Wolf RPG
Wild Berry Meadow breaking my back just to know your name - Printable Version

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RE: breaking my back just to know your name - Dehlilah - April 07, 2023

Her tail relaxed lowly behind her swaying as she stared at the shadow, her stomach rumbling at thought of a possible meal. She focused back in when she noticed the slight downside in his expression. She was confused. What had she said that upsetted him? Was it the satirical kiss?

"What did I do?" Her ears pinned back slightly as she turned her head away from him, facing off somewhere and focusing back on the teasing ploy of her devasting hunger.

RE: breaking my back just to know your name - Tahoe - April 07, 2023

Fade soon?

She didn't answer the question directly. Her demeanor softened, almost hurt, as if he'd shoved a thorn in her side.

Oh no. Here comes the drama.
He thought, unsure what to say. The sound of her stomach rumbling only reminded him of his own hunger.

The frown remained on his face. Then, rather abruptly, he turned around and began walking away. Though, he assumed she wouldn't allow him to escape so easily.

RE: breaking my back just to know your name - Dehlilah - April 08, 2023

As the brute turned away from her and began walking away from her, retreating back into the flowing grasses she couldn't help but smirk. Standing up quickly, she made sure to keep herself close behind him in order to keep track of where he was off to. Hopefully, that somewhere would present her with maybe even just a scrap of food.

Continuing to follow she couldn't help but recognize the fact neither of them had introduced themselves properly and if she were to be tagging along with him she thought she ought to let him know at least her name. Even if calling her name wouldn't always be that effective or worth calling. "Dehlilah" she spoke smoothly now, reaching up at his pace and connecting her strides with his.

RE: breaking my back just to know your name - Tahoe - April 08, 2023

As expected, she was on his heels within a minute. She even introduced herself.

Dehlilah, He repeated beneath his breath, testing out the name on his tongue. Aiming to change their direction westward, he guided her—with the steady bump of his shoulder against hers, once she was at his side—to make a sharp left turn. This way.

The pair continued onward through the winding meadow, beneath the pale skies.