Wolf RPG
Redsand Canyon Time Is A Tool - Printable Version

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RE: Time Is A Tool - Renard - August 02, 2020

renard’s first skill was, had always been, staying silent. moving from place to place without being noticed, for whatever purpose they were given – though more often than not, that purpose had been to kill.

this was not unfamiliar. even if it had been, at least it was something. they were tired of pacing their redsand cage like a captured predator – there had ceased to be anything entertaining within these walls.

“good. i’ll let you know what i find.” if donovan had nothing left to say, renard would offer him a short bow of their head, before turning to follow nemisis’ fading path into the canyon. if nothing else, a visit around sagtannet might prove worthwhile. praimfaya had spoken highly of her pack – it would be interesting to see what sort of threat they might pose to the saints.