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Blacktail Deer Plateau Bufferzone - Printable Version

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RE: Bufferzone - Osprey - March 26, 2015

"I doubt that I will do this all over," Osprey said in a voice full of determination. If she got out of this trouble and would be fine again, then next year she would accept Blue Willow's offer to keep her locked up and guarded in a den until the dangerous days were over. She didn't trust herself that much anymore and there was no way of knowing in what kind of trouble she would get in, if she took the same path as this year.

"Talk about screwing up a life," she sighed and gave him a small smile, wondering at the back of her mind, when had she become so good to him. Probably her poor state and the unbalanced emotions were to blame. Maybe next time - this time she knew that there would probably be one, another and then another, since fate liked to play jokes and be unpredictable in his moves - she would treat him the right way. Though she had to admit that Burke had showed himself in a lot better light than before.

"But there must be an inkling of, where you want to be," everyone had plans for future. Even those, who claimed that they did not.

RE: Bufferzone - Burke - March 26, 2015

"I meant make another mistake you will learn from," Burke explained. He was sure that he would make more mistake too. No one was perfect after all. Somehow, even though they weren't telling their story they were still telling bits of their own story. Burke kinda liked that. "Hey now. Yes you might have screwed up but maybe these little ones will be the joy in your life. Who knows," Burke returned, trying to give her a more positive note. He saw the change in Meldresi after she became a mother. Maybe all females went through a change after that. He wouldn't know.

The large male quirked up the corners of his mouth. "I'd like to become the Beta of my pack," he then spoke. The large male wondered if this female was still daring to dream. Maybe her depressive mood made her lose all hope. Burke tipped his head. "How about you? Do you even dare to dream? What do you like? What direction would you like to go?"

RE: Bufferzone - Osprey - March 26, 2015

"Who knows, indeed..." Osprey repeated, falling silent for a while, lost in thoughts. Just as in the beginning, she feared that she would not love them, because the joy for having them, carrying them had never been there. Horror after finding out had had a long lasting effect on her, even now it was hard to accept that there was - in fact - new life growing inside her. All those years she had seen, how March Owl brought each litter to term with grace and ease, yet she had never imagined, hadn't had the slightest idea of what would it be like for her. It was odd to think that in a few weeks she would be face them for the first time and she will have reached crossroads left alone to decide, which way to take.

His goal was to become a beta. A simple, modest one. Achievable. Would she want to become a beta or even alpha? Drive for the rank had never been her priority, even though - as she became older - she enjoyed the privileges of being in the respected tier. Burke asked, if she still dared to dream. She couldn't give a definite answer. Had there been dreams and hopes before? Or she - very much like Burke - had lived in the present moment, not planning ahead much. Yet now she couldn't not have plans. Another reason for her to feel scared and unsettled. "I am here and now. Past belongs to death and the future does not exist," she chose a more cryptical answer, this time having no doubts that Burke would understand, what she had meant by it.

RE: Bufferzone - Burke - March 27, 2015

Burke looked at the female that had grown really quiet. Burke laid his head on his paws while keeping his pale gaze on her frame. It just be weird to have young growing in your belly. The large tank was glad he was a male. When Bullet spoke again Burke had to disagree. "You make your own future. Your actions are stepping stones that decide your path. If you don't dream you might take the wrong stepping stone and fall in the water," Burke returned and kept his stoic face on her. Burke was working hard on his trades so he might get higher in rank. Becoming a beta would benefit him in a great way. But he wasn't going to ask for it. Burke was going to earn it. Maybe Meldresi didn't see him fit to be Beta.

The masked male pulled himself in a sitting position. "Well maybe the next time I will see you, you will have young," Burke pointed out. "Strange...." He then quirked up his lips in a charming way. "I hope things will turn around for you, Bullet. If things are too much where you are you know where to find me," he then offered. He wasn't sure if the male would come close to the Black Feather borders but at least he had offered it. "Unless you want me to stay longer now."

RE: Bufferzone - Osprey - March 28, 2015

"Now, when did you get this smart?" Osprey teased him without malice. He was true and, what he had said, pretty much reflectetd, what she believed too. The saying that "never judge the book by it's cover" was pretty much true about Burke. However, when one spoke about the future, there were so many things out of one's control that could influence a person's path. Sometimes wishing for something very hard didn't help. He mentioned "falling in the water" as a consequence of not thinking ahead. Well, she disagreed. Without the falls and downs one could never appreciate, what it was like, when things were good.

"Maybe," Osprey didn't know really, what the leaders had decided in regards for her and the children that were to be born. She had met Blue willow, Lasher and Dante on seperate occasions, each of them hadn't seemed very happy, yet they had not told her that bastards had no place among the ranks, that they would be killed. And at the same time she thought that it was not their decision alone to make. Other members of the pack counted too and their opinions mattered. Therefore she did not know the fate, the outcome of this.

