Wolf RPG
Firefly Ravine Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Printable Version

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RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Kekoa - August 23, 2024

He glanced down to the unfamiliar fungi, staring for a moment before carefully eating it. The taste wasn't the best, but he knew better than to ignore the demands of a healer.

"..Thank you." He offered these words before beginning his departure, nodding to Pepper as he did so.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 24, 2024

Phobos left them momentarily while he acquired various items, and in that time, the pair said nothing. It was only a little awkward, but Pepper was glad for the silence. 

The black and white healer returned, bringing with him a mushroom, some leaves, and spiderweb, then did his thing. The young wolf's thanks broke the silence, and Pepper finally lifted his head. 

"Stay outta trouble next time," he said, returning with a nod.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 24, 2024

He laid himself down next to his remaining companion with a sigh of relief, laying his head down. He seemed to be quite pleased with himself from the look on his face.

"It seems like you attract all of the odd one's. Try not to spread it to me."

He looked up at him, his usual smug expression soon returning.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 24, 2024

The big wolf took a deep breath, partly to take in Phobos' scent, which he'd grown accustomed to. 

"I did find you," he said, shooting the black and white wolf a grin. "Shoulda heard him earlier, though. I think he learned somethin' today."

The young wolf was still visible, though far enough away not to hear them.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 24, 2024

"He will. I rubbed ivy in his wounds and fed him a hallucinogenic." He grunted. A bit overkill, but it was his own way of defending Pepper.

"He'll be fine - but that shit stings."

He began his usual grooming of Pepper's fur, having forgiven him after their earlier conversation.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

The large wolf raised a brow. He hadn't wanted Phobos to hurt him. Pepper figured he'd done that adequately himself.

He leaned in to the wolf's grooming, no longer feeling guilt like he had in the past. It was there, but not as harsh. 

"What's the hallucinogenic gonna do?"

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

"It won't hurt him - he'll hallucinate, obviously, but for all know he could have the time of his life with that."

He briefly glanced up at Pepper to ensure that he wasn't upset before continuing with his previous actions.

"He was a little prick. It's just to give him a good scare." Whether Pepper had done that himself or not, Phobos had wanted to get his own jab in.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

Pepper gave him a frown. Physical wounds in a fair fight were one thing, but disguising it as help for a wolf who didn't know any better didn't sit right with him. 

"That ain't right, Phobos." is all he said in response, though it was clear he wasn't all that upset given he still let the wolf groom him.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

"Well I won't do it again if it bothers you so much." He responded in a sweet tone - though likened to a honeycomb covered in bees, it had a bit of a sting to it.

He knew he most definitely would repeat such actions, however that was something to worry about later on. Pepper would learn to understand if he wanted to stick around for the long-run, and from what Phobos knew he didn't plan on it.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

"Mmhmm," he said, shooting him a narrowed glance. He knew the wolf wasn't being honest. But he wasn't going to lecture an adult on the value of truth and honesty. To each their own. He would greatly prefer it, though, if Phobos left younger wolves out of his antics. 

"What've you been doin' here?"

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

"Nothing of interest, really. Foraging." He responded, pausing. "I was about to move on when you came by - onto the next area."

"I'd like to scout out the herbs in each area before I settle. That sort of knowledge is what made me any good in my birth pack."

Satisfied with his work, he rested his head across Pepper's back.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

"Couldn't do that while havin' a safe place to call home?" Pepper's face would show visible worry, brows scrunched tightly together. He understood what was being said, but he saw no reason Phobos should put off finding safety while doing so.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

For once he seemed to stop to think before he spoke, looking up at Pepper. After a moment he pressed his tongue to the top of the other's head, giving him a quick lick as if telling him not to worry.

"I'll find somewhere before winter arrives. I have one territory left."

He pressed into Pepper's neck, his own tail making slow 'thumps' against the ground. "If you don't settle into your new pack you should join me after I find one of my own."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

He lifted his large head from the sand, giving the wolf a look. Had he just asked him to live with him?

"What, ya don't think they'll keep ya fed well?"

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

"I know I'll be well fed as long as I keep you nearby." He snickered in response, giving his fur another lap.

"But no - I'm not worried about that. I need to ensure that I go somewhere where my skillset will be tolerated is all."

Most packs wouldn't be too interested in a wolf who couldn't hunt for himself, and while healers were important a fully formed pack usually already had one.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

"I'm sure Sapphique would have ya. Long as you can baby-sit, from what I understand. There's uh," he hesitated for a moment. "I could make some room in my den."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

"I'll decide after I finish this last trip."

He had to admit, Pepper's offer was convincing. It would be difficult to turn down when the decision had to be made.

"I doubt I'll be long - I'm going up into the mountains, and they're never very exciting."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

"They're dangerous," he said. Alone especially. A weak step was all it took.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

"I know that very well - my birth pack was up in a mountain. It was horrible."

He remembered a few instances of missteps he'd witnessed - young wolves who had walked too close to the edges without knowing better. Sometimes they made it out with a few broken bones, other times they weren't so lucky.

"I plan on staying close to the ground if I don't find a companion to travel with while I'm there. I know better than to go up alone without an understanding of the terrain."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

Pepper would've offered, but his long distance traveling days were behind him. He still didn't like the idea of Phobos going. He also didn't like that he was so concerned about this wolf he, all things considered, barely knew. 

"Tell me about 'it" he said, not clarifying what exactly.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

He wasn't quite sure what Pepper meant, but assumed he was asking about his previous home. It wouldn't hurt to let the other get to know him a bit better.

He leaned into the larger wolf, considering his words. "The weather up there was rarely nice - always too hot or too cold, but the insisted on living on the peak for whatever reason. Isn't that ridiculous?"

"I still think it was poor attempt at weeding out wolves like me."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

Pepper didn't think it was too ridiculous. It'd be hard to trespass on a mountain's summit. But the weather was a valid argument. 

"Probably easier to keep safe, don't ya think?" 

Phobos could be correct in that it was an attempt to weed out weaker wolves, but he didn't know enough to say for sure.

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

"Barely. It isn't much use when your own wolves are finding themselves injured." He grunted, crossing his paws.

"But it isn't my concern anymore - and thank the gods for that."

He looked back up to Pepper, deciding it was time to ask his own question. "What about you - what was your birth pack like?"

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Pepper - August 25, 2024

That seemed right. Maybe not such a good location. 

Pepper's ears fell. He'd rather listen to more about Phobos, but it was only fair that he shared his past, too. 

"Dad led it," he started. "It was.." 

There wasn't one word that summed up the living conditions. Religious, disgusting..


No one lived there because they wanted to. The members were only there to gain entry into some afterlife, which was bullshit. 

"Whole thing was built on a lie Dad upheld to keep members in line."

RE: Bittersweet Berries and Stinging Nettles - Phobos - August 25, 2024

Phobos offered a nod. It sounded as though they might have more in common than he thought.

"I can see why you didn't stick around then."

He wondered what it was like for Pepper, with his father leading the herd. Would it have made it any easier?

"Was it all bad? Or did you have someone to confide in at the very least."