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Blacktail Deer Plateau I'm just making sure - Printable Version

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RE: I'm just making sure - Gunnar - February 07, 2015

Gunnar smiled, thanks and dad is a outrider by trade. So I don't think he'll be too upset really. His mom she didn't care as long as he was happy. Though he needed to get some trades under his belt before his dad kicked him to the curb. Ragnar was a good father, but he was not a doting one. He made sure the boys and even Gyda had known they were to pursue trades and be active members of the pack. If they failed they would leave.

Gunnar grinned Well I don't know about that I think I see some shimmery wings there on your back. Besides what else were those things that stampeded you but fiery hungry dragons. I'll work on finding you a unicorn. he gave her a smile. He liked Osprey she made him laugh.

RE: I'm just making sure - Osprey - February 07, 2015

When Gunnar told her of seeing wings on her back, Osprey actually turned her head to see her right flank and understand, what he had meant by it. She had never taken much interest in the black marking she had on her nape - mainly because it wasn't that easy for her to admire. But now the comparison of them having been wings at some point in her life was a very sweet one and she blushed beneath her fur.

"You will?" Osprey forgot all about her special trait and had all ears and eyes for the young fellow. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever promised me! Thanks!" she told him. "I can give you something in return, if you wish," she offered, considering it only to be fair, even though she had empty pockets. "OH!" she suddenly exclaimed, coming up with an idea. "What would you say about a dragon's tooth blessing?"

RE: I'm just making sure - Gunnar - February 16, 2015

Gunnar gave her a grin. He was happy to make her smile, show her some of the kindness she had shown him. Besides that, there was nothing wrong with an imagination, sometimes it got you through the worst times of life. He hoped she never lost that, even if she was older than him. He was far too serious to be so jovial, but sometimes he wished he could be.

His ears perked forward at her exclamation. He chuckled I think that would be awesome! What does it entail? Then he waited patiently for his blessing, whatever it maybe. Maybe he would be stronger and faster than the others, or smarter. Maybe he wouldn't let ambition rule him like his father.

RE: I'm just making sure - Osprey - February 16, 2015

"First of all - a real dragon's tooth!" Osprey told this to Gunnar as if this was the most obvious thing in the world and beckoned him to follow her. She had recalled that just before her first den had collapsed, she had sorted out all of the treasures she had collected during her stay there. And among them was a particularly big canine. It wasn't a wolf's - maybe it had belonged to cougar once or something even bigger and more fearsome - but since she wasn't an expert in anatomy, then this tooth was as good to be a dragon's tooth than any other.

They hadn't been too far from the place and they soon reached it. Osprey stopped and regarded it with a bit sorrowful glance - this had been her home once and grown on her in a way. Now it was abandoned. She sighed, mustered up a more cheerful expression and cast a glance back at her nephew. Then she proceeded to sniff around her hiding spots, until she found one. A little digging and a moment later she was standing in front of Gunnar, holding a mud covered yellow fang.

She put it on the ground between them and said: "So - this is the dragon's tooth. Not that powerful in terms of magic as a horn, claw, a piece of skin or the heart would be, but it is good for little things. Like blessings." Osprey was coming up with the legend on the spot, but it flowed so fluently and she managed to add a sense of reality to it. "It works like this - give a good thought of what traits you want to possess or improve - tell me and then we will try to make them true."

RE: I'm just making sure - Gunnar - February 23, 2015

Gunnar followed behind her, wondering where she would find a dragon's tooth. It was pretty awesome if he didn't say so himself. He had a pretty awesome blood aunt. Gunnar saw her sad look and wondered at it, but his mind was soon occupied. She lay the tooth in front of him and his eyes got wide.

Whoa that's just awesome. It was muddy and yellow, but it didn't take away from the cool factor. Besides he was a boy. What boy didn't like mud and pieces of other creatures.

Gunnar thought about it, Well I want to be a good gamekeeper, and a good Outrider. Then he waited and looked at the tooth expectantly. He wondered if this would really work, and how awesome it would be to be good at all of that.

RE: I'm just making sure - Osprey - February 24, 2015

Osprey saw the excitement in boy's eyes and felt glad that she had chosen the right thing to impress him. However, when he told that he wanted to be a "good gamekeeper" and "a good outrider" rather than telling exact traits, she became thoughtful. Then again - each of these trades included several character traits, so the task was a bit difficult, but creative too.

"So, put your paw on the tooth," she instructed him, placing her own paw on it and leaving just enough place for Gunnar's paw. "The tooth of the dragon, who is the mightiest and strongest of all beasts," she began in a solemn voice. "I ask you for a blessing," she paused and appeared to listen. A moment later she smiled, as if having heard something desirable and went on: "May this kid never lack bravery, cool mind, strength, ambition and kindness of heart that is needed for making long journeys and taking care of the pack wolves."

She paused again, closing her eyes and listening again. Finally she opened them and said: "The dragon has granted your wish, yet with one condition. One cannot rely on luck and blessings alone - as long as you work hard to be a good gamekeeper and outrider, the spell will work and be powerful. However, the less effort you make, the weaker the spell will be." In other words - all things in life came for a price.

ooc: I think that we can either finish this thread in few posts. Or - you can fade it out in your next post and archive it.

RE: I'm just making sure - Gunnar - March 07, 2015

Gunnar slid his paw forward, laid it on the tooth. He listened to her, his ears thrust forward in interest.He listened to his words, and grinned. His chest puffed out a little bit, in pride. He was going to own this whole trade thing.

He grinned again and dipped his muzzle. I'll work hard I promise He wagged his tail happily. This was a good day, he hadn't meant to meet a new family member, but he had and it was awesome. Even if it was a bit weird, since Ragnar was his dad and all.

RE: I'm just making sure - Osprey - March 08, 2015

At the very moment, when Gunnar promised to work hard, Osprey's heart warmed to him even more. With all the blind love one can have for a newly found relative, she believed that he would keep his word and that there were great things waiting for him ahead.

"Alright then. I promised to show you around, but I haven't shown you much at all," she recalled the initial reason for them coming here and with this, she guided him away and led a quick tour through the plateau, spending a good hour or two with the boy, before seeing him off.