Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera The night is still young - Printable Version

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RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 08, 2015

taltos found his eyes drawn from the stars to peregrine's supinement in the grass; his gaze traced unbidden over the inviting muscularity of his former lover's body, before he swallowed past the sudden swelling of his throat and returned his stare to the heavens. "i do not know," he said gently. "perhaps -- perhaps this eve is special." suddenly exhausted by the tension that had befallen him, he followed suit, and lay on his back among the cool emerald grasses alongside peregrine.

for a long series of heartbeats, the earthen servant said nothing, thinking of what words would be fitting for the warm shadows that fell like silk roundabout them. but he could think of no such thing. a smile flitted about the edges of his mouth.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 09, 2015

When Lasher joined him, Peregrine turned his head sideways and smiled. He resisted the fleeting temptation to lick his companion's cheek again, instead realigning his swarthy muzzle so that it pointed somewhere in the vicinity of the Big Dipper. He took a deep breath of the cool April night air, simply enjoying the views in cozy quietude.

He closed his eyes, focusing on his senses of touch and smell for a moment. Lasher's scent was both familiar and comforting, as was the soft warmth that emanated from his figure beside Peregrine. The Alpha male felt deeply content... so much so that he unwittingly slipped into a drowsing state, his breaths becoming slow and deep.

RE: The night is still young - Lasher - May 11, 2015

fade? :)

peregrine relaxed alongside him, and lasher was pleased by this. for a long while he lay alongside the panther, turning from time to time to gaze lovingly at the strong sleeping body. while he would not abuse the redhawk wolf's autonomy with unwanted touches, he did move closer at length to inhale the scent of peregrine's form and close his own eyes for a short while.

RE: The night is still young - Peregrine Redhawk - May 12, 2015

This will be my final post. :) <3

A while later, Peregrine's eyes opened suddenly. He rolled his head sideways to find Lasher beside him, his own eyes closed. Exhaling quietly, the Alpha male rolled over to sling a black foreleg around the other wolf's shoulder. He then fell right back to sleep, holding onto his former flame. His dreams deepened quickly, so that when his visitor inevitably slipped away, he would not even stir.