Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Coming With News - Printable Version

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RE: Coming With News - Nishu Inte - December 30, 2014

Nishu felt like he had the choice of following Rain or stay a little longer with the Alpha. After a bit of thought he wanted to stay close to Rain. The area was unknown to him so staying where he was able to see her was what he wanted. He rose up and bowed to Ame. "Thank you and please excuse me, I'll be escorting Rain even if it may be unnecessary." He said as he followed Rain from behind.

In truth he didn't want to get lost. He could have stayed with the Alpha but then there was no way to find Rain afterwards unless he tried really hard on finding her. He just didn't want to lose time and effort seeking her out. He'll talk to the Alpha at a different time. This time he will do his best to get to know them a little bit, just in case. He didn't want to have to deal with getting tosed off a cliff again, It was difficult to believe that he would be able to keep surviving those situations. There was no water around here so he better make sure he doesn't get on their bad side.

RE: Coming With News - Amekaze - January 01, 2015

ya this is pretty short too but hey it's just a lil ending don't mind it >_>
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Ame was satisfied by the course of this and since everything necessary had been said (with the further details, like Swiftcurrent, to be revisited later), she let this head towards the conclusion. Thanks were given, leaves were taken, and Ame returned the sentiments. As she watched the duo leave, she soon ambled towards the flatlands, having decided to do some tracking while she was down the mountainside.