"Do I?" he may have mentioned this and she had not paid enough attention to remember, but she had no idea, where he lived or where to find him. All of their past encounters had been totally random. "Where can you be found, when you are not flying around the flatlands?" this, however, did not imply that she was ever going to look for him.

RE: Bufferzone - Burke - March 28, 2015

"I wished to a hag she would make me smarter so I could impress you," he drawled a bit flirtatiously. The big male was keen on her reaction. It seemed the female was still in doubt what was going to happen to her, or her babies. Well Burke was convinced that Bullet would make it. If not, well then this was his last moment with her. His pale eyes sought for her dusty jade ones. He wanted to look into them. He was uncertain what she would do if her life was threatened along with that of her young. Would she leave her babies or would mother instinct finally kick in? Burke wished he could see such defiance from her. But he wouldn't. He wasn't always around her, and if they would meet again then it would be rather suspicious on his side. She would definitely think he was stalking her. 

"You do, if you think hard enough and connect the scent in my fur to an area within these flatlands," he returned. He had given her so much backstory she would have to do with this riddle now. Burke wondered what would happen if Bullet would come knocking on Black Feather Wood's door. His packmates would probably surprised, along with Meldresi. Yet, she knew how the dark female cared about her own young, so maybe getting Bullet in BFW wasn't that difficult after all.

RE: Bufferzone - Osprey - March 28, 2015

Burke was flirting with her, which was nice in a way and appealed to her pride, and at the same time it felt a bit out of place too. Osprey had learned about this guy quite a lot, yet - the more she learned, the more questions she had, the less sure she was. Had she been younger, she would not have been this distrustful, but her experience told that there were very few good things in life that were the way they appeared at first glance. Keep him at arm's length. She reminded herself and, as she turned her gaze back to look at him, her eyes met his for a moment. Somehow she found it hard to look at them for long, having a feeling that they pierced right through her, therefore she broke the momentary contact to focus at some point at his forehead.

"You should have learned by now that hags rarely give blessings and choose hexes and curses more often. If you asked a hag to make you smarter, she would most likely turn you into a frog or a tree," either a low creature with little capacity of intellect or a living being that could only watch and feel as the time and life went by, but never be able to tell this to others. "Well then, I will have to stick with the scent," she shrugged. If he was not going to say the name, then so be it. She was not going to beg either.

RE: Bufferzone - Burke - March 28, 2015

Burke have her another flirty grin. "Maybe the hag was fond of me," he returned a bit arrogantly, yet it was also so playful coming from him. As their eyes met he could only see a brief glimpse of her. The tank of a male got to his feet and disconnected any contact like hers. He had his stoic mask if he didn't want to tell something. Or he could use his charms to change the direction of a topic. But with her he wasn't bothered to hide things from her. Weird how Bullet had that effect on him. Maybe it was because he thought she was worth the information. He wasn't looking down at her for becoming pregnant that was the least of his worries. He looked at her as a whole being.

"I bet you do. But trust me the scent is not that difficult to locate if you really need me. But I doubt that, you needing me. You seem petty okay being here on your own." There was a hint of appreciation in there. The large male gave her a quick smile. He hoped that she would not have to give her life for the bastards that she was growing. He would like to see her again one day. But as always he was sure that they would meet again. 

RE: Bufferzone - Osprey - March 28, 2015

Osprey could not decide, whether by hag he had meant her or the witch folk in general. Anyway - she huffed and her expression clearly told that he was hoping for too much in such a short period of time. Hags were independent and self-sufficient people, who rarely needed any help from others and were just fine on their own. They had seen a lot more in their lives than most and it was not easy to impress them. Therefore if Burke decided to get a favor from a hag, then he had to prepare for working hard. It was always worth taking in consideration, whether it would pay off in the end. Hags were known to change their minds. Or worse - get bored.

"You are right about that," she agreed, not knowing, when and under what circumstances she would actually go and look for the fellow. Sure - his company today had been refreshing and she felt a great deal better - but then again, when and if she was alright in the end. Would she need him then? No matter, what person, she would hate to have them only because she needed something from them. So, it was worth considering and thinking through again. "So - you are going then?" she asked, raising to a sitting position and slightly wincing at the uneasy feeling in the feet. "Will you find your way away?" she asked, ready to accompany him to be sure that he didn't wander the opposite direction. She doubted that anyone in the plateau would take Burke tresspasing kindly.

ooc: have you read Jane Austin's "Pride and Prejudice"? I was listening to the soundtrack of the movie from 2005 today and I thought, how very similar Osprey's and Burke's relationship is to the one of Ms Bennet and Mr.Darcy.

RE: Bufferzone - Burke - March 28, 2015

I LOVE that movie and the soundtrack! I always listen to it while writing! :D Now you say so yes! Oh definitely! Adorable. <3

Burke had gotten to his feet before and watched the female shift into a sitting position. It was obvious that she had some discomfort by it. He liked that she confirmed how she could take care of herself. Burke cleared his throat. "You can be independent but don't be too stubborn about asking for help. I would dislike to find your body without life," Burke spoke tentatively in return. Basically he was saying: don't turn stubbornness into stupidity. He hoped the female would get that. Even though they were sort of friends now. At least Burke thought so. He was a counselor and a future caretaker. His pack turned him into one. Maybe his skills could help the lady.

