Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine Three demon seeds - Printable Version

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RE: Three demon seeds - Ptarmigan - October 06, 2014

I'm going to close this now. Thanks for participating! I'll get EXP to anyone that's eligible. :)

When she grasped the yearling and finally felt her go limp, Ptarmigan was pleased. She'd never been a very brutal wolf but she was instinctual and felt that this was needed. She couldn't hope to command the pack's attention if Cara refused to show deference.

She let go of the cloudy yearling and stepped back, sweeping a chill look over all of them. "There will be a hunt soon," she announced in a voice that was much colder than her usual tone. "Be there." Snivelling babes, all of them, she thought to herself as she sent one last long glare in Cara's direction, then turned and left the scene.