Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods One more female to encounter [Mature] - Printable Version

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RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Tanith - February 13, 2015

One more post from you? :)

Burke was still stuck firmly inside her, and it still felt good despite the fact he was not moving. She heard the pants that escaped his maw after their fucking and it pleased her to know it was her who made him feel like this. He was a pretty good one and Tanith knew she would want more of him soon, despite their age difference. "Very funny. But true I don't suck. I do however lick very well," The agouti female half smiled, half smirked at his words, knowing he couldn't see it after all he was still lying atop her back. "I must agree with that statement," she laughed.

After a while, Burke pulled away from here and spoke, saying they should do it more often. "I wouldn't mind that at all, in fact, call me if you ever need to get fucked," she winked at him. Technically she was the one who needed to get fucked while he was the wolf who did the fucking, but it didn't matter now. Her turquoise gaze settled on him as he lifted his hind paw and began licking himself. Tanith lay on the ground, twisted her head and began grooming herself, after a few minutes though, she rose to her paws and smirked at him once more.

"I'll be looking forward to our next encounter," and with that she left, her tail swaying in the air.

RE: One more female to encounter [Mature] - Burke - February 13, 2015

Sure thing.

The large male grinned slyly at her. "Oh I will remember that," he pointed out. The male finished licking himself and watched the female groom herself. She smelt of him. Talking about putting his claim on the female. A pleased smile tugged on his lips. Burke calmly watched he go after he statement that she will enjoy their next encounter. So would he but Burke was not going to say that out loud.

He turned into the other direction to return to what he had been planning to do. Though his steps were slower than before since his muscles were a bit sore. Maybe he should take a nap in his den. Yes, that would be a good thing to do.