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Ouroboros Spine under divine law of the opus magnum - Printable Version

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RE: under divine law of the opus magnum - Cara - December 02, 2014

i feel u, the other night there was a mosquito flying around my room and buzzing in my ear ;__;
also sorry if sucky

The pressure applied by his jaws held her glued to the spot, she was not being pinned against the ground violently, but she knew that any attempts to shake herself free would only worsen the situation. She was literally caught between the blades of his teeth and the ground, with no possibility other than to oblige to his desires.

Her words were simply sliding through one ear and out the other how ironic, there was nothing she could say to make him see the situations through her eyes; after all he was entitled to refuse to do it since it had been her who had blinded her eyes to him as well. With jagged breaths slipping past her lips, Cara's knees began to buckle, sending her slowly into surrender.

She tried her best to keep still as her flank touched the floor, even as the fire in her insides urged her to keep kicking and fighting she resisted. She might've lost the battle, but she had not lost her spirit. He had broken through the hard shell that covered her ego but he had not managed to crush her will to fight. No one ever would.

A last huff erupted from her chest as he continued to apply pressure onto her, giving the final push to readjust the unsteady bridges of the pack's hierarchy. Finally every single one of the yearling's muscles went limp, she had accepted his display of dominance but most importantly battled her own demons.
The possibility of rising throught this was there, all that remained was for them to take it.

RE: under divine law of the opus magnum - Mordecai - December 03, 2014

Oh, I absolutely *hate* that! Same with those little fruit flies things! You hear them buzzing and it's just... asklfjasldfkjsdflkj.

At long last and after what felt like an eternity to him, he felt her grow limp in his grasp. Slowly and even reluctantly, Mordecai eased his grip up on her. He lingered overhead for a moment, ensuring that she would not rise to strike him like the viper she had proven to be in the past, and then paced away from her. There was a careful precision in the way he distance himself, watching his own flank but allowing her the space that he had rightfully invaded. Whether or not it would be enough, he couldn't have said, but he was certain that he would find out soon.

“I'll consider what it is that you want, but know this,” he said, beginning to reiterate his point, “if you choose to be insubordinate to me, I will chase you out of this pack. But I am also willing to put the past in the past if you are. I know you want nothing more than this pack to thrive and I am with you on that notion. But your cooperation is just as important as everyone's, not just what you have done or what you believe your worth is.” He wanted her to respect him, to contribute beyond the drive of just doing things. He wanted her to be less self-centered, but knew it was a process. It wasn't as though he anticipated her to change her personality overnight, but in all things, they were shaped through interaction and trial and error. They learned from the beginning to the end and the world was full of infinite possibilities.

Sighing to himself, Mordecai brought his gilded gaze back around on her, testing the will he attempted to have her yield to. “Work with me and you can have the things that you want. Can you do that?”

RE: under divine law of the opus magnum - Cara - December 04, 2014

Suddenly, the tight hug of his jaws around her neck loosened, giving the female a bit more comfort to breathe. However, his hot breath was still on her, so like a petrified deer standing in from of a car's headlights she remained motionless under his feet. A few seconds of silence rolled by, giving each a chance to recover their breath and start assimilating the recent events -- though for a girl like Cara, a couple of seconds were never enough. It had taken her around a month to grieve Jinx's death, now that it was her own death that was at hand the lapse of time recquired to recover would be much longer.

The journey to get herself down a righteous track would be slow and ardous --but not impossible to the relentless yearling. She breathed slowly, her flanks heaving as he began to speak, though she would've liked an inmidiate 'yes' she knew that just like her, he needed time. The jagged breaths that had been left by their collision soon faded, and where a frown laid just seconds before, a soft smile began to appear. "I am willing to" she barked, raising her muzzle of the cold floor ever so slightly, not with the intention of a challenge or complaint but to simply give strenght to her affirmation.

Then with her pale yellow eyes flickering over him she dipped her chin in a solemn nod. Though they had reached the same conclusion she had wanted to get, they had gotten to it through a different, much rockier path -- his path. But that did not matter, in the end, Cara had not lost anything more than the invisible crown over her head, if anything she had earned a much bigger something out of it all.

RE: under divine law of the opus magnum - Mordecai - December 05, 2014

End with your next post? I enjoy these two and their threads. <3

She spoke and rose slightly, like a wilting flower having struck the vein of a reviving source. He watched her and this time, found that she had acquiesced this time around. It was enough to siphon the tension he had been feeling, but not enough to drain it entirely. This would certainly be a process indeed. Mordecai pulled his gaze from her then, taking in their surroundings and the fact that they had not been happened upon. The Spine had quiet borders on that particular day, but then again it was also something he hoped for. Too much traffic in their midst would unbalance everything that they had worked for. The seclusion was nice, at least going into the change of the season.

“We should finish the rounds,” he decided, pushing their crossed paths towards a separation. He had been going one way and she another, anyway, and he would not deny her the continuation of her own routine. But he did not press on readily, only hesitating to see if there was more should would do, or add to their discussion of sorts.

RE: under divine law of the opus magnum - Cara - December 07, 2014

this was my favortie thread ever<3 thanks for beating some sense into her haha

Though his jaws had not punctured her skin, she could not bring herself to shake away the phantom feeling of their tight grip around her neck. She took advantage of the subtle shift in his eyes and rose to her paws finally, holding herself with a much noticeable lower stance than the one she had adopted in the beginning of their encounter.

After a few seconds of uncertainty of what would happen next, Mordecai finally dismissed her, excusing himself too with the pretext he had to finish rounds. Cara's eyes bounced inmediately to him; after what had just happened he had not expected him to send her off so casually. Maybe he had already pushed the restart button -- and maybe she should too. Holding on to their past interactions would not allow them to move forward after all.

With her eyes lingering on his face for a brief second she nodded withouy even moving her lips to make a sound. Shutting up now was perhaps Cara's inital tests. She had already presented her case, and though she thought words would be the resourse that made him change his mind, she now knew it was actions what he was interested in. So with a solemn dip of her nose and a low chuff, she turned, slinking back into the path she had intended to follow before they ran into each other.

Her pace increased as she left his sight, she didn't want anyone with her right now, she just wanted to merge with the wind as she ran.
She would become one with the wind -- and if things turned out right, she would, in time harmonize with the Spine, and all of its members.