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Swiftcurrent Creek welcome to the new age · pack meeting - Printable Version

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RE: welcome to the new age · pack meeting - Falwasi - October 16, 2014

Falwasi suddenly tensed as Dovev and a little white creature opposed themselves to the Alpha's suggestion. Kaskara stepped closer to Scimitar, shielding him from any sort of preemt over his new leadership, or from any challenge. The wolves were not happy, and she was sure they were being a little more confrontational than they intended to be.

The meeting was starting to become a daze to the young wolf. It was all pretty surreal - the cinnamon male had indeed dropped two major bombs on them. Falwasi had grown to like the flatter lands of Swiftcurrent Creek. She had adapted to fishing quicker river fish, relaxing in the open fields. "Why?" Words tumbled out of her mouth, and her eyes were fixed into the distance, looking at nothing in particular. The normally alert and sharp wolf could have been easily compared to a zombie at that moment.

RE: welcome to the new age · pack meeting - Galileo - October 17, 2014

Galileo could not blame the white female from wanting to have a family. He had had that same dream once, a dream that had been spoiled by the own blood pumping through his veins. He thought of his son every single day. He knew that parenthood was no easy task -- even if he had not spent long with his son before leaving, the few days he had had been arduous but completely worthwhile. He awknowledged Scimitar's response with a light huff. It was good that she was prepping herself and that he was going for Tuwawi for advice, it showed that despite their desicion of splitting, Bazi would still made an effort to keep the packs as friends.

All the other wolves didn't seem to have an issue with this, which relieved the pained father inside his heart. No one should be kept from having a family, and from seeing them flourish. They also all seemed to concur that having Scimitar step up would be the best desicion, until the agouti male voiced a suggestion of leaving the place behind.

Inmidiately Galileo's face twisted into a frown. Wasn't this the place Bazi would raise her childen? If she would soon return, why would they speak of leaving. Besides the Creek was a territory with abundant resources and no inmidiate threathening neighbors --save from the Sunspire.

This brought different opinions to bubble from those in the crowd. It had been all sparkles and roses until he mentioned leaving. When Galileo had arrived he had been lurred by Bazi, but also by the captivating atmosphere of the Creek. He had claimed a den and settled there.
And there he would remain until his heart stopped beating.

RE: welcome to the new age · pack meeting - Scimitar - October 24, 2014

Exit Scim. Thanks for participating guys! Sorry for the delay.. have been sick. :C
It would seem many of the gathered had not gotten his intentions -- first, he had lead them to conversation with honesty about Bazi, and asked what they wanted to do, not what he had wanted. Then, when questioned what would happen if she returned, he had once more asked them what they had wanted, not once posing his own suggestions.

Then, when he once more opened up and asked what they thought on relocating for a fresh start, suddenly, growls were slipping past jaws and angry glares were cast his way. Star let loose a growl his way, and return, a flash of his own fangs were given to her -- Kaskara was quick to move before him as well, leaving him to notice that he was not the only one who could sense the tensions shift.

"To where? Further away from The Sunspire and its damning shadow.. as well as Shadow's own ruses. Away from Lethe's grave and Bazi's abandonment. Somewhere that's ours and not haunted by those who have disappointed or failed us." There was a small pause before a derisive snort escaped him, and standing, the cinnamon male gave a gentle nudge to Falwasi, appreciating her motion before stealing a quick glance to his sister. "Again, a question. That's what this entire meeting has been after all," he reminded them, his tone rougher now as his eyes drifted between them all. "Dismissed."

With that, the tawny wolf turned, loping away from the gathering and allowing the members of the Creek to swallow the changes that had been shunted upon them -- primarily, the change in leadership.

RE: welcome to the new age · pack meeting - RIP Star - October 24, 2014

I think we all make a last post right? Last post for me.

Star was not used to leaders who would not take growls. In fact, she had never had an alpha, rather a cruel father in replacement. He had slashed her for small reasons and had forced her to never growl to him. She had liked not having to be in a mental cage when she entered the creek. Even something as small as a slash across with fangs would anger her. She narrowed her eyes, blood began to form at the wound. Her fangs showed in a raise of one side of her jaws, they where white and sharp. She knew better than to throw back a flash or claws or something, but she hated it. It was embarrassing! See what's happening, rabbit-face. You're being humiliated. Way to earn a reputation, idiot. Her eyes chips of the night sky, Star turned tail and headed off towards her den to think about the changes in the leadership as well as what Scimitar had wanted.

RE: welcome to the new age · pack meeting - Dovev - October 27, 2014

last post from me!

With pleasantly calm blue eyes, Dovev remained still as the bodies around him reacted in response to Scimitar and the questions that brimmed in their minds. The hazel-brown female, Kaskara, had remained close to Scimitar, and it was no surprise when her teeth poked through her gums in slight dismay to Dovev's question. It was soon clear where each member's loyalties lay; to the land or to the leadership.
The tundra male was pleased to see he was not the only one unwilling to just up and leave the Creek area. Dovev had grown attached to it- it was very much like glacial prairie. And some of the older members had found their own bonds to the land. So, why did Scimitar feel such a need to just leave it all behind?

After hearing the replacement alpha's brief spiel, Dovev felt less inclined to even think about leaving. He had no recollection of Lethe, and Bazi had been around for only so long. So, with these failures hanging above the pack, they would just forfeit the pack's claim to the creek and find somewhere else? Dovev would like nothing more than to defend it, for it would be in a heartbeat that smug idiot, Shadow, would swoop in and take it. The porcelain male's pale orbs had clouded with dark shadows as the tawny alpha turned, announcing the end of the meeting and drifting off. Dovev stood rooted for a little while longer. Now he knew what Scim meant when he had mentioned disappointment. Without another word, the white brute stalked off in an opposite direction.

RE: welcome to the new age · pack meeting - Falwasi - October 27, 2014

The grizzled wolf watched as Scimitar explained why he wanted to leave. It seemed Bazi's departure had taken a toll on him, and understandably he wanted a fresh start. He was the new leader, after all. Falwasi sympathized him; she knew what it was like to lose someone you loved, whether platonic or not, though she didn't know the two regals' relationship with each other.

Then the Alpha dismissed them, and Falwasi waited a few moments before the plush white creature who resembled Bazi turn away, Dovev seconds after. Falwasi padded slowly away in the opposite direction of all those quitting the meeting, slowly walking in the direction of the Creek. There, she would sleep. There, she would decide what she wanted to do.

Everything would feel better after a good night's rest.