Wolf RPG
You found me now and you heard my call - Printable Version

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RE: You found me now and you heard my call - Luke - March 28, 2015

Luke nodded thoughtfully at Osprey's description of the fourth ghost, the very type of ghost that made it difficult for him to not disbelieve in them. There had been a time when Luke had felt a presence that he could not explain other than to call it something profoundly spiritual, something ghostly, and although Osprey was keen to know if he had shared such an experience he was not so keen to tell her. For this experience had come along after the one with the humans, and it still saddened him to remember it. But if there was one thing Luke was not, it was a liar, and so he replied softly, "yes."

The blue-nosed wolf did not wish to delve into detail, so he followed up rather quickly with another comment. "I know some folks are a bit unsettled by ghosts," he said, "but I don't think it's so bad to think that our loved ones might still walk among us from time to time, or that we might be more than earth after we die." Luke smiled.

RE: You found me now and you heard my call - Osprey - March 29, 2015

"There is a certain time in autumn, when the ghosts and spirits of the dead are free to roam the earth again," Osprey recalled a story she was told as a little kid. With the chill, frost covered grass and the first ice, fallen leaves and mist that was frequent guest in the evenings it was not that hard to imagine that there were the former dwellers of this world walking among the living. "They come to see, how those, who were left behind, are doing," and when it got to this, she wondered, whether MO or Aether had ever come to see her too. Up until now this thought had never crossed her mind. 

"Some packs even leave them a kill to feast on," Flightless falcons had not practiced that, but during her travels last summer she had spoken with quite a lot of wolves, who had done that, and believed that it was neccessary too. "Then, when the time is over, they return to the underground, where they live in peace."

RE: You found me now and you heard my call - Luke - March 29, 2015

Luke had never heard the story Osprey was sharing with him, in fact he not heard many stories at all except for the sorts he had shared with her: recounts, whether exaggerated or not, of the things that were done in times gone by. He listened with interest, picturing in his mind the beautiful colors of autumn and the ghosts and spirits wandering among it.

"Nothing scary about that," he chuckled, finding it difficult amid such a warm story to give any credit to the darker tales of ghosts, the ones that disturbed others. "I think it sounds wonderful. I would like to see it some day."

RE: You found me now and you heard my call - Osprey - March 30, 2015

"Very often, what matters the most, is, what we feel rather than what we see," Osprey felt encouraged to continue the subject, sensing that she had captured Luke's attention. She had a vast knowledge about many mythical things, but interest in ghosts and spirits had been more of a recent thing. It had begun with her mother passing away, when she had wondered, where would her soul end up with - with the stars or somewhere else. Then last summer she had met an extraordinary group of nomadic wolves, who had taught her a lot by sharing their stories and beliefs about people, life and, what happened next. The funny thing was, however, that the true question was not, whether there was life after death, but whether there was a life now.

"It might not be easy in the beginning - because you have to open your mind to let them in," she explained. Even for her with endless sources of imagination it was hard. "The another important thing is - that those, who dwell underground seek light and warmth. If you fear them, they won't come near you. The easiest way to welcome them to you, is to be sincere and patient. Have your heart and soul shine like a little star in the darkness," she left this for Luke to figure out himself. 

RE: You found me now and you heard my call - Luke - March 30, 2015

Going to bring this to a close now :)

Luke listened patiently to Osprey's wisdom about ghosts, having underestimated how passionate she was about the specters. Still, he found her imagination and willingness to share with him her stories rather charming, and he hardly noticed the passage of time or the amount of distance they were covering. Side by side the pair came upon the borders to the plateau, and Luke stopped before crossing them.

"Home sweet home," Luke smiled at her, his tail gently wagging. He had no doubt she could make it from here, and did not want to dampen her spirits by offering to accompany her further, so he made his farewell. He reached out and placed a lick upon her cheek, one of comfort and friendship. "It will all work out in the end," he said. "Perhaps we'll meet again and you can tell me about the other ghosts."

RE: You found me now and you heard my call - Osprey - March 31, 2015

When Osprey spoke about something that was dear to her, she lost the track of time and this was the case too. While explaining Luke all there was to know about the ghosts, she had forgotten her aching feet or the fact that distance to the plateau had seemed much longer than it had turned out to be. Even though she had enjoyed the other wolf's company and part of her didn't want to leave him just yet, she was glad to be home and looked forward to having a well-deserved nap at her spot.

"Thanks!" she cast a glance full of gratitude at him. She was not sure about the "things will work out" part, but then again, why couldn't she give a promise to him? He had been a nice guy through and through. "I hope that we do. If you ever happen to come by here - you can call for Osprey. If I am around and not on an adventure of my own, I will be glad to see you. Maybe I will be able to introduce you to the rest of the plateau's magical folk," she smiled and winked. He had reminded her that there was still fun in the world and that it depended on you, whether you let it in or not. With this on her mind, she bid her farewells and left for her sleeping area.

RE: You found me now and you heard my call - Luke - March 31, 2015

"I'll be sure to give you a howl," Luke returned her wink, and bid her a farewell with a wave of his tail, watching her for a few moments as she made her way. Then he turned a heel and was away on his own, taking a leisurely stroll back toward the flatlands. He would grab himself a drink, perhaps a quick snack, and then let his paws carry him where they pleased.