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Nocturne Summit Easy to be just you and me - Printable Version

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RE: Easy to be just you and me - Speedy - May 15, 2019

His growl sent another flash of heat running through her, and she let loose a needy sound of her own, hers a soft, pleading whine as her anticipation rose to an unbearable level. She swallowed hard again when he began to descend down her body. Her tail swayed a few times where it laid between her hocks, stirring up her scent unintentionally, as her eyes followed his every move. She shuffled a little on impatient paws as she heated further in response to his proximity to such a sensitive area, made even more sensitive by her heat. Another quiet, needy whine slipped from her lips, a reflex to the longing she felt with him so close to giving them both what they wanted.

RE: Easy to be just you and me - Charon - May 15, 2019

Her tail waved to spread her scent even further. Charon wasted no time on from there on. He mounted her and grabbed her scruff between his teeth. It had been a full year since he had felt this powerful, since he had had this opportunity. As always, Charon did not take long; maybe a minute or two until he finished this time. Once he was done he slumped Speedy's back (his signature dick move, as he hadn't ever realised that, you know, he could be cordial and slip off someone until they were un-tied) and remained there until their bond would eventually be untied, breathing heavy from the exertion.

The realisation of what they had done hadn't settled in quite yet, but perhaps part of why was that he had done this twice before and had gotten away with it both times.

fast-forwarded the awkward bits; i figured from here on it was unlikely she would stop him still but if she would, send me a pm and i can un-fast forward the kerflompling. :p

RE: Easy to be just you and me - Speedy - May 15, 2019

that's fine with me! :)

Things moved quickly then; his much larger body was on top of hers, and then he was connecting them. Everything was pretty fuzzy after that as she let herself get lost in the moment, feelings and emotions the only things that would stand out later when she thought back to this moment.

He remained atop her while the were still held together, and with her legs like jelly and shaking a little, she wordlessly fought to hold them both up, not quite ready to say anything or really even able to yet. What they had done hadn't really quite settled in yet, like this mountain was their own little world and there were no consequences awaiting them upon their return home. Eventually her heart and breathing slowed, and her legs began to protest their position,  but still she waited quietly for when they would be able to part, wondering what he would do or say now that the haze was beginning to dissipate from her mind.

RE: Easy to be just you and me - Charon - May 15, 2019

Eventually they disconnected and Charon rolled himself off Speedy. It was easy enough to still be swept up in the moment when he was still attached and on Speedy, but now that he was standing next to her once more the realisation was slowly starting to settle in. Yet Charon didn't want it to end, and so he pushed it all away a bit longer and decided that they should stay here for a while more, at least until Speedy's heat ended (and who knew what might happen another few times while that lasted).

He moved up close to Speedy and nibbled her ear gently. Are you tired? he asked, and without waiting for an answer added: We should get some rest. He sure was tired, and it would be a lot easier to forget about the gravity of the situation they were in when they were asleep snuggled up against each other.

RE: Easy to be just you and me - Speedy - May 15, 2019

Finally they were able to part, and Charon came to stand at her side. Her heart sped up a little at his gentle touch, and she nodded in response to his question, a tired smile curving her lips slightly. She liked the idea of rest. She was honestly a little emotionally raw from everything she had just experienced, and she liked the thought of being curled up against his his strong, warm body; it sounded safe, and she wouldn't have to think about anything else just yet. 

She would wait for him to settle and then silently curl up against him. Sleep wouldn't be too far off then; her eyelids were already heavy, and she was mentally exhausted and would welcome the relief sleep would bring her. She would follow his lead going forward and stay for as long as he thought necessary before returning back to cold, harsh reality.

RE: Easy to be just you and me - Charon - May 15, 2019

*ties a ribbon around*

After they settled Charon smiled as Speedy curled up against him. He savoured the moment, feeling quite high on the feeling that taking her had given him. He felt very much like she was his, and practicalities were far from his mind. Charon snuggled his nose against her neck and closed his eyes. He drifted off to a content sleep by her side.