Slowly a boyish grin turned on his face because the female asked if he would find his way. Of course he would. But he really didn't want to leave her alone. He found solitude not one of the most comforting things to experience. "Why don't you judge if I can find my way?," Burke spoke, offering her a place to walk with him. "If walking doesn't bring you too much discomfort." The large male looked at her with a glance that said; you better be honest about this. Then what he previously warned about would have been ignored. It would also give her some insight in what direction he was going. Burke didn't know if her pack supported her or not. 

RE: Bufferzone - Osprey - March 28, 2015

After Burke had told her to be careful in so many elaborate words, Osprey looked at him through narrowed eyes. She didn't like that people told her, what to do, especially, when she was in a vulnerable state like now, very much aware of, what was going on. It was an open wound, blood oozing from it slowly and he had made the mistake of poking it and making her flinch. What did he care, if she died? Death was a personal matter, after all, and if one decided to ride that road, then others should stay away and mind their own business. It was a good time she drew a line between them again. "I will take care of my skin - thank you," she told him eventually, finding the nicest way of saying "back off" and getting to her feet to stretch.

"Yeah, I would just hate to see you eaten by my packmates," she said with a toothy grin, as if the prospect of seeing this guy mauled a bit by a bunch of angry wolves was not entirely unattractive. He could use a good nip on the butt for being too self-confident around her. Not that she wished him harm, but she had to keep up the appearance and now she felt good (and a little insulted) enough to do that. Her gait was a little odd and strained because limping on all four is not that easy to do, but she ignored that, as well as the pain that was going like a current through her limbs and body. "Burke," she said after a while. "Don't do that again. I warned you before and I warn you now - don't cross the line."

RE: Bufferzone - Burke - March 28, 2015

Burke gave her a grin when she was talking about taking care of her own skin. Well she could say that well enough but Burke knew in what state she was in. Most girls would feel flattered by his worry but not Bullet. That is what he actually liked about her. While the female seemed grumpy and snappy Burke just looked amused with the fact that the other was feeling such different things. He just winked at her and started to walk in the right direction of his home, away from the pack's border. Burke hummed. "Oh no, that wouldn't be nice. I would make a terrible meal," Burke returned. "I didn't know you were part of a cannibalistic pack," he teased afterwards.

The male noticed well enough that her walk wasn't optimal. Once again he was warned. Burke swung his hips in return, trying to hit her behind and bring her a bit off balance. That was a bit mean but he wanted to get his point across. He showed her the same toothy grin she showed. "You don't even allow someone to take care of you. You won't die from it, you know? You have nothing to prove to me by acting so though. I already made up my mind about you," he returned with that same amused grin. It was a very well shaped image. It was the reason why he bothered with he in the first place.

RE: Bufferzone - Osprey - March 29, 2015

Burke had not estimated the level of Osprey's instability, because his sort of friendly shove against her hips, threw her not only off balance, but off her feet too. She fell heavily on her side, letting out a loud yelp and tears welled up in her eyes, because of the sudden rush of intolerable pain. For a moment it was hard to understand, which part of her body ached the most - the legs or the belly, or all mixed up together - then it passed and she was able to get back to her feet again. Breathing heavily, keeping her head low, she growled: "You really had to do that... Bloody hell..."

"You know what,"
she said beginning to retreat from Burke, "go to hell." With that she turned and left for the heart of the plateau, where she was sure he would not try to follow her. Any kind of prospect for a friendship was lost and forgotten now, because at this moment, when she was in so much pain, because of him, she didn't want to have anything to do with him.

ooc: another nice and interesting thread. Thanks for this one! I know that Burke is sick now too, therefore it will be a while, before these two run into each other again. However, I will be looking forward to it.

RE: Bufferzone - Burke - March 29, 2015

Awww nooooo I ruined it! Damnnnnnn. Yes true! Burke got bloat and Osprey her puppies. I loved this one too. Comes so natural with these two. Hopefully Burke didn't do too much damage. I will Archive this! 

Burke stopped and turned when he saw Bullet fall from he corner of his eyes and then heard the yelp. No expression seemed to pass his calm and stoic face. It was just a mask he always used. The yelp did make him feel exceptional bad. He never felt guilty after he did something. "Exactly my point I was trying to prove," he spoke on that calm tone once more. Every wolf reacted different by a shocking reaction. And Burke usually said the thinks that would make those wolves go away. He would cast them out when feelings got too heated.

"I will see you in hell then," he called out after her. Grumpy, the male stomped back to Black feather wood grounds. He definitely ruined everything now. Bullet was not for him to have a friend. He didn't even want to think of something more, since that would definitely be out of the question. Uch it felt like he was hit with a bullet. Damn it. Burke raised his hackles until he reached his own den. Not feeling like talking to anyone.