Wolf RPG
Bramblepoint Rose petals - Printable Version

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RE: Rose petals - Germanicus - August 13, 2021

"what we have done," germanicus corrected, though it was not with the stroke of a red pen. "and you do not need to choose until we reach brecheliant."

he shook out his hackles and stood taller. "another footrace, perhaps?" the slap of soaring air might knock some of these alarming sensations from the eagle's figure.

RE: Rose petals - Crowfeather - August 13, 2021

I am swiftly typing up another one, don't you worry! I will make a comment to set it for a day later so it does not overlap with your post about Germanicus being on his own.

We, he repeated to himself to the feeling of that budding, indescribable, longing sensation that often flooded his thin frame when thinking of Germanicus.

Yes, Germanicus, he agreed to the race with a smile.

The beat of his paws against dirt and leaf filled Crowfeather with purpose. If the soldier believed that he could speak to Brecheliant, the seer would not disappoint.

On they raced until their limbs could not draw them with the same speed. By then, they had nearly reached the lake.