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Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Printable Version

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RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Charon - March 31, 2015

When they reached the beautiful spot that Gunnar had showed him earlier, Osprey seemed impressed, which was just what Charon was going for. She liked it so much that she wished she could take it home; which Charon, of course, wouldn't stand for even if she could. He liked having this place in Stavanger Bay too much.

Talking about the Plateau reminded Charon that he needed to visit sometime. He told Osprey, "I should come to the Plateau to visit and maybe stay over when I'm all better." And hopefully Osprey would be better by that time too, for he would make her take him to all the great sights in the Plateau! "So why aren't you the Alpha at the Plateau, anyway?" Charon asked Osprey over the roar of the waterfall, genuinely curious because in his mind, it didn't make sense at all that she wasn't.

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Osprey - April 02, 2015

"I would love to have you visit - there is a lot to see and do at the plateau," Osprey was happy to agree to have Charon as a visitor, feeling as giddy as a kid, who has invited her friend to birthday party at her home. Some would consider the dwelling place of the pack as not the most exciting place to be. A glacier, a seaside, a valley in the mountains all were far more interesting than just a forest at the base of a mountain. But that was just the surface, if you looked deeper, if you had her sources of imagination, you would be surprised, by how much such a forest could hide. "I could show you the Lauren's nest and witch's cove," the last one was a more recent discovery. A well-hidden tunnel with a scary atmosphere.

"Well, we have three capable leaders already," Osprey had never given much thought about joining the leadership. She was fine with where she was already and her lifestyle and recklessness didn't fit the role of a leader in her opinion. "Do you think I should be?" she asked, feeling curious about, where had Charon's question come from.

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Charon - April 06, 2015

"Sounds cool!" Charon said eagerly as Osprey invited him to come to the Plateau. "It's a deal, then, I'll visit sometime!" He wasn't sure when yet -- he couldn't yet tell if the pups would give him more time to be off and leave the fresh parents with the pups, or if they'd need him extra much to patroll and other such things. But one thing was for certain: he would visit soon.

To his question, Osprey answered that they had three capable leaders already. Charon had met Dante; he wasn't sure who the others were. But he was pretty sure that there was no Alpha Female, for Dante had said that he thought Osprey didn't want it, even if she would be very good at it. Upon Osprey's question, Charon nodded eagerly. "Yes you should, you'd be awesome at it!" he said. "You're really cool and are super good at having fun, which is important, and I'm sure that everyone at the Plateau likes you." Charon couldn't really imagine why anyone would not like Osprey, anyway.

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Osprey - April 06, 2015

When among all of the qualities a leader should have being "really cool" and "super good at having fun" were pointed out as the most important ones, Osprey fought it hard not to laugh. She wished that life was easier and less complicated than it was, that leadership would not take that much responsibility, that post wasn't about having a good appearance, morals and flawless biography. That you could be you. Nah... leadership was not for her. Even though she was four years old already, she still felt like a little kid in so many ways. What would a child do, when in charge of pack of wolves...

"Well... I will tell them, what you told me the next time I meet them and I'll see, what they have to say about it," she promised, thinking, how hilarious it would be, if they agreed. "Do you want to be a leader one day, Charon?"

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Charon - April 06, 2015

It seemed like a typical case of miscommunication that Osprey said she would suggest it to the current leaders and that Dante had told Charon that Osprey did not want the post at all. Stupid Dante, he might've even lied about it, just assuming Osprey didn't want it without ever even asking her. Charon said, "You should. Dante thinks you're awesome too but he thinks you don't want to be Alpha, that's what he said to me when I ran into him the other day." And if Dante had lied about thinking Osprey'd be a good leader but that she did not want it, then he deserved the embarrassment Osprey confronting him with this would give.

To answer Osprey's next question, Charon nodded vigorously. He did want to be a leader some day, because he thought he would be really good at it. "Yeah, I do. Thistle's our only leader and I grew up here so I know all about the Bay and viking stuff and I want what's best for the Bay. I'm gonna tell her that I want to be a leader when I turn nine moons of age." Charon puffed his chest out proudly; determined that he would make a good leader, and not considering the full picture as youths often do, but with good, noble reasons to back his plan up; he really did wish to help Thistle and the Bay, even if part of this was because he wanted a good rank to show off.

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Osprey - April 07, 2015

"I told him this myself a while ago, therefore he was not lying to you," Osprey felt that she needed to explain, because she was left with a feeling that Charon was not entirely impressed by the leader of the plateau. Whether this particular subject - of her suitability to the leadership - or something else was to blame, she wanted her young friend to know that she thought very highly of Dante - both as an alpha and a friend. "I like to be in the middle of the ranks and contribute, where I can. I have my share of freedom that a queen would never have," she said, not expecting for Charon to entirely understand her.

