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Blacktail Deer Plateau PACK HUNT: Prancer was Good Eatin' - Printable Version

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RE: PACK HUNT: Prancer was Good Eatin' - Saēna - January 31, 2015

Posting again because Saena wouldn't take this right now! :P

She was ready to collapse back onto the ground, maybe close her eyes for a few minutes—something Blue Willow would probably advise against, but she was just so sleepy—until someone called her an idiot.

Her head popped up, and though the motion made her eyes swim with tears from how the world whirled, she managed to fix her gaze on Koda. Of all the rude and derogatory things anyone had ever said to Saena, this took the cake.

She stood slowly, swayed slightly, and then puffed up like a Hallowe'en cat with a venomous stare. "Don't you dare call me an idiot, you arrogant son of a..." Saena hissed, catching her words and lashing her tail and challenging him with a full on stare. "That could've happened to anyone. Don't you dare speak down to me for it."

She might've challenged him for his rank, and fought him in spite of her youth, right then and there... but standing and raising her voice made her head pound and left her feeling dizzy. With a snarl that made her vision swim and without giving anyone an opportunity to stop her or berate her for her behaviour—she felt it was more than justified after he called her an idiot—she turned and stalked away, too furious and feeling too sick to even consider eating.

If anyone was to follow her, they would find her collapsed against a tangle of tree roots not far from the scene, weeping from both the treatment she'd just received as well as the pain in her head and the overwhelming desire to sleep that came with the concussion.

RE: PACK HUNT: Prancer was Good Eatin' - Koda - February 01, 2015

ugh, crappy post, just finished working all night

Despite her injury, the girl got to her feet to defend herself. She'd been clinging to consciousness moments before, and now she suddenly had the energy to get up and sass him. Typical spoiled brat.

"No, it wouldn't have happened to anyone smart enough not to rush headfirst at a panicked deer," he growled back. The others might kiss her boo-boos, but Koda wouldn't sugarcoat the truth as he saw it: that Saena was inexperienced and reckless, a disaster waiting to happen. "You should have let the more experienced hunters make the first move instead of charging in like that."

But Saena didn't seem interested in what he had to say now. Koda watched the girl as she wandered off alone, knowing he'd overreacted by calling her an idiot. The whole thing had shaken him badly, and he'd lost his temper. "Little girls don't belong in the hunt anyhow," Koda muttered as he turned and stalked back to the carcass.

RE: PACK HUNT: Prancer was Good Eatin' - Dante RIP - February 01, 2015

last from me
Dante let out a low growl of approval as he felt the doe go still, Finn's bite finishing the job. Grinning with the elated thrill of a job well done, for a moment he basked in it. Then he remembered Saena and the smile faded as he turned to see how she was. It appeared she had somewhat recovered, he was glad to see, though head injuries could be deceptively nasty.

She confirmed that she was alright, but he would like for them to keep an eye on her just in case. Before he could make the request of her, Koda broke in, and Dante looked sharply at the male as he berated her. Opening his mouth, he was unable to get a word in edgewise as the two exchanged heated words. Finally Saena stalked off, and Dante turned to Koda. "That was not well handled," he growled angrily. If Koda was to be a game master for the plateau then he needed to figure out how to deal with his hunters. Even if her mistake had been a rookie one (Dante was not convinced, having taken his fair share of blows), so what? It was expected that a wolf Saena's age learn to hunt and it was the job of the pack to guide them. His words had not been informing, but condescending and judgemental.

Dante would need to seek out Saena later. For now, he prepared to tear off a share of the kill in order to bury it in a nearby cache.

RE: PACK HUNT: Prancer was Good Eatin' - Blue Willow - February 01, 2015

Blue Willow growled once in warning, her green eyes flashing. How dare he talk to her family like that. She's young, but she's not stupid. She has to learn just as we all do. Dante is right that was not well handled. Blue shifted and decided she didn't want anything to eat anyway, turned and headed towards Saena. Perhaps someone would bring her something later, but right now she was unhappy with the way things were handled and irritated. So she stalked off, heavy footsteps receding.

