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Otter Creek Decode me - Printable Version

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RE: Decode me - Osprey - March 16, 2015

Osprey was unaware of the effect she had on the male. So wrapped with herself (and yet so keen on pointing out that Burke was the conceited party here) and drawn into the outcome of the story, that she didn't see the way he looked at her, nor the fact that he was really enjoying her company. To her - he still was a nuisance and someone she happened to run into over and over again, despite her sincere wish of never seeing this guy ever again.

"Because despite the horrible looks he had enjoyed himself being a scary monster. Even with a bunny-butt. And now - it was even worse. He was an ordinary wolf with a short and fluffy tail. A laughing stock! Who would be afraid of him now? Even though there had been plenty of people, who had laughed at him, there were many as well that had fled without looking back.

Therefore Butt Bunny squirmed out of Had-Wigs grasp, stomped away from him angrily, sat down and pouted. He felt very much offended and didn't want to have anything to do with the fellow. Needless to say that Had-wig didn't understand a thing of the turmoil the Bunnybutt felt, therefore he pranced towards him happily, chanting "Had-wig, had-wig, had-wig" all the time and picking up flowers and various other plants along the way.

When he got to the Bunny-butt - who was still mad with the world - he littered him with grass, leaves and flowers. "Had-WIIIIG!!!" the beast that didn't know it's kind squealed in joy,"
she stopped there, letting Burke decide, where to take the story next.

RE: Decode me - Burke - March 16, 2015

The large masked male was still focussed on the other continuing the story. While Burke was deciding that she was fun enough to be around and he might consider her as a friend one day... the female didn't seem to share that feeling, not that Burke saw that. He was a bit blind to all of that. For now he was granting this female his devoted attention. He smiled, was that what she thought of him? A laughing stock because of his docked tail? Interesting. The only difference was that Burke did not pout.

"Bunnybutt grew more agitated as the other squealed in joy. How could a hug turn him into such commoner? Bunnybutt wondered under his irritation. He bit through a flower and then wanted to attack the weird beast that was dancing and squealing. Bunnybutt wished to kill him. The Had-wiggg didn't seem to notice how much Bunnybutt was hating the other. "HADWIGGG WADWIUUGGGGGGG' the had-wig cried when the sharp fangs of the Bunnybutt bit the kind creature."

"Slowly his fur made way for scales again, since he was a horrible creature after all, and Bunnybutt turned to look the same as before. Was is that the Bunnybutt had met his equal? He could not fight or defeat the other. Biting made him feel bad while he normally liked biting. If he was hugged then he would turn into a commoner. The Had-wig cried so loudly but Bunnybutt didn't seem to care he had his old looks back. Maybe Hadwig wasn't his match but just some old hag that lived in a forest...."

It seemed like an open end, but Burke would let the other add more if she wanted to. Burke was certain she could provide even more to the story, bring in other characters that might be even more curious. Maybe she had an idea if the Hadwig and Bunnybutt separated or stayed together after all.

RE: Decode me - Osprey - March 18, 2015

It was a good thing that Burke kept his character true to itself and didn't make it to have a change of heart suddenly. Far too often very good "bad characters" got either discarded too early or they realized their mistakes in the end and became good. Of course, you had to always be careful, what you told the kids, and probably choosing a story with the right morals was very appropriate and safe. But as you grew and you became less affected from, what others told you simply because you had your own mind to make the decisions, then having a bad character being bad was exciting. You had a chance to explore the other side of the story.

However, she did not show this tiny bit of approval to Burke - that would be too much to ask from Osprey, conceited and bad mannered she was with him. "The poor Had-wig continued wailing and crying, until one by one the inhabitants of the forest started to appear, wondering, what had happened. Very soon the crying big beast and the Bunny-butt were surrounded by many curious people, watching the odd pair and making their own assumptions.

Then one of them cried out: "That guy hurt Had! Let's chase him out!" And all of the mass of people turned on to Bunny-butt. However, Had-wig misunderstood everything and thought that now everyone was attacking him. Therefore he began to run too, caught up with the bunny-but, yanked him up by one of his hind-legs and ran as fast as he could."

