Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine puyuk - Printable Version

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RE: puyuk - Mojag - January 17, 2023

Fade here?

If this man was family to Kukutux in some way, then that made him family to Mojag too. The boy did not understand bloodlines - that was not how Moonglow worked as far as he knew it - and as a child of the village, he saw connections where perhaps there weren't really any. It thrilled him to have added this hunter to their village!

Kukutux allowed them to go, after, and it was Chakliux who now needed Mojag. He was elated to have a job to do, and was thrilled to show the man his home - their home, now. Between their transit of the different areas Mojag could be heard bubbling over with questions for Chakliux, or little anecdotal stories - this was where... and one time... and such things.

The boy was overjoyed to have such a man as Chakliux among them!