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Redsand Canyon Whatever makes you happy - Printable Version

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RE: Whatever makes you happy - Aquene - March 12, 2022

She knew he had a point… she still couldn’t help but feel woefully unprepared for the woman to deliver the Imperator’s children. She didn’t want to see the woman subjected to the same fate as her mother… Ruenna of all wolves did not deserve that. “When she gets closer, I am going to keep plants to help with the birth in our den in case it happens in the middle of the night.” That was really all she could do other than reminding the Matrona to rest and helping her manage her pain as to avoid a miscarriage.
“It is… for all parties involved.” She recalled healers fretting and worrying, herself included. Her mother had always been so levelheaded… she didn’t know how to do that. It was a skill she had not yet developed, not in that situation.

RE: Whatever makes you happy - Kallik - March 12, 2022

Keep as many in there as you need; you know I do not mind, he softly assured her. Kallik nuzzled her neck. He had not been surprised that she had already started doing it. She was a healer and needed to always be prepared; he understood that and had no intention of making things difficult for her.

Worry crossed his face before fading into something more tender. Is this the first litter you have helped deliver since...your mom? he asked. If so, he knew that would make her even more anxious over everything.

RE: Whatever makes you happy - Aquene - March 12, 2022

She couldn’t help but let a small smile onto her features when he told her to keep as many there as you need. “Careful what you promise… next thing you know I’ll turn our den into a second tablinum.” She teased lightly, managing to find some joy. She tried to keep things light, especially with how much she had dumped onto him. It was a fine line that she tried to walk.
The question had the smile fading as she nodded. “I fled the Trail shortly after her death… none of the other mothers had reached their due date yet.” She explained softly as she leaned her weight lightly against him. “I know it’s irrational. I know most births go fine, and that the ones that go awry, I can’t help I just… can’t help but feel responsible.”

RE: Whatever makes you happy - Kallik - March 12, 2022

Hmmm, he hummed against her. I don't think I want to share you quite that much, he teased, though it was kind of the truth. Plus, he needed a place that was private where he could be himself. But he knew she was only joking. 

He hated the way her face fell when she heard his question. Kallik continued to nuzzle her as she answered. The matrona's pregnancy must be bringing up all kinds of emotions for her. I'm sorry you had to go through that, he told her. I'm here whenever you need to talk. It was a promise he had already given her, but Aquene needed to know that she had his support

RE: Whatever makes you happy - Aquene - March 12, 2022

She chuckled softly as he teased back. “I suppose I could keep my limits.” She teased again as she nuzzled lightly at his neck. She was joking, but she would expand her stores when it got closer to the time of the Matrona’s delivery so she might be near enough to help. With Ruenna’s condition and her pain, Aquene needed to be there to assist.
He went to comfort her, and it was bittersweet. “I worry… with the Matrona’s previous injuries… I worry about the complications carrying that weight in her belly and delivering children could have on her. If I had my way, she’d lay in a den for the next two moons.” She admitted softly… she was happy that the Matrona was able to have children, that their efforts to ensure her conception of them had worked… but the worrying never stopped. She picked up the deer hide, nudging him before moving along to look for more plants. They were not quite done in that department either.

RE: Whatever makes you happy - Kallik - March 15, 2022

Can you recommend that she rest as much as possible? he asked. She should be cutting back anyway, right? Really he wasn't sure how all that worked, but stepping back a little seemed logically appropriate for a pregnant woman. He didn't want Aquene driving herself crazy with worry, and if the matrona rested more often, it might help ease his wife's mind a little. 

Aquene picked up her plants and nudged him, indicating she was ready to move on from this spot. Kallik followed closely behind, his eyes on their surroundings while hers were on the ground, searching for useful plants.

RE: Whatever makes you happy - Aquene - March 17, 2022

“I can recommend… but getting her to do it is another story.” Truthfully, she was certain the Matrona would be open to her suggestions, but it was in her nature to fret about the worst possible scenario, and the Matrona was notoriously busy overseeing the civilian ranks. “She should be, and I think she will… I just don’t know.” It was hard to assure him that everything would be fine. “I’ve never seen a pregnancy with an injury like hers.”  She prefaced again, not wanting him to worry too much if he didn’t need to. It was her job to worry about the health of their members just as it was his job to worry about their safety.
Her eyes were kept to the ground. The thick weed grew high, vivid yellow flowers starting to bud on it as Aquene approached, setting down the hide she carried her supplies in.  “I found something else.” She offered, wondering if he wanted to hear about more. “It’s goldenrod… it helps with wounds, sore throats… even toothaches… they also attract bees so I have to store them deep in the tablinum to try and offset it. Going near water helps. Bees don’t like water much.”

RE: Whatever makes you happy - Kallik - March 22, 2022

The matrona always struck Kallik as a reasonable and careful individual; he had no trouble believing she would heed whatever advice Aquene gave her. But he wondered if his wife would worry any less regardless. Ruenna was permanently injured, and he had no idea how it would affect things. He knew Aquene would do whatever she could to help, though. That both comforted and worried him. 

She found another plant, and Kallik listened quietly and intently as she explained that it was called goldenrod and then what all it was good for. She mentioned bees, which had his eyes widening some. I'll keep that in mind, he told her when she mentioned the water trick. His expression quickly morphed into his frequent look of anxiety. Do you think they will be drawn into the tablinum? He didn't want her to get stung.

RE: Whatever makes you happy - Aquene - March 22, 2022

Aquene had to trust that everything would end up being okay in the end. She would just have to treat as things came up and be prepared for anything… and she was certain Kallik would help soothe her nerves as he had just done moments ago as well. She just hoped that she’d be soothable as they got closer to welcoming the children into the world.
She took it as a moment to show him more of her work. She knew much of his due to training with the auxilia as she had, but most of the soldiers in Mereo knew little about healing. The question came and she hummed before shaking her head. “No, I do not think they will… they usually will stay away if the other herbs overpower the scent of the goldenrod. It’s why I keep it more towards the back and towards the water.” She explained with a soft smile on her features. “I think this place will be an excellent one for finding herbs, especially as more plants start to bud.” No doubt she would make more trips down here as the summer approached.

RE: Whatever makes you happy - Kallik - March 24, 2022

Her answer eased his worry, and he nodded. Good. He didn't think getting stung by a bee would feel all that great, and he certainly didn't want any bees near Aquene. 

She liked this place. Kallik offered her a small smile in response to her words; she was the only one he ever smiled for. Around her, everything was just easier. I am glad you like it, he said softly, reaching over to kiss her cheek. This was messy work, but he thought she looked beautiful always, especially when she was concentrated on her work. 

I like watching you work, he told her. His chest filled with that strong, nameless emotion again. Kallik swallowed against his racing heart.

RE: Whatever makes you happy - Aquene - March 24, 2022

She chuckled softly at his words. Bee stings were far from pleasant and she liked to avoid those. Only one thing was allowed to sting her and she didn’t really classify that as a sting.
She smiled softly at him as he kissed her cheek, taking a second to lean against him before she continued on with her work. She’d lose herself in moments like this forever if she could. Perhaps it was the hopeless romantic part of her, the one that simply wanted to live in these moments forever.
“I like having you with me. It makes me feel safer.” She offered back, continuing to guide him through the forest as she continued her herb collection process. She’d spend the entire day collecting valuable stores for Mereo’s talbinum with her husband by her side.