Wolf RPG
Kintla Flatlands my travel - Printable Version

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RE: my travel - Mordecai - November 09, 2014

I think I'm going to start to push this towards a close if that's OK with you. :)

Mordecai hadn't considered whether or not it was really a coincidence. He could have traveled through this particular area of the plains and encountered no one at all, or he could have found someone different. Truth be told, he wasn't sure that he believed in coincidence, but he certainly didn't believe that everyone had some predetermined destiny awaiting them. For all intensive purposes, it was perhaps best to say that he was not much of a philosopher. At least not much of a broadly-minded one.

Stretching, the fledgling Spine alpha drew himself up to his full height after a moment. “But on that note, I suppose I really should be getting back to my home. Doesn't set the best of examples if I decide to spend the whole day out here instead of tending to things back there,” he said, chuckling. Mordecai didn't think the Spine would turn directly into shambles if he ventured out once in a while, but it was something he preferred not to be known for. Not with the potential of things going so sideways they were unable to be set back to their starting points, and certainly not with the potential of Cara ruining his claim with her egoism.

“Perhaps we'll meet again?”

RE: my travel - RIP Star - November 10, 2014

sure last post from me. Thanks for the thread!

She nodded. She'd really enjoyed meeting someone new. "Perhaps. Till then, Mordecai." Star said. She waved her tail in a goodbye manner and began her trek towards the creek again. She had a little ways to travel, but that would be alright. Her legs were built for traveling. And hopefully they would continue to serve their purpose, helping her to explore the Wilds, and meet nice wolves like Mordecai.