"But you could be an awesome leader one day," she said, really meaning it. Whether the boy succeeded in this or not, she had no way of knowing. But as they say... "stay positive, dream big" and see, where it takes you in the end. "How is Thistle and Ragnar doing, by the way?"

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Charon - April 08, 2015

Charon snorted out a ridiculing laugh when Osprey said that she chose to be in the middle of the ranks where she could contribute. What wolf didn't want to be way up high? It seemed a silly notion to Charon. He countered, "That's not true, if you were queen and Alpha you could do whatever you'd want. Not all leaders do the same thing, and having adventures, being a hero and getting to know wolves of other packs are all good for the pack, too." This felt like the first time that he and Osprey differed on anything; but perhaps it was also because Charon was growing up, and he no longer merely listened in awe to anything an adult told him, instead creating his own views of the world and how it worked.

As Osprey asked about Thistle and Ragnar, Charon said, "They're good. Thistle is like getting pretty huge, 'cause they're having puppies this spring." After a short moment of silence he added, "I guess I should go look for a new den or something, for when the pups are born and get bigger, if there's lots." Charon had never struck out on his own just yet, but it would be fine. It'd be a good preparation to show that he was mature enough to be a leader, and he could just visit the pups lots and lots.

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Osprey - April 08, 2015

"Does Thistle do, whatever she wants?" Osprey asked Charon, feeling a little amused by the naive and idolised way he viewed the leadership. "There is a lot more to the rank than it seems at the first glance," she went on, after she had heard, what her friend had to say in the matter. "There is a lot to gain and a lot to give up," she also wanted to add that "you will learn over time", but refrained from that. From experience with Saena she had learned that kids never took it lightly, if you preached. And she did not want to step in the same river twice.

"That's nice," she said thoughtfully, recalling, how excited she had been to meet her new siblings. It seemed such a long time ago and for a moment made her wish that she could be at the Flightless falcons and see, how her family was doing now. "I think that I should start heading home," she got to her feet and stretched. She felt tired and the way to the plateau was still very long. "But we can talk along the way," she offered. "Have you set your eyes on a particular place for your den or are you still open to options?"

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Charon - April 09, 2015

It didn't matter if Thistle did whatever she wanted; Thistle wasn't Osprey, so it wouldn't be the same. And anyway, Thistle was just more of a homebody than Osprey. She loved being at home, and Osprey loved to travel. "You're not Thistle," Charon replied, dismissing Osprey's argument altogether because he thought it was a silly comparison. Thistle and Osprey were both pretty great, but they were far from the same type of wolf.

As Osprey said she should start heading home, Charon nodded. He followed the path down the waterfall again until they left its roar behind them and started back towards the borders. "Are you alright to walk all the way home?" Charon asked, because she had been unable to walk properly and he didn't want Osprey to collapse somewhere between the Bay and the Plateau. He thought of bringing her to the Plateau himself, but it was probably better to visit some other time instead.

As Osprey asked about the dens, Charon nonchalantly said, "Not really... Haven't given it much thought, I guess." He had never had to think of such things, for he had always lived with Thistly and Ragnar -- and before that, his biological parents. The thought of having his own den was both exciting as well as saddening. Charon wanted to be all grown-up, but he also liked getting lots of attention and the new pups would take part of that. He asked Osprey, "Do you ever think of having pups?", thinking back to his conversation with Dante. It would be cool to visit Osprey if she had pups and Charon could be their special uncle or whatnot.

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Osprey - April 09, 2015

It was pointless to argue with the young lad - Osprey saw that and said nothing, when the boy announced that she was not Thistle and therefore not the same kind of alpha. Well, he was right in a way, but she decided that a more in depth discussion should be left for a time, when the boy was older, even though the temptation to teach him and prove him wrong was very great.

"I will be fine, don't worry," she declined his polite offer, even though she didn't feel overly confident that she would make it without accidents. That sudden wave of pain and aching feet had given her a scare - her body had been reliable up until that point. Now she didn't trust it that much, nor could she predict, what would happen. All she could do was to hope that it would be alright.

The next question Charon asked her was quite personal, therefore she pondered, whether she should answer or let him now that just because they were friends, it did not mean that there weren't boundaries. Then again - he was her only Sir Knight Starchaser - and a lot could be forgiven. He hadn't meant anything bad by asking either. "Umm... now and then - yes. But not seriously. No," though as she became older, she began to realize that time was not waiting for her. In a few years time she would not be able to bear puppies anymore.
"Why do you ask?"

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Charon - April 09, 2015

Charon trusted Osprey's word when she said she would be fine, although he was still sort of worried that maybe she wouldn't be okay. However, Charon knew better than to question Osprey; he would question many things in this world, but he didn't want to backstab his friend by taking away her pride (by guiding her carefully to her own pack) and also thought he shouldn't make it seem as though he didn't trust her. So he would let her go once they would reach the borders, to give Osprey her honour.

