Wolf RPG
Haunted Wood Cicada night - Printable Version

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RE: Cicada night - Germanicus - August 14, 2021

he smiled. "i would enjoy that."

when their path widened into a circlet of yellow green, studded with the waving white faces of daisy-flowers, the eagle paced a small distance away, then turned to face crowfeather.

"you learn your body in a spar, and how best to use it."

the distinction between their figures was a notable one, but germanicus suspected that beneath the slimly-built lines, there was strength waiting to be initiated.

"now. attack me," he invited, stance loosened and gaze settled invitingly upon the shadow.

RE: Cicada night - Crowfeather - August 14, 2021

The dark figure felt he already knew as much about his body as he would ever learn, but he did not want to express his doubts so early on in this session. Germanicus was trying to teach him, despite his numerous downfalls. It was only right that the dark wolf should try.

Watching closely, Crowfeather tiptoed after the silver guard and followed each move he made with a sharp eye.

Germanicus was confident, loose, and frighteningly handsome in the pale light of the stars. The seer did not know if he wished to attack him or…

Crowfeather nodded once and shrunk his body as well as he could, protecting his neck with a stance he had learned out of necessity. It was clear he did not know what he was doing.

Prowling in a half-circle, Crowfeather waited until he had positioned himself well enough and darted toward Germanicus with teeth aimed for his legs.

RE: Cicada night - Germanicus - August 14, 2021

germanicus side-stepped, and sent his muzzle downward in a strike toward the other's lowered head.

crowfeather had flashed through the glow of moon into smooth darkness and back again. his lithe figure was roguish beneath nightfall, and the eagle wondered if the boy knew it. 

"strike me higher," he ordered in the next, baritone turned to gravel and the hue of his eyes lost to the dazzle of starshine. "not so low if your opponent is larger. he will grab you, thrust your face down into the dirt. you may lose your jaw if you are not careful."

germanicus clung to the shreds of instruction.

RE: Cicada night - Crowfeather - August 14, 2021

Germanicus demonstrated his speed in a movement that left Crowfeather’s skull and ears ringing. The dark wolf winced, stepping back. He shook his head softly, hoping to release the jitters that had started like fireworks in his legs.

Instruction to strike him higher fell on Crowfeather’s ears. He did not wish to argue with the older man. There would be no point if he did not at least attempt what the other asked.

My neck, he whispered in concern, fearfully recalling countless times that he had been gripped by the throat and choked. The warriors in training had been cruel to the only failure and they were unashamed to have shown it.

Crowfeather gritted his teeth and prowled again.

This time, his teeth aimed for Germanicus’ cheek. A snap of ivory fang and within a second of being too late, Crowfeather switched his target for the man’s already injured leg.

RE: Cicada night - Germanicus - August 14, 2021

germanicus predicted the first attack, but not the second. he readjusted himself to take the brunt of the blow, grunting audibly as crowfeather connected with his weak limb. "very good," the eagle muttered, backing away for a breath of recovery.

his sunbloom eyes watched the boy for a minute entire. "are you all right to continue, crowfeather?" it was not any failure on the shadow's part. it was only how germanicus had become accustomed to the shifts and falls and buoyancy of the younger wolf. and how now it felt as though their spar was forced.

"sparring should be enjoyable. it is not. we may stop."

RE: Cicada night - Crowfeather - August 14, 2021

Wait! Please- I’m sorry.

The dark wolf rushed forward, tail stiff. Crowfeather had not been sure what he had done, but Germanicus had opted to cease the sparring lesson. There was no enjoyment in it, he had stated clearly.

I only-

The words felt difficult, but he did not wish for Germanicus to think that the moment had been spoiled.

I only do not wish to hurt you. How-

The stone in his throat had increased in size and Crowfeather did not feel as though he could swallow it down. The lantern yellow of his eyes drifted toward the older man and hovered there.

How could I be a competent sparring partner if my heart could not bear to strike you, Germanicus?

RE: Cicada night - Germanicus - August 14, 2021

the shadow was impassioned. the ink of him flowed in poetry toward germanicus. he let out his breath in a long exhale when crowfeather spoke, and looked away toward the grass lit by moonglow. it wavered in a wind that bent in their direction, and rippled the leaves above, and the black water of the river nearby.

