Wolf RPG
Totoka River electric zoo - Printable Version

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RE: electric zoo - Caiaphas - September 02, 2014

She said nothing as she fell in tandem with the dark wolf, one clipped ear canted ridiculously to the side as the youth spoke. The names were foreign to her save for the very word the dark wolf struggled to utter -- ouroboros -- at this, her eyes flashed with a faint sign of recognition. It was doubtful she recognized any in the tribe, but she recalled faintly stories her mother used to recant; one of such which had been about the ouroboros. It was interesting then, but not enough to pique her interest now -- and she remained steadfastly silent.

Atlas had not been forgotten -- as they walked she shot him another crude look over one haggard shoulder, unsure if she should ignore him or not. As Junior spoke of the wolves with bloodshed to their name Caiaphas did not voice her interest; she was not a murderer and the thought of suicide repelled her: what attracted her to these types was their unpredictability. And she knew, better than most, that creatures of a violent vein were often incredibly suggestible. It was that, more than anything, that made her seek these types - no other creatures seemed more befitting to mold into performing her will.

She offered only a thinly veiled smile in reply, her eyes trained in the direction they were going. Junior had said only moments prior that Caiaphas would do well to be on her best behavior -- and it was here she chose to employ it, however frightening her 'best behavior' seemed.

RE: electric zoo - RIP Atlas - September 03, 2014

Fade here?

Atlas listened as he walked, but did not dare lift his eyes from the dirt in order to watch the strange woman. He was mindful of Junior's apparent dislike of the potential recruit, and this made him feel uneasy - but he followed regardless, without a word against the dark girl. She was doing her best, and so far her elevation of the Nereides (and the defense she erupted with upon the stranger's odd comments) made his heart swell with pride. Their youngest, newest recruit was sure to make them all proud. As they neared the other sirens, Atlas slipped in to the shadows to continue his guard.

RE: electric zoo - Junior - September 03, 2014

It seemed Caiaphas had nothing to say to that and Junior wasn't in the mood to force a conversation. They finished their trip in silence. When they approached the fringes of the currently nomadic group, Junior barked loudly to alert her superiors of their guest.

"Stay put," she warned the unpredictable she-wolf. The youth gave Caiaphas a last inscrutable look before loping into the midst of her fellow wolves. Her job was done here. Caiaphas's fate belonged to Aktaiê and her priestesses now.