Wolf RPG
Rosewater Oasis Goodbye, sweet things - Printable Version

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RE: Goodbye, sweet things - Meridian - August 08, 2023

All attempts at explanation had failed. Meridian put her friendly face away, and felt no reason to further try to explain herself. While it would be helpful to have another paw collecting gemstones for her, she could attempt to find them herself. Turning her snout to face the ravine, she gave him a clear direction to avoid. I doubt you would be welcome there, mangy half breed. A lie, meant to keep him away from her home. She had quickly turned a trade opportunity into ridiculous, immature insults.

Sorry about Meridian's surliness, her opinions are not my own. :D

RE: Goodbye, sweet things - Tumbleweed - August 08, 2023

Completely understood <3

Ugliness showed itself when she dropped the disguise. His prized Oasis now fouled by the creature that lurked in its clear waters like a contaminant. She gestured with her pointed muzzle and revealed more of what he believed was her true, inner nature. He took no offense to her accurate guess about his heritage, as he put very little stock in her words. 

He turned, and began to move off, before he wheeled, as if suddenly struck by a memory. "Ah- I ought to congratulate you for being so suspicious. I pissed in that water so it's just as well you never drank from it."

She'd been wading in it for some time now, which brought him some small, immature amount of glee. He smiled pleasantly, though his eyes remained cold. He felt it was less likely she'd drink from it now- which was ideal. The more she struggled on the way home to her little nest of discrimination, the better. He trotted off with an airy step.

RE: Goodbye, sweet things - Meridian - August 08, 2023

As the coywolf revealed that he had contaminated the water, Meridian's gasp turned into an outraged screech. You- you DISGRACE! Your very presence soils this land! Trembling with anger, she wasted no time in leaping out of the foul pool. She had half a mind to attack him, but in the moment she doubted she would fare well in a physical confrontation. One thing was certain, Meridian would ensure he paid for his disrespect in the future. The russet 'yote would return to the ravine and clean herself in the pristine, urine free river until sunfall.

Last from me!

RE: Goodbye, sweet things - Tumbleweed - August 08, 2023

He heard her yell, and the splash of water. Of course, he hadn't been honest about urinating the water- but the desired effect had been achieved. She might leave this place alone, and avoid the area completely if she felt he was so foul. She might also abandon the water source now that she believed it had been contaminated. 

He left disgusted in her, but pleased with his own strategy. He'd possibly put in place the first step to controlling the Oasis- make it less desirable to creatures who were completely undesirable to begin with.