Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Wildfire - Printable Version

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RE: Wildfire - RIP Fox - September 29, 2014

Yes please!

“Boinks first!” she demanded, nipping at Peregrine's rump a little too hard. She considered making a joke about how talk of his mother had gotten him all hot and bothered but quickly decided against it. Somehow, it just didn't seem like it would sweeten the mood in quite the way she wanted it to. Despite her viewing ~the dirty~ as a duty at first, Fox had come to enjoy it more than she ever would have guessed was possible. Perhaps tradition was slipping away from her after all.

Convincing Perry to his feet would surely not be a difficult task, and they could hold their lover's embrace until they both fell into a nice, deep sleep. And hopefully Perry wouldn't be thinking about his mother the whole time.