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Totoka River Let The Hunt Begin - Printable Version

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RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vale - September 01, 2022

Vale was mostly stunned, if anything. His head did throb a bit, and sure, he was bleeding, but what did he care? He'd just helped his family kill a deer! He was over the moon! But, of course his family was worried, and they all converged on him. His mother was the closest, inspecting him and asking him questions. He told her honestly, It hurts, but nothing feels off... He didn't want them making a big deal about it. He got to his feet, shook out his pelt, which hurt his head more, and he said, Mom, come on, we just went on our first real hunt!

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vagabond - September 01, 2022

Vagabond joined his family, he scanned the land for his smallest, she seemed well enough, if not in a similar state as Asara, but not as emotional at least. He sighed and pressed into Asara, offering comfort. It's good to see your spirits are still high, Son, how is your appetite? He turned to his mate. It seems minor enough that we can at least eat before we get him to Lorelai.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante - September 05, 2022

Violante looked hard at her son, but his gaze did not waver. He truly seemed fine, and the bleeding had slowed considerably. Finally, she huffed and dipped her head. If you say you're fine, I believe you.

She moved towards the carcass then, and she said, Pelts can be harvested and turned into furs. She began to skin the carcass using her teeth, cutting it at neck and ankles until the whole skin came off, dripping blood and other things. We will clean this at home, and I will show you how to dry them. They make wonderful bedding, accessories, and gifts.

But now, it was time to eat. You hunted well today. Everyone dig in, and we'll take what's left back to the others.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante II - September 05, 2022

When their mother declared Vale fit, young Violante nudged him, smirking. That could scar, you know, she told him teasingly, but she doubted he cared. She then turned to her mother as she began to talk of saving the pelts, and she watched intently, making notes of where her mother cut. Eventually, they had an entire fur, but she was more interested in eating. She dove in straight away, shoving her face into the body cavity to snatch an organ before backing off possessively, not letting anyone close to her while she ate. They'd get their own picks, after all. The organ meat was quite possibly the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted, and she feasted greedily on it before returning for regular meat.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Asara - September 13, 2022

Asara was glad her brother would be okay. She grinned at him. Way to go bro! Her mom started to teach them something knew. She was intrigued as she watched her remove the pelt from carcass. She was hungry, and the hunt had only furthered the girl's hunger. She was ready to eat already. She didn't even care that her sister got there first. Asara took what she wanted and then laid near the deer, sprawling out to enjoy her take.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vale - September 19, 2022

Vale was careful to pay attention while his mother taught them about skinning, but he was really just interested in eating and then getting his head fixed up. When it was finally time, Vale let his sisters eat first, and then he went, taking a moment to choose his piece. He had some organ unknown to him and a hunk of meat, so he happily moved away to begin gnawing on his food.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Vagabond - September 21, 2022

Vagabond would eat after his son was tended to, the deer was not too far from home and he would return soon to eat and help Violante transport the rest of the kill to their cache. He smiled at his mate and kissed her head. He raised his maw to the sky where he sent out a sharp clear call before running home.

RE: Let The Hunt Begin - Violante - September 28, 2022

When everyone had eaten, Violante signalled it was time to leave. Like her mate, she would return later to eat and cache the rest, but for now, Vale needed to be checked out by Lorelai. Setting a swift pace, the dark woman would lead her family back towards home.