Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera Birds of a feather flock together - Printable Version

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RE: Birds of a feather flock together - Peregrine Redhawk - March 20, 2015

"Uh..." Peregrine said, trying to mentally count all his brothers and sisters. "I dunno either," he admitted, quickly giving up with a shrug. "But maybe I should make that my goal: pop out more kids than mom and dad. I'm sure Fox will be game!" he said loudly, glancing back at her and wiggling his eyebrows. She didn't seem that amused, he observed with a chuckle. Neither of them could bear the thought of more children at this point in the game.

"Hate to be the one to tell you this, Oss, but... you have a ton of gray hairs," Peregrine teased, chuckling at his own joke. "We're a long ways off from true old age, though. We're in our prime right now!" he insisted loudly. The vibration of his chest earned a screech from Wildfire that set his ears on fire.

"Hey, I hate to cut our meeting short, especially knowing you'll be leaving soon... but I'm going to take this butthead inside and try to get her to quiet down, maybe eat or something. And then maybe give Fox a break," Peregrine said reluctantly. "Will you be heading to the plateau right away?" he asked, rising slowly and ignoring the bawling Wildfire a moment so he could exchange a proper farewell with his beloved sister.

RE: Birds of a feather flock together - Osprey - March 21, 2015

Fox didn't seem amused by Peregrine's quick idea and - quite frankly - Osprey didn't think that having as much kids as possible just for the sake of sport wasn't entirely right. This was not her brother's case, of course. Despite his easy and carefree attitude sometimes and way with words he was grown up enough to know, when to take things seriously.

"That's true," Osprey agreed, even though she knew that the "prime" didn't last that long. In a year or two both of them would probably be cranky and stiff in the mornings and complaining that kids get worse with every generation, having lengthy conversations about, what kind of illnesses had got them and... about those, who had died recently and speculating, who would be next. She hoped though that neither she, nor Peregrine would be that kind of old fellows.

"I have to - I have been away for quite some time," she was also sorry that she could not spare more time for her brother, especially since they could not meet each other frequently. But plateau needed her too and a big part of her felt happy about returning home. "But I will come again - can't tell, when though..." she said getting up to her feet.

RE: Birds of a feather flock together - Peregrine Redhawk - March 21, 2015

He knew it was more of a rhetorical question than anything and he nodded. Signaling again for her to wait a moment, he plucked up the crying Wildfire and moved her inside. "I'll be right in," he promised Fox, making sure she understood he wasn't just dumping the problem child on her. "You okay?" he asked, exchanging a brief glance with her before turning to say goodbye to Osprey.

When he walked back to her, he pressed his chest against her shoulder and lifted a foreleg to draw her into a hug. "Love you, Oss," he said quietly, pressing his muzzle against her temple and lingering there for a moment before giving her a brotherly kiss and stepping back to meet her eyes. "I'd walk with you but Fox would probably kill me and Wildfire if I was gone for more than two minutes. Will you be okay walking to the borders by yourself?" Perhaps it was a dumb question but he was nothing if not a caring brother. "We'll see you again soon. Glad you got to stay with us and meet the kids." He smiled, though his jade eyes were a big sad as he prepared to see her off. "Safe travels, Silver Bullet."

RE: Birds of a feather flock together - Osprey - March 22, 2015

"It will be hard, but I will manage," Osprey told him in a solemn voice, as if making through the caldera to the borders was the longest and the most difficult journey ever. Full of danger lurking around, waiting to pounce at any poor and unsuspecting victim that went by. Knowing Peregrine, there would definitely be some dragons involved too.

"I was happy to see you all too," she replied and - just before turning and leaving - she added, "Catch some sleep, if you can." If Wildfire continued like the way she had, Osprey doubted this very much. Then again wishful thinking on her side would help somehow.