RE: Decode me - Burke - March 18, 2015

The girl did continue the story. The large male liked how she twisted the story in a certain way. He still wasn't sure if this story was reflecting on them or not. But for now, he liked the general direction of the story. He slowly grinned when they ran away together. "Hmm. Interesting," Burke spoke. He kinda wanted to know her real name. But he was sure he wasn't getting that one yet. The mystery was what kept him interested. Burke wondered if he should continue or not. Maybe they could continue next time. The calm male slowly smirked. "Well, I do like to continue a next time," he spoke, not hiding the fact that he wanted to see her once more. 

This was a perfect way to digest food, actually. Just casually making up stories while laying down and food being processed. "Maybe I will bump into you again. It happened three times before now," he spoke. Burke slowly pushed himself into a sitting position. The female had been right before, that he wasn't very useful to his pack while being away. And frankly the fact that he would like to talk more with this female kinda freaked him out. Maybe that clarified his abruptness. "Next time you can provide the meal while we chat,' he teased.

RE: Decode me - Osprey - March 18, 2015

I sincerely hope that not. Osprey's gaze and expression seemed to say in response to Burke's suggestion, even though the story about Hadwig's and Bunnybutt's adventures were left with open end. There was a potential and it would be a pity to leave it like that and never continue, yet... she was not quite sure, if she wanted to meet the fellow again. He had not minded her teasing and rather nasty approach, he had a thick skin and a bit of brains too, when you dug deep enough. So - not at all - the mindless, rude and brawny fellow she had thought him to be in the beginning.

Not wanting to remain lying, while he was getting up (she was still wary and careful in his presence, because in a fight he would have an upper hand), she got to her feet too and shook her coat. "Don't count on it," she then replied. She would much rather like him to stick around his home and never even sniff this way. Because, if he had come this close to her home, then it would only take him a matter of time to find out, where she lived and what her name was.

"But - as much as I would hate to admit it - thanks for sharing the meal," she decided that she could be the least bit polite to him. He had not been that bad this time after all. 

RE: Decode me - Burke - March 18, 2015

Awesome thread, Me! <3 They are always so amazing with you! :3

Burke didn't know what the female was really thinking of him, but when she said she hoped not to meet him again Burke actually felt something weird twist inside of him. Of course from the outside the male only smirked. "It seems to happen, so why not roll with it, like with a story," he retuned with his calm tone. He always had that same calm tone. The male kept his pale eyes on her. They briefly went over her frame and a hint of a smile tugged on the corners of his mouth. He had actually laughed out loud with this female. How, he did not know. 

"You are welcome," he returned with a court nod of his head. His docked tail wiggling a bit before it kept upright. He gave her one last glance before he nodded her goodbye. "See you next time," Burke called out as he strolled away. As he did he tried not to think of her. He was not going to think of her. He couldn't be like Kove. He needed to focus on the Brotherhood. Besides, he was the one that didn't love. That is what they called him. Surely this was nothing more than a female that kept his interest. In the stories they talked about beating hearts and flushed faces. Burke didn't had any of that. Instantly he turned more calm. This girl was just his verbal sparing partner. That is all. 

RE: Decode me - Osprey - March 18, 2015

ooc: aww... Burke likes Osprey... :D Thank you too - this is so interesting and their dynamics feel so real! Want to have another? She is not in the right state of mind at the moment (due to all of the stuff that is going on in the BDP) and there is a lot going on, but then again - a different situation to test the two characters.

It seems to happen, so why not roll with it, like with a story. Osprey was taken aback and didn't say anything, looking at the big brute through narrowed eyes and an unfathomable expression. Sure, being, who she was - a person that stood with two feet in the imagination land - she had often thought of her own life as a remarkable story. The best and most unpredictable of them all, but still having some sort of control over it. She would not mind his statement, if it didn't imply something about a "fate she could not avoid". Nonesense! She huffed. So, what if the great story-teller liked to twist with her story and they had met three times already. Each one of them - at least from her side - unexpected and definitely not wanted?

In the end she decided that Burke was an over-confident and haughty idiot. It was a comforting thought, therefore she went home (making sure not to make her path straight, but with a lot of curves and false directions, just in case), finding solace that he could definitely not be right and that they would not meet each other ever again.