Osprey said she had considered it sometimes, but not seriously. Well, Charon supposed that made sense, since she had no mate, so no one to have pups with. Charon was quick to answer when Osprey asked why he wanted to know about it. "I just thought it'd be cool if you did, 'cause then I could visit the Plateau and be sort of like... their uncle or fairy godfather or something like that and do fun stuff with them. And you could bring them to visit the Bay and teach them about adventuring." Where the boy had expressed his interest in being a leader just moments ago, now a part of him shone through that showed how much of a child he still sometimes was.

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Osprey - April 10, 2015

"Well, if I ever get there," which I highly doubt Osprey didn't say the second part of the sentence loud, "then I will know, where to look for a fairy godfather. That's kind of cool anyway... I mean, there are plenty of fairy godmothers around, but a godfather... that is something new." She praised him, using on of Charon's favorite phrases. It was an easy promise to make, because she already knew that by the time she actually could ask such a favor from the boy, he would be all grown up and with kids of his own. And probably would have forgotten this by then anyway.

"So..." she wanted to start a new subject, but could not decide, what to say next. Ask, how Gunnar was doing or the younger brother Levi? This would probably not lead anywhere far, because she didn't know the two that well. The borders were still a distance away and, since she had a feeling that she won't be seeing her friend for a longer while now, she didn't want to spend that precious time in silence. "Since you want to become a story-teller - let's cook up a quick story until we reah the doorstep of your home," she suggested.

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Charon - April 13, 2015

Charon didn't understand why there were less fairy godfathers than fairy godmothers really, because he'd been raised with a strong female figure in his life -- the Alpha and his guardian, Thistle Cloud -- but he didn't comment on it. He was content just to have the acknowledgement that he would be named fairy godfather of Osprey's children were she to have them.

As they walked, Osprey suggested going for another story. He was growing kind of tired from already telling various stories; it was like Osprey was insatiable when it came to stories. So he began, "Well, there was once this wolf who really liked stories. If it were up to this wolf, she would do nothing but listen to stories all day, hear stories, see stories shown by others... Her whole world revolved around stories." Charon considered a moment how to continue before he did. "One day a friend asked, 'shouldn't you eat something?' but she shook her head and said, 'all I want to do is hear more stories! I heard that the wolves of the water pack have more stories I haven't yet heard!' So instead of eating she went to the water pack. Once there, the wolves of the water pack told her a story she had not yet heard and then they asked her, 'shouldn't you drink before you leave?' but she said, 'no, no, I don't have time for that! I must collect more stories!' and so she was on her way again, searching for more stories. She came to a mountain pack and they told her a story, before asking 'shouldn't you rest before you go?' and she said 'no, I really can't, I might miss a story out there!' and she left again."

Charon paused for a moment while he considered the next step in the story while they neared Stavanger Bay's borders. Then he continued: "At some point, the wolf who loved stories was halfway back to her own pack, hoping they might have some more stories for her. Suddenly she realised how hungry and thirsty she was, and how she had not slept for days. Because she was so tired, she didn't notice there was a poisonous plant with thorns that she tripped over. She hurt herself and as she lay on the ground a wolf came to her side, who had seen her, and said 'you should have this plant so it will drive the poison', but as she faded away from being tired, hungry, thirsty and poisoned the wolf who loved stories turned to the helpful healer wolf and whispered, 'no, please, please just tell me a story.' "

Charon looked at Osprey to see how she liked the story; while he intended to just tell a story about a pesky wolf who just wanted to hear a thousand stories, and teach Osprey that moderation was a thing, Charon realised when he finished he actually quite liked his made-up story.

"We're here," he said, realising suddenly they had reached the borders, which meant it was time for good-bye because Charon needed to stay here to help the pack and pregnant Thistle, and Osprey needed to return home; hopefully safely so.

RE: Somewhere in the darkness shines a little light on a blue horizon - Osprey - April 16, 2015

Osprey mustered up a smile, while she listened to Charon telling her a story, but at the same time couldn't help but feel a little hurt by the direct way her friend told her that he felt a little annoyed by her pestering for the stories. She grew oddly quiet, after he had finished with the words - "please, just tell me a story" - because, even though the thought about death didn't cross her mind often, she knew that, if she were to go, then it would be with a story.

They had arrived to the borders and it was a good timing too, because it would have felt a bit awkward to continue talking, when she was not in her right mind and mood anymore. "See you then... in a while," she told him, reaching out to touch his chin with the tip of her muzzle. After that she left him, making the long and painful way home, without realizing the tremendous amount of trouble she would have to go through in the next few weeks.