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Ankyra Sound Dancing on the Edge - Printable Version

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RE: Dancing on the Edge - RIP Spyridon - November 30, 2014

Powerplayed Rain getting knocked off the edge, since you implied that was OK! Please PM me if you'd like me to change it. :)

If there was one thing that could be said of Spyridon, it was that he knew an opportunity when he saw one. With the unnamed female so close to the cliff's edge, he seized the moment and pushed himself into her, using the full brute force of his body to send her tumbling over the edge. It was up to the gods if she survived now, and she was no longer of his concern. Out of sight, out of mind. But the fight was no longer over, and their target was now attempting to fight off both Caiaphas and Eos.

Spyridon threw himself at Nishu, snarling as he did so and aiming his jaws at the male's thigh, hoping to pull him down so that Caiaphas and Eos could incapacitate him. With three against one, the odds were not in Nishu's favor, and if he was not dead by the end of this ordeal, they would castrate him. If he managed to escape, Spyro had a feeling they would not see him for a very long time. Or ever, for that matter.

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Caiaphas - November 30, 2014

i just want to say.. this was a fantastic thread... i am so glad i got to participate! thanks all!! nishu, this may be a good time to have nishu escape completely (since we oocly agreed no maiming) or, if you'd like him to be captured, just indicate that in your post. if he is captured, we can work out what you are comfortable with before we continue. i am leaving phas' attack very open ended so you can 'powerplay' what she does to him.. because i dont want to do anything to complicate him escaping if that is your plan!

Caiaphas limped as she was thrown clear of Nishu Inte, her body bracing as she skittered alarmingly close to the edge of the cliff. It was just in time to see Rain somersault over it -- and darkly, Caiaphas wondered if this could be a new ritual they performed... executing wolves by tossing them over the cliff.

However, it was no time to scheme the aphotic nature of rituals and as she flung herself back into the fray she was passed by a dark wreath of shadow. Both Eos and Spyridon were upon Nishu Inte -- and Caiaphas was certain of victory. With a terrific lunge she threw herself back to Nishu Inte, seeking to use her weight to floor him as both Eos and Spyridon closed in..

RE: Dancing on the Edge - Nishu Inte - December 01, 2014

[size=x-small]I guess the fighting ends here :P, it was fun[/size]

The impact on his head pushed him back a little more. The moment he rose his head he saw the stranger pushed off the cliff by Spyridon. It was so shocking to see the it. How could they do this? It would be his fault for not being strong enough to take them all on before the stranger fell. He had to avenge her no matter what the cost. But a series of attacks were aimmed at him. His only choice was the evade them and counter attack. He jumped back one final time. In a heart pounding second he realised that he was already at the edge of the cliff and there was no place to jump back too. It was too late, he had already jumped off the cliff.

Nothing could stop his decent down into the crashing waves. Knowing fully well that there are rocks within the waters, for the first time he felt like this was his end. But he couldn't accept it, not yet! Although no training had covered this he was prepared to face this judgement. He had no real control over his fall, he tried to rotate so he could face the waters but no he was only able to look up at where he fell. He was starting to feel afraid, for once he wasn't sure if he could handle it. He was breathing in and out faster and faster. The worst has yet to come.