"because my face will never be the one to strike you. but you must learn to defend all the same."

the words were plucked without his usual care, for it took all of germanicus not to say more.

RE: Cicada night - Crowfeather - August 14, 2021

Crowfeather felt tears swell in his eyes and he turned to blink them away.

Trust had been built between them. The dark wolf was touched by Germanicus’ words in a way he would never know how to express, how to thank him for.

Very well, then we will try again, the seer said with a nod to the ground. Strike higher, you said. Where are the key points I should aim my fangs? Where will my strike be most effective when I am the size I am? Crowfeather asked of him. He was filling himself with determination.

RE: Cicada night - Germanicus - August 14, 2021

his words seemed to rally the celes, and germanicus was glad of it. he nodded encouragingly toward crowfeather, eaglebound soul tormented by the sudden seawater in the other's look. had he seen wrong?

the air between them cooled to something more resolute. 

"if your opponent is my height, strike here." germanicus indicated his own right bicep. "there, on either side. most expect the right. go first to the left."

"it is a wound that will impede movement," he went on. "you are swift, crowfeather. you are lightfooted. draw in quick against your enemy, and draw back again."

the eagle demonstrated in the next instant, leaping forward so that their figures collided glancingly, though germanicus controlled it to a slower blow.

RE: Cicada night - Crowfeather - August 14, 2021

Crowfeather watched, but with each point that Germanicus made, the dark wolf became more and more intoxicated. Their closeness had been enough before, but this time, he was being bidden to gaze at the man’s body in search of attack points.

The seer could not view the handsome figure in that manner, no matter how he tried.

So, preparing himself mentally for another attack attempt, Crowfeather was shocked when the frame of the silver eagle graced his own. The dark wolf had not been prepared.

Crowfeather tumbled back, his belly shown clearly. The breath was pulled from his lungs as he looked up into the canary yellow gaze of the silver guard. Something inside of him ached. The shadow peered upward, breathless, swept away in the features of the man who stood over his nimble frame.

RE: Cicada night - Germanicus - August 14, 2021

the torment turned to an ache as crowfeather quelled beneath the demonstration. germanicus felt the familiar breathless sensation in the recesses of his chest. the shadow was crafted for nightfall, and for a moment all the eagle existed to experience was the expression in the other's gaze.

this alone must be enough for germanicus, and abruptly he pulled away, facing into the silvering velvet of the haunted forest.

the anguish spread to the clench of his belly, and he had no words to explain his action.

"we should keep on our path."

RE: Cicada night - Crowfeather - August 14, 2021

Shame welled inside of him and swallowed his heart in sloshing water. The dark wolf rolled to his side and turned his back to the eagle with a cringe, a tightening of his teeth until he thought they might crack with the force of it.

I am tired. We can reach Brecheliant in the morning if we rest here.

The words were made wearily, straining not to allow his tears to choke them from his throat.

Just because Germanicus had accepted his earlier question, of wandering men finding love with other wandering men. It did not mean that the silver guard felt such things.

Crowfeather knew that he was a fool. The dark wolf had been told many times and knew that he would be told many times more.

The eagle maybe did not know what it was like to be as easily swayed by man and woman alike. Perhaps that was merely Crowfeather’s pitiful plea, a cry to be loved by any who could offer it. It was unfair to expect such things from a man like Germanicus.

RE: Cicada night - Germanicus - August 14, 2021

germanicus was gripped with the sudden urge to run to the river, to feel the coldness of it washing from him his lack of control. crowfeather had changed in some way. the energies between them had shifted yet again.


thankful for a reason to look away, lest the shadow see the visceral churn of his sungilt eyes, germanicus hunted for a softer place and folded limbs into it. exhaustion haunted him. but he looked to crowfeather, inviting the boy close in their usual resting if he wished.

how he would still himself through their slumber, the eagle did not know.

RE: Cicada night - Crowfeather - August 14, 2021

The dark boy was hurt. He did not have the means to say why, or how he had allowed himself to feel so deeply devastated by Germanicus’ pulling away. It was not as if he had not grown used to the man steeling himself, returning to a dutiful soldier.

Still, he yearned more than he had ever in his young life. It made his belly ache with the power of it.

Crowfeather did not join Germanicus immediately. He waited until the night had drawn on, when his body trembled too much to pout on his own, before he crawled toward the silver shape of the eagle and pressed himself to the man’s body with a sigh.