RE: PACK HUNT: Prancer was Good Eatin' - Finn - February 01, 2015

last from me too
[size=medium]"If I had a heart you're the one who should break it"[/size]

[size=small]Their victory was unfortunately destined to be as short lived as the tranquility that followed after the doe's flanks stopped heaving and its heart stopped cold. With his lips bloodied and his own tongue peeking from his mouth as he recovered his breath he looked up, finding only a fleeting spark of approval within the light colored eyes of his Alpha before his expression turned sour. The Delta stiffened inmediately as the thought of the injured juvenile weighed upon his mind as simultaneously turned his head towards the place where the accident had occured.

While he had just missed the female's initial words after waking he was relieved to see that already the pregnant Healer was by the female's side. He stepped forth for a closer look but before he could even take a good two steps towards the gathered wolves an angry snarl rose from behind him. Startled as probably their own dead doe had been at the time the Ollivander jerked his head back, his eyes seeking to meet the emitter of such harsh words. It was with surprise that he found no one but the organizer of the hunt, Koda himself at the end of it all. The same man whom he had shared so many words of hatred for the other juvenile, Junior, was now lashing out at her sister.
This time however he would have to throw the insults alone.

Accusing the dark bicolored teen of stupidity had been one thing; while she had been loved and cherished by most members of the pack she had proved (over and over) to be not even worthless, but harmful to the pack. Not to mention herself damn it. Stupidity had been Junior's prime personality trait whilst the pale teen, Saena, had not exhibited any of it as far as he was concerned.
She had just had shitty timing.

And a bold mouth.
Without even taking a second to recover the girl was up in the attack again -- this time however all rage was directed at Koda rather than the doe. Incredibly, and perhaps as a result of the same surprise that flooded the Ollivander's veins, none of the other wolves was able to intervene between the pair's heated exchange of insults and growls until it was already over. It was then that the delayed wave of reproachful chides and barks reached the Gamekeeper.
Finn did not shift to either side of the argument, instead, without even giving a second look to the stakeholders he swerved his atttention back to the doe's body.
Unlike their dinner, critisism was a plate that was best served cold.

RE: PACK HUNT: Prancer was Good Eatin' - Koda - February 03, 2015

last from me. Also: all the sexism!!

Koda let Blue Willow go, knowing it was totally useless to try and argue with an emotional woman pumped full of pregnancy hormones. He instead turned to Dante, irritated by the man's interference. He was the alpha, but this was Koda's hunt and he hadn't wanted to take Saena along in the first place. (He'd made an exception for Kesuk, because they needed the numbers.) "And how would you have handled it?" He asked Dante. "Kiss her better, tell it's all okay? It's not okay, she almost cost us the hunt."

"You guys are way too soft on them girls. Letting them run around and play hunter." He continued. He'd been pretty quiet about his disproval of the plateaus non-traditional way of doing things, but this was, in his mind, a perfect example of why hunting should be left to the men. "She wants to learn, how about she learns something she can be useful at, like looking at clouds and telling stories and shit."

The alpha departed, and Koda ate alongside Finn in silence. He cast a wary glance at Kesuk, hopeful that she would back him up.

RE: PACK HUNT: Prancer was Good Eatin' - Kesuk - February 04, 2015

I really screwed up my posts, so i'm just gonna stop here... :3

Unbeknownst to Koda, Kesuk actually called Seana her friend and what he had just said about girls not being able to do shit made her blood boil. She hadn't seen this side of him before and it made her toes curl and her ears fall back in surprise. Not only did his words sting, but they made her feel worthless. Look at clouds and tell stories? What. The. Fuck?! If he had any hopes of her agreeing with him, then he would be horribly disappointed.

She watched him as he finished his words and started to eat, casting a glance back at her. She shot him an icy glare before turning her back and padding away, her head high, showing that she wanted nothing to do with him at the moment.

RE: PACK HUNT: Prancer was Good Eatin' - Valtyr RIP - February 05, 2015

Last post from me!

Valtýr gave a hiccup of surprise when Saena sat up seemingly unharmed, though groggy, by the impact. Not even a drop of blood had been grazed from her pale brow. Luck was certainty with the young woman this day, for the deer's punch looked far worse than its outcome.

No sooner had she recovered did Koda loose sharp vitriol, belittling Saena for her actions. Valtýr withered in the bold man's presence, but the bi-colored girl was quick to retort with an equally venomous tongue. The altercation was intense, but over before the young Sveijarn could blink. He shrunk away, not wanting to get caught in the argument, though a critical eye watched Koda with distrust. As the others ate in tense silence, Valtýr waited for his turn.