through the minute ranks of the traitor's guard. He would do better in the fray of bodies, keeping them at bay, and launched himself forward with a bubbling, rolling snarl as the Isle wolves met him.

RE: Roll out the drums of war - Lecter - July 22, 2014

Lecter's growling intensified as the Gull wolves spoke their empty words. The blonde wench conceded Jinx's demands, however, which he found surprising, and he straightened as first one cur, then another, spoke past the words of their leader.

Erika, conceivably, turned tail to flee. The former Mambo snapped a command, and Silvertip surged forth. Lecter let out a sharp laugh. Bring her spawn back to me! he shouted after their quickly retreating forms. Thought Jinx had ordered her wolves forward, the shaman moved to her shoulder and stood firm, lest the Wheeling Gull wolves fall upon her in revenge. He moved forth to meet any oncoming onslaught, teeth bared